What is the appeal of this genre? How could travelling to another world and starting life a new is so appealing to the average Japanese Joe?
What would one even begin to consider the "canon" of this genre?
What is the appeal of this genre? How could travelling to another world and starting life a new is so appealing to the average Japanese Joe?
What would one even begin to consider the "canon" of this genre?
Oh, this also has a manga adaptation?
>What is the appeal of porn
I don't understand the question
first chapter 2 weeks ago
Nips are basically slaves to work, their lives revolve around work, and they never have time for anything that isn't work
Now ask yourself again why is travelling to a world with no obligations and a hot bitch that wants to fuck and is also Queen appealing to them
Do you mean to say that the Japanese males are collapsing under the pressure of work and lack of families?
This should be common knowledge
If they happen to get a wife their wife will be the one holding the purse and giving him weekly allowance. It's that bad.
This doesn't look safe for work therefore I'm going to do my deed.
I think it's kind of the same appeal of the harem genre. That is to say, it's an easy form of wish fulfillment. Harem is basically assuring their audience that no matter how bland they are they can still be the center of attention for 3-6 random candy-haired anime girls. Likewise, these isekai stories assure the reader that no matter how bland and fucking boring they are, when their pathetic life ends they can be born into another world where they're the smartest, most powerful and sexiest guy around.
Really at this point the isekai model is so well trodden an author can mix it up just by doing something like NOT adding in the harem genre as well.
So this will be the beginning of the end of Harem and the beginning of "good story" arcs? One sure can hope.
Have you heard of the concept of ghosting? Where you just throw out everything that can be linked to you and start from zero due to any number of reasons in your current lifestyle? Apparently it's a trend in Japan, and even has businesses devoted to just that.
You don't want to travel to a new world and go on an adventure? You must have something wrong with you.
>Nips are the only slaves to work
Fuck off normie. Working at the bottom of the barrel is shit for everyone.
That picture looks comfy. Seen a lot of them around, are they from something in particular?
Because of capitalism. It's easier to imagine a new world from scratch than imagine fixing everything that could be improved with this one.
>people take the word of mouth from tourists in Japan
>Repeat the gossip so much with such certainty
>pass it off as fact even though you are essentially generalising an entire country using info you read on Sup Forums
Its Honestly fucking reddit in here
They're a thing /tg/ does
Holy shit so this also got a manga. Isekai Banzai!
>I think it's kind of the same appeal of the harem genre
For all intents and purposes it basically is the harem genre with a few extra toppings.
What? Wouldn't it be more accurate to say that the ever increasing bureaucracy of the first world is diminishing personal power, and so being whisked off to a fantasy world where you have a huge amount of personal power is an appealing fantasy?
Why don't they just move to a country where work is just a part of life instead of the only thing in life like yurop or murica?
>and so being whisked off to a fantasy world where you have a huge amount of personal power is an appealing fantasy
Wow, I sure love being a lowly peasant in a medieval feudalistic society along with all the personal power it grants me!
That's the funny thing, they can't. They're completely brought up as xenophobic shits who can't speak English or much any other language to save their lives.
You forgot the cause behind that, the nips are a race that love to kill and rape, after ww2 they were forbidden to do that.
Just look at the suicide rate and unhappiness.
Dude, what do you think /tg/ is for? The premise to leave your old life or even this boring reality behind to life in a fantasy world full of awesome shit is as hold as humanity.
I bet with you that there were greek neets that dreamed of going on adventures like Odyseuss.
It's no wonder escapist shit is so popular in groious nippon their lives sound like a shitshow
>I bet with you that there were greek neets that dreamed of going on adventures like Odyseuss.
That's actually hilarious. Imagine being Greek in the age of Rome and look back at your glorious past; unable to experience yet keep being reminded of its existence. Must have been torture for Greeks.
If that's the setting and there isn't any kind of magic, then just the 'modern knowledge' of character normally becomes a power. That kind of setting backs up my theory even more, as it's, 'I have this power now in what I know, but the world I live in devalues it because everyone else has the same thing. Wouldn't it be great if I could live someplace where I could exercise it to my advantage?'
