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First for buying a figure for 15K-20K every month.
>Enjoy your leaning -the figure.
Oh, I will.
If the wings are heavy, that Albedo is way more balanced.
Because GSC is one of the sponsors.
Licensing other series must be hella expensive if they can take the plunge so carelessly with this.
She still makes me nervous. I hope they've got some kind of anti-lean measures in place.
I need her
That kind of figure has metal rods as skeleton or at least an abs core, nothing to worry about
I need this.
Just break out the styrene and roll your own, senpai.
What was with all the "racing" versions out there? Specially for Garupan.
Did anyone get bingo?
>you will never visit wonfes with Mizuna Rei
wwhy live
One user got a double bingo.
> a shitty pole
Couldn't they use her curvy and frilly dress to, you know, cover it somehow?
Can't those chinks think aesthetically? For fucks sake
I actually bought these in 2014...but due to circumstances they only got unboxed and set up a few weeks ago.
I can't imagine spending a day with her is more entertaining than watching her videos anyway.
>Amiami is gonna have the Lum nendo up for grabs
Double bingo and instant win.
More Galko.
She looks like a glazed ham to me.
Yeah she's a fucking prostitute that's taken thousands of dicks. Used goods. Disgusting. I'd rather go my waifu.
Kashima is love, Kashima is life
Dem thighs, dat fuck me face
The fact that she's taken thousands (probably more like hundreds, she doesn't prostitute and porn mostly uses the same actors) of dicks makes her more interesting than you though.
No need to get on your high horse.
Id rather go with your waifu too
>she doesn't prostitute
>what are fan events
Math deserves more. Maybe next time.
long overdue
These are fan creations, right? RIGHT?!
Yes, she only has one prize fig and garage kits.
anyone else having issues logging into amiami?
when I log into my account it says invalid username or password. if I do a password reset it still says the same thing, so I made a new account and I was able to log into it fine for about half a day, but now it says the same thing
Are they having login issues?
I want to give her an injection, if you know what I mean.
This one is the prize fig.
Can I expect good things from Aquamarine?
It's a good thing I banked on Tamamo.
Salt, Pepper, and uh...penis topper?
Decent enough
Fuck you Aniplex
>Gundam Guys Generation
Oh shit, Amuro, Kamille and Judau when?
New information: Fleur uniform Rize by FunnyKnights. Photography prohibited, so the news sites didn't report it. But various people on Twitter mentioned it.
Well, people will pay the price - you know it.
Is there a page with all the stuff shown off at WonFest?
Too bad the Gundam Girls Generation line is dead.
Actually I don't even know why I complain when I'm also buying this.
I guess I just wasn't expecting it to be 40+ cm tall
Aren't you supposed to put toothpicks in there?
Not like the Gundam audience cares about the girls anyway.
Fujoshits watch it for the guys and everyone else watches it for the robots.
Guess i'll buy those BDs
>Fraw Bow scale never
Feels bad.
You weren't here during Build Fighter
Did you ever buy a figure, whose original you haven't read/watched?
Because I'm tempted for the first time.
>Yeah she's a fucking prostitute that's taken thousands of dicks. Used goods. Disgusting. I'd rather go my waifu.
Kissless beta virgin.
Her head is disproportional compared to the rest of the body.
I think it's going to get fixed with her base.
Companies enforcing their "no photos allowed" signs? I don't buy it!
enjoy your spaghetti
Can't wait to buy memegirl.
Based amakuni
Having been to a fan event. Not even close. I wish it was more slutty. But it's just like any other fan events for idols. The talk is just dirty that's all.
>tfw pripara fag
>one underwhelming prototype shown
>nothing else
Wait this is from something?
GGG was the one that made up to 7k 1/10s of literally whos like Aida and Kamiki Mirai, not the Sayla. Deserved to go.
I don't know how the licensing actually works for figures but if they have to pay a certain percentage of their profit back to the original right holders it makes sense for them to market them this aggressively. Especially now that they have 3d printers and shit that can make the creation a bit less time and labour expensive in general.
Every sold Bang nendo would be a full profit sale and they should be able to easily gauge interest with the first and second without losing too much money. They already stuffed money into the franchise anyway so it would be dumb of them to just let it rot, especially when the first two were probably already worked on as soon as the character designs were set in stone.
Now if band Honkers doesn't sell well and the popularity of the thing stays low in general then drums, bass and Co. probably won't ever see the light of mass production anyway.
They finally painted her. Will it take another year to finalize the making process now?
Also how high yould you rate this wonfest.
I will give it a 8/10. Would have wanted a few more updates on some older figures.
3/10, had almost nothing I want or am even interested in.
>Kamiki Mirai
Well, she was kinda popular though. She got a shitload of doujins and figures at modellers events.
No it's probably just you. I was able to login and order something
Yeah, might as well wait for the GSC one.
Wonfes is over. No Hibike. No Misaka. I'm kinda disappointed tho. Gotta wait for Wonfes summer. But few figs got my attention. chinese dress misaka is released on august tho,but i don't really like it.
can someone provide me a name?
It happens sometimes, like with Flare's casual Tamamo where it took ages for a small, shaky picture of the display to surface.
I'm not sure if the actual figure was displayed. If it was just the announcement then it's not worth getting a picture and risk being kicked out. Also I've read all 6 WonFes threads and there was only one photo where photography prohibited sign was visible.
Huh neat, I'm too used too native using original designs I guess.
Maybe if Idol Time does well.
I would have loved a Falulu or Sophie scale, alas.
Her head doesn't fit with the rest of the body.
At least you got something.
I'm still waiting on a proper Aikatsu figure.
My head will fit the rest of her body
Kill me
It's "WonFes", user.
I dont have a number rating, but it was better than the previous WonFes for me.
Do those count as bedroom eyes? I feel like they should. I also like this one more the more I look at it. Huh.
Kagarino Kirie - Bishoujo Mangekyou
Im not sorry that I triggered your autism.
Kashima is a dreamy girl
I started watching something because I thought a figure from it looked nice, does that count?
Got my wish for Jeanne but not much for Mash.
The only major change is the faceplate
But we are the Sexual Kouhai which is nice
As someone that gave into F/GO this Wonfes was amazing for me