The #SkepticismPlus "Task Force"
>Kraut & Tea is running a secret discord server called The Task Force, with a crew consisting of various skeptic youtubers, a "science team," and fanboys acting as "detectives." Many of the skeptic youtubers within The Task Force will be speakers at the Kilroy "free speech conference," such as Youtubers Jeff Holiday and Wizard of Cause. The server even includes Kilroy organizer "Based Mama." They have also brought in a New York Times journalist.
>The stated goal of the server is to "debunk racists," but in reality, much of the server's activity involves cult-like plotting against Kraut's enemies and collecting information they use to smear and potentially dox those enemies. There is even a "hit list" of right-wing YTers and personalities, from people as small as Braving Ruin and Alternative Hypothesis all the way up to people as big as Black Pigeon Speaks, James Allsup, and Baked Alaska. Many of these people do not even discuss "race realism" as a regular subject, and so the motivation for Kraut's crew seems to be ideological, rather than academic.