>are the only
This was never said retard
Where are you getting this bullshit? They are taught English in school. And they aren't xenophobic, they are just patriotic.
Sometimes I still feel blessed for being taught English. Knowing Japanese is cool but English opened a whole new world for me.
>Now ask yourself again why is travelling to a world with no obligations and a hot bitch that wants to fuck and is also Queen appealing to them?
>All them replies can't answer this question
Picked up
Thanks OP
Which is the better version?
I think the version I posted is a lot easier/better to read.
I like the first one
Also why doesn't she have a face
the top one reads better, with the exemption of the last box in the bottom panel
the one in the op sounds like it should be in your pic and the one in your pic sounds like it should be in the op.
Who is this character? another queen?
>Why is escaping a common theme in escapist literature?
>Why does manga combine a familiar element with an exotic element?
Hmm yeah but the other one has cleaner pages
But that defeats the whole purpose of these stories. As said, an isekai story where either nothing changes about your old life or you were far better off at home isn't appealing to the readers. You want the character to make something of themselves in the new land, not want them to kill themselves again and end the pain.
Are you brain dead?
You're asking us to explain why something is good when it is obvious and not required for us to explain.
We want to fuck hot girl
We don't want to work
We want to drop our shit lives behind
Is that simple enough for you numb nuts?
>They are taught English in school
bad first grade english, sure.
>they aren't xenophobic, they are just patriotic
potato, potato
They only have to get out of their japanese-only bubble in the internet and they would learn that shit naturally extremely fast. But nooo, dirty gajins are scary.
I'm convinced the japanese government doesn't actually want the populace to learn english competently, there's just too much at stake if you give them that kind of mobility.
Most japanese can't speak it for shit.
why are you telling me this? Go to 2ch and tell them.
oh damn this got a manga adaptation? damn good shit
Literally the stupidest shit I've read all month
As someone who uses 2chan to learn japanese, lolno that shit takes a lot of time.
wow that's really a huge difference, might have to change going forward
First, retard, I'm not the same first guy.
Second, this
>Now ask yourself again why is travelling to a world with no obligations and a hot bitch that wants to fuck and is also Queen appealing to them
implies that THAT what makes it appealing to nips.
He's answering to OP, by giving explanation as to why it is appealing. Which was because this
>Now ask yourself again why is travelling to a world with no obligations and a hot bitch that wants to fuck and is also Queen appealing to them
which if you actually had a brain, means wish fulfillment. A material for self inserting, to escape from reality, to indulge in the fantasy.
Third, all them reply are denying that. Hence they ignore the
>Now ask yourself again why is travelling to a world with no obligations and a hot bitch that wants to fuck and is also Queen appealing to them
They tried to defend and convince themselves that it WAS uninorically A GOOD STORY SETTINGS.
Fourth, You're the brain dead one retard. If you can't follow the reply chain then don't fucking reply, faggot.
>2chan to learn japanese
Thats almost like coming to Sup Forums to learn English.
Jesus christ how horrifying.
>What is the appeal of this genre?
What isn't? This world is pretty shitty and actively tries to kill adventure and discovery.
>How could travelling to another world and starting life a new is so appealing to the average Japanese Joe?
If anyone thinks this is limited to just Japanese people they are retarded.
Are western movies to Japan dubbed into Japanese or subtitled? If they are dubbed that just goes to show how the nips haven't accepted the anglo-sphere as their rightful master.
>why do you want me to marry you?
>because you're related to me
Sasuga royalty.
>tfw I browse Sup Forums to practice my english writing
>>they aren't xenophobic, they are just patriotic
>potato, potato
antifa scum kys
You know Japanese then right? I mean since it's so easy and all.
Lets just talk about the adaption. She is so skinny in the manga
I'll give this story points for having a dark-skinned red haired waifu for once and not yet another blonde elf/female knight type character.
