How to fix this character?

How to fix this character?


2 years


Never falls in love with Kirito.
There, now she's a lot more interesting and doesn't become useless.

Make her a dyke

An actual personality
kirito-kuuuuunnnn is not a personality


More lewd?

Don't make her a healslut.

make a hentai

Make her the protagonist
Make Kirito never open up
Eventually make her the sub-boss who blocks the way to Heathcliff
Have her discover the truth of the world and her commander
Give her inner conflict about whether she could justify killing her Commander to free everyone



Death is the only solution to anything fron that trainwreck of a show

remove the 'tsun'

She was good on the first 2 episodes of the show.
She went from cool to "Kirito kuuuuuuuuuuuuuun" quick.



*sjw mode*

Make her a much more powerful woman, she starts off strong but just ends up being Kiritos bitch by the end of the series. She's supposed to be some badass but ends up just being a gay damsel in distress.

They already did.

Read Progressive.

Give her the big tiddy

Anyone who thinks SAO is a trainwreck is a newfag underage piece of shit repeating memes they heard on lebbit.

It was a mediocre, unremarkable show that had good points and bad points. If you had a strong reaction to it, YOU are the cancer. YOU.

Needs more semen.