Why do white "men" do this? He could have a nice white girl, marry her, and have his own kids. But he chooses a nigger whore instead. Is this the future of white people? Can we fix this?
Why do white "men" do this? He could have a nice white girl, marry her, and have his own kids...
Landon Allen
Hunter Russell
This is a small amount of white people.
Henry Gonzalez
Honestly I have seen a black dude actually raise a half black and half asian kid that wasn't his. OP can cherry pick as much as he wants until his faggot soul is content.
Carson Stewart
well if you say so
Carson Peterson
Why the homophobia?
Cameron Diaz
>why are men dating cum dumpsters
Because they're degenerates
>entire thread
Elijah Long
OP is a faggot trying to troll
Jack Reed
yep starting a white only Enthno State that's for sure
Nathaniel Ross
you're just cherrypicking to counter a cherrypick which isn't really a cherrypick, but the general trend of black fathers and coalburners
Levi Wilson
because homos are gay