What guys do you think would be best to listen to regarding politics?

For me I enjoy listening to people like Sargon of Akkad and Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro and some of the stuff The Rubin Report does, but what are some better guys that can give me good talking points to talk down people like feminists and socialists? Also would be great to talk down democrats in general.

Other urls found in this thread:


hitler speeches on loop. I dont understand german though.

Semiogogue's Chainsmoke series


I just turn on NPR on my daily commute, it's great for a laugh. you can work out easy talking points on your own, they'll hand you all the material you need

John batchelor
He covers international politics as it relates to america, and has educated guests, and puts out 4 hours of content every weekday, as well as doing historical book interviews.
Also, he called Pennsylvania for trump three months before the election, and follows the russia hoax very closely.
But perhaps best of all, he's polite.

>Sargon of Akkad and Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro
Why are you here?

>Le new fag alt-light ((((based))) maga-pedes!
Oh ((((You)))))))

I suggest you take this user's advice

Nick Fuentes, Jim Goad, Myth20c

watch every Murdoch Murdoch