
Its coming to America boys, April 7.

Other urls found in this thread:

Holy fuck. What size are her boobs?

All 3 parts?


Around C
The anime isnt canon.

>Around C
They're a lot bigger than that in the novels. Her and Hanekawa are suppose to be really, really big.

>Around C

Kanbaru is C. Bat is at least H.


is rh subs good?


About fucking time.

>Watching Monogatari Season 2
>Mayoi Jiangshi arc
>Adult Mayoi appears not best girl, but certainly a contender
>Araragi doesn't immediately greet her with sexual harassment


also who were the people who showed up in the middle of Tsubasa Tiger? Mr. Episode and the others.

>Nisoisin's monogatari editor personally chose the English translator and looks over translations (she speaks English). Very close collab.

vertical licensing more nisio stuff, so they must be doing ok

Gaen is the boss/senpai of Mememan, Kaiki, Tadatsuru and Kagenui
Episode is one of the 3 vampire hunters from Kizu


Medaka Box fucking when

>Tickets aren't up at the theater I saw pt1/2 at
Uh oh.

Tickets aren't even up for the US yet. Just says "coming soon".

>no season of the specialists together during their college years
There's nothing I want more.

His fingers are too close to her breasts

Aw they look like a mother and son

One of the least appealing female bodies imaginable.
Spagettified legs and rigid balloons glued to the chest, eww.

That's Shueisha's department. Either Viz takes it up or nothing.

>Kizu 3 coming to America in April 7

What would a English dub shibe sound like?

what do you think is the better option
>read the ln, watch movies later
>watch movies now, read ln later

i started reading the ln a bit and watched the start of the first movie to test the waters but still can decide

>i dont want to be let dow by movies for what they left out from anime & i also dont want to have my imagination spoiled by watching the movies and then reading ln

what would be the lesser of 2 evils ?

i phrased that like retard
*can't decide

*let down, left out from ln

I am in the same boat. I started reading kizu when the official translation came out but I decided to wait to see the movies first. I loved the second movie going into it blind. I'll read the LN once I watch the final movie.

Read the LN first. The monologues that were cut are really important to understanding why stuff is happening and especially connecting it to the rest of the series. Then the movie to see your favorite scenes animated.

Read the LN first. I always find that reading the source material first enhances my enjoyment of an adaptation and I think that's certainly true here.

where can i find somewhere that hosts kizu 2 in there own video player, my site never updated after the 1st part aired


download it you dirt eating peasant

But I don't live in America. I did see in Tokyo, though.

Ty for spoon feeding a lazy parasite like me~

you two should be ashamed of yourselves


>Being this gay

i got a lot of stuff from Sup Forums so i am just repaying it back

You have to go back

doing gods work

B for Bat

dont be salty, have some bat

That shirt is confusing. It's like a T-Shirt Apron.

I want Owari 3 with Dereshot and super dere Hitagi.

what is shinobus best version, provide some explanation

>not just loli || opai

>was reading owari 3 like 2 months ago but got distracted by other things and haven't read since, forgetting almost the whole thing
>mfw this post instantly made me recall every detail of what I've read so far

Best Shinobu = |Shinobu|

What did he mean by "the absolute value of Shinobu"?

when you have a minus shinobu it still is a plus shinobu ?

Actually, with absolute value, both plus and minus go away, so it becomes (unsigned) Shinobu, or maybe (magnitude of) Shinobu if you wanna go with vector thinking.

>the magnitude of a real number without regard to its sign.

∴ all shinobus are best shinobus

Ah, that makes sense.

kek says so too, i was thinking numarically

How did you get this symbol on here? For that matter, is there a list of such symbols and the codes to use for them on Sup Forums?

are we doing the newfags cant triforce thing, this thread was going so well

Their second date will be very sad to watch after Musubi and break ups. Fucking Nisio plays with my feelings. