Sad he didn't die after all.
lol asuka dies
pretty underrated show imho
>cute chicks
>balance between perveriness and gore
>tsundere sidekick
>MC embarrasses himself fairly often
>MC is a perverted middle school kid
>all these retarded plot twists within one episode
the fuck
This episode ws packed with action and fanservice to the max.
What is this brown thing near her pantsu?
The ass fangs?
His hand?
Fucking triggered my trypophobia wtf I thought this was a kid's show.
The really Sad thing is that nobody is watching this even though it is pretty entertaining.
Oyster fag detected. Leave. Now.
You haven't seen anything. The show will go full grimdark in the next arc.
>only watching DB Super and this show every week.
Not sure if I'm getting old, or if I have bad taste. Oh well, I love these shows.
Don't have enough patience for these other SoL shows these days.
This shit was pretty crazy, Caught me by surprise.
Should I read the mango?
His pants are dangerously /fa/
Is the faggot gonna man up finally?
I thought this was just a kid's show.
What the fuck.
What made you think that
>totally not SIBYL
The typical faggoty main character, the cute as fuck design of his sidekick, Chips literally being some cute little fucker on wheels straight out of some McDonalds kid's meal thing.
Is this show any good or will the only enjoyment I'll get out of it is fapping to this girl?
It's questionable.
Is the whole manga fully colored?
What a semen demon
I'm surprisingly looking forward to each episode
why is this show so mediocre yet so satisfying.
If I fucking hear yoyosa one more time
Thank god he isn't a faggot like Tsuna.
fucking /fa/
I just said fuck and watched this ep to save pics of her and jerk off.
Having a nice fap session right now, probably a better use of time than watching this
I unironically enjoy watching this and look forward to watching each episode as soon as they come out.