Sup Forums and Reddit

From my observations and background knowledge, it is clear to me that Sup Forums (and possibly just Sup Forums as a whole) is the sworn enemy of Reddit.

This ignites a big question I have on my mind:
If Sup Forums doesn't like Reddit, then what is Sup Forums's opinion on r/The_Donald?


They are Sup Forums's retarded little brother

Fuck you Reddit, we don't care about you all.


Fuck your D&C threads. The same JIDF faggots here are on T_D. You can't even contain the Jew speak anymore. It's too late. You're done.

pol doesn't even like pol

What's that? Sorry, I can't hear you from the other side of this wall.

Jews can't even false flag shill properly anymore.

You don't name the jew. You are also Civic nationalistic cucks and are the reason why American is becoming more and more brown every generation.