Look I'm not saying it's ideal, I'm just saying that if I want to learn right and proper japanese I can go to any thousands of advice websites and read scientific journals for that shit. If I want to learn "REAL" japanese as in what people actually talk about, then it's gotta be 2ch or 2chan.
By the way if you consider 2ch to be representative of japanese people as a whole then yes they are racist (not just patriotic) as fuck and no they don't like you for being white. They hate anything non-japanese and they hate getting cucked by foreigners. I'm convinced a sizable number of them would like to go back to the 鎖国 and deport all foreigners today if it were possible.
Good thing the thing you quoted wasn't actually said huh?
Get the fuck out /r9k/
at some point they also have kids so more points by me
Where did you find this version? I've been looking in every manga site I know but only find the one that OP posted.
>If I want to learn "REAL" japanese as in what people actually talk about, then it's gotta be 2ch or 2chan
Or you could read Twitter and blogs where people actually talk somewhat normally.
I mean if you tried learning "REAL English" from Sup Forums you'd be going around calling people cucks every other minute and your exclamations would consist of things like WEW LAD and TOP FUCKING KEK.
fuck I forgot the name of this, I was reading the lns and everything, mind throwing a name so I can search for it in batata?
> high heels in medieval setting
>negotiate using facial expressions
Holy shit, this manga is about teaching Japanese shut-ins that they should look people into their eyes when they talk with each another.
are you perhaps trying to make another shakespeare in lolspeak?
Look closer, Mr. Perceptive.
Personally I prefer the
>Welcome, n00b, here's a spare broomstick. Now go bash slimes until you're ready to take on the Dragonlord. Because all of us are too sma- I mean cowardly to do the job ourselves.
kind of isekai. Not only does it have much better story potential, but you get the "Oh shit, my cellphone battery ran out and the only music here is provided by lute-plucking spoony bards" fish-out-of-water comedic potential.
M8 space time magic exists in this setting and you're sperging out about heels?
thanks pal
Of course. Magic is magic and they don't gotta explain shit.
High heels are shoemaking and that demands rational explanation.
So I'm guessing she gets him because she wants a puppet but he eventually shows her japanese hard work and ends up taking control?
What if they time-space magic-abducted shoemakers to teach them to make high heels?
Or perhaps they use time-space magic to abduct women wearing high heels.
If the royal family can open portals to our world how have they not stolen a bunch of modern technology already?
Just send an expedition team and have them start families on the other side that get college education in a bunch of different fields and then bring back their descendants decades later.
how is she described in the novel? thicc?
>open portals
where the fuck they opened a portal?
Maybe another reason this "wish fulfillment right off the bat" stuff has become so popular:
1. The overwhelming majority of new Jump series are cancelled within a few weeks. I assume this is the case with most major publications, correct me if I'm wrong.
2. Most new anime are 1-cour, and just by the numbers, the chance of any particular series getting another season is very slim.
So you have to skip to Act 5 right away if you want to grab people's attention, or you'll be dumped before you even get out of Act 1.
Fuck hawt rich bitches. Live the perfect live in luxury. Have status just for being some trophy husband.
Sure, why not.
but claps already work much more than europeans
well yes, and the same would be true if you considered Sup Forums to be representative of american people as a whole
You're fucking a brown queen a cucking her entire race. What's there not to like?
i love isekai, didn't you watch re;zero? i wish i could go to another worldo too...
>They fucked
Fucking dropped, I'm not touching this impure garbage
Do you think if a portal opened up to another universe filled with orcs and other horrible races, would the liberals still advocate for open borders?
The question is, what if MC were already married? I take it that's too much escapism for the typical otaku wageslave.
The moment when you know that someone has absolutely no idea about what he is talking about.
Probably something to do with the Japanese concept of duty. They probably believe it's their duty as Japanese people to be a good worker ant like their friends and family
Sure. The orcs would be easily assimilated and become a cultural and ethnic minority, just like all those poor invaders besieging Ankh-Morpork and being welcomed as conquerors and new masters.