If there was another 9/11 tier terror attack in the US, what would the reaction be like from liberals?
If there was another 9/11 tier terror attack in the US, what would the reaction be like from liberals?
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Ramp up anti-islamophobia even more
they would probably fall for yellow fever threads, like faggots. ignoring a time honored traditiion of, tits or gtfo. because they are faggots.
>3 muslims were killed in the attack
>muslim americans are bracing for backlash
>It's our fault for being white and christian
>Eid Mubarak
Not all muslims.
Iraq War
Lack of jobs
Or my favorite (((Climate Change)))
Hopefully that one motorboards me between her breasts
>New York City may be completely without power, but did you know that 70% of US CITIZENS in Puerto Rico still don't have electricity???
At this point prolly no reaction at all.