Why do men feel like they should have a say in laws regarding women's problems?

Why do men feel like they should have a say in laws regarding women's problems?

Because shitlibs like you think of babies as a “problem.”

When half the people being aborted are men

Why do women feel like they should have a say is where and when men go to war and kill other men, or kill another man over things that don't concern them?

Because unless the cunt immaculately conceived its the “problem” of two people you braindead liberal whore.


mfw liberals think a fetus is part of a woman's body like her arm or leg or the turds in her rectum and therefore her property she can do with as she pleases.

because females of any age are overly emotional, unintelligent stupid fucking cunts. grown children that need to be riminded of their place.
also these

because law is created by the people regardless of their sex.

Sperm are living beings and eggs are a part of the womans body - Therefore aborted Children are OURS , women are "simply" carriers .

Anddddd everything women do affects us . Andddd women are too stupid (lower IQ) to do the right thing .

For one it takes two to tango.
Second of all it's usually women inviting men into this issue.
Ad now you have a bunch of old rich farts debating it. Women did this to themselves.

Because we’re part of the same society and nation. Things affect other things.

Babies are living humans, it is fundamentally wrong to kill one just because it inconveniences the mother.

Also takes a man and a woman to make one.

Because they were the ones who allowed you to have a say in things to begin with and established the very same fucking rule of law you have now.

It could be far worse than you realize OP and you know it. You could be under a system like Sharia Law that give women few to no rights at all.

Because the law makes men pay money

Remove laws about child support and i wont give a shit what she does

>Debate about whether or not life begins on conception
>Somehow the gender of the person who conceives gives them authority on the subject

brainlet alarm

So once artificial wombs are created does that mean that women will give up on their need for abortion? It is their body and their choice but if the child can be grown without the need to for their body then they shouldn't have any need for abortion anymore

why do women even get to have opinions?

>If he wants it but she doesn't scrape that bitch out and dumpster it
>if she wants it but he doesn't guess who's on the hook for 18 years
>why men am opinion about muh bortions
noggin = joggin. If im strapped for 18 years you can put up with 9 months cunt.

why do niggers feel like they should have a say in laws regarding White nations?

How can you write laws about kids if you're an adult? We should let the children decide if they want to get fucked by octogenarians in exchange for videogames.

How dare you make up laws about dogs, they should have their own representatives too.

Why do women think they should have a say in anything, all they're doing is running the planet into the ground doing the bidding of the jews


shitlibs are moral relativists though which means the same thing as rejecting the concept entirely as a non-descriptive loaded term.

honestly ask them about artificial wombs. It takes away their "Muh body muh choice" argument and you'll see that they still want the option to kill the child. They don't want to be in the same situation as men when it comes to parental rights

Murder isn't a gender-specific law.

Because women manage to ruin everything

Why do noguns faggots think they should have any say regarding gun rights?

Because it's my fucking kid your killing

The opinion of a human incubator means little if anything.

That is a good point, if women want absolute control over their child before birth then men shouldn't have to pay for them after birth

Abolish child support; it was her body her choice

Because women are subhuman and should not be allowed to make decisions.

who hurt you buddy, wanna talk about it?

Is this image supposed to be insulting? It's perfectly acceptable to do. You can't expect others to perfectly understand your internal logic, so you argue it from their perspective, even if it's something that you don't necessarily agree with.

who gives a fuck what women think they are literally only here to pop out babies

Because abortion is literally murder.

It makes a mockery of the attempts atheists make to denounce religion when in actuallity religion is their number one driving motivation

This man speaks the truth.

Because men know best and if women didn't have cunts you'd throw rocks at them

Women need to shut their mouths. Their opinions don't matter for a reason. Because when they do everything usually goes to hell when men listen to them.

because we pay the retardation that spills from your cunt

The problem is that the question of abortion is a moral one. At least in the eyes of the pro-life crowd at least, it doesn't matter whether one is male or female, abortion is nothing short of cold blooded murder of humans at their most vulnerable, and that anyone who allows or justifies it is morally bankrupt. The pro-abortion crowd's primary tactic is in dehumanizing the victim and playing it up that the convenience or well-being of a single woman is well worth the life of one developing life (or in the case of multiple pregnancies, several lives).

Whether you support or oppose it, the entire moral question of abortion hinges on that: is the fetus entitled to the right to live, the most base of all inalienable rights? If so, then abortion SHOULD be considered morally repugnant and opposed.