Rewatching Lucky Star. It really is a product of its time, most of the jokes are really dated.
Lucky Star
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Moe isn't made to be enjoyed outside of the season it airs.
I still very much enjoy shit like K-On or Azumanga Daioh. Lucky Star relied too much on referential humor which isn't a bad thing but really lowers its value after 10 years.
Also, I remember Kagami's voice being more tsundere-ish, her voice is too soft by today's standards of how a tsundere should sound like.
I regularly rewatch Lucky Star and I dropped K-On on episode 6
Me too pretty much, think I watched a coupe more episodes of k-on.
True moe is timeless. The problem is when moe chases fads and becomes dated.
I dropped on whatever episode was Yui cramming for a test.
I watched it a single time, in 2008. From what I remember there was lot of referential humor but mostly things like Dragon Ball, Street Fighter, Haruhi, Initial D etc. It's not like it was making jokes based on the flavor of the season haremshit or some obscure VN.
I tried reading a bit of the manga scanlations recently, and quickly dropped it mainly because I think translated 4-koma is fucking shit. But it also made a very different impression on me than the anime in its time.
I think it's because I was new to anime in 2008 and Lucky Star wad like a sort of "guide" to the otaku culture. I was laughing at that weird blue-haired nerd and I felt happy whenever I was able to get a reference.
Now I realize that I've become the same kind of person Konata is, that most of the reference are very mainstream and many of the jokes are unoriginal.
In short, I think Lucky Star is a good watch when you're just starting anime and want a taste of what a 4-koma adaptation with cute girls is like. But later you realize it's nothing special and like it mostly out of nostalgia.
I still need to rewatch it though, maybe it has some great qualities in the directing that I don't remember.
Kagami a best.
All I remember about Lucky Star is thatI watched the whole thing, loved it, knew that namefag shin used to post on Sup Forums a lot, loved Kagami, and I drew her for him back in 2011, and he really appreciated it.
God I'm old. Hope he still has it.
Konata is very mean to Kagami sometimes.
You have shit taste.
t. watched it 10 times
I rewatched it during new years, liked it way more than my first time. Even episode 1 was enjoyable.
But which side of the chocolate cornet is the head?
More like the "jokes" were stale fom day one and they are not magically fixing themelves over time.
The pointy one.
Disagree. Moe is fine to watch outside of the season it airs because there's nothing to really talk about anyway. Watching a drama heavy show with lots of action and twists out of season is what sucks. Only bonus is that you can marathon the show.
Would be pretty bad business strategy since why would anyone buy bds then?
Honestly I don't understand how anyone could think of eating it tail-first. Unless there is barely any filling, you take the risk of spilling it. Then when you reach the end of the cornet you're left with only a ring of bread and it becomes hard to hold it without putting chocolate on your fingers, unless you're using both of your hands like an autistic anime girl.
It's almost as weird as eating an ice-cream cone from the pointy end.
Lucky Star is a miracle of the universe. Definitely one of my top 5 moe anime along with K-On!. Downloaded all their character image albums and karaoke ending songs.
Tsukasa made a very deep impression of a how a cute, ditzy girl sounded like. Her VA was glorious, as well as Yutaka's. Both are very cute along with all the casts.
I don't agree.
Lucky Star was the first anime I ever saw. I enjoyed it very much. When I watched it again last year, I realized that the show was crammed with otaku references I was oblivious to during my initial watch, but I thought it still held up.
I think there is a lot to enjoy regardless of whether you get the references or not.
Plus, Lucky Channel is a masterpiece.
Making webms as I rewatch. When will gookmoot allow sound webms?
Do people really watch anime the same way they'd watch a late-night comedy show, expecting all the humor to be about current events?
One thing that keeps me awake at night was this scene. She just threw a fucking ashtray at Shirashi. Like I don't know it kinda seemed inappropriate. But still I bet Akira is a tsundere that is very deeply in love with Shiraishi despite showing lots of her tsun side on screen.
Maybe because she kinda looks too young to smoke?
Isn't she really an adult that justs acts like a cute little idol? That's why she gets out of character whenever Shirashi gets the spotlight. And damn Shiraishi took a lot of abuse from her during the whole anime. Their duo seemed like a bad Hitagi-Araragi relationship.
Yeah, I know, but it still creates a visual incongruity. That's why I said she "looks" too young to smoke.
Just recently watched this show and absolutely loved every bit of it. I don't really get why Sup Forums never seems to talk about this more often. Is it that it didn't age well or there a few moefags on Sup Forums lately?
Moe works at any time. What doesn't work forever are industry jokes and references. LS was a very 2007 series. If you tried to watch a politics comedy sketch from that era, it'd feel dated too.
Eh, I dunno, some political jokes never really die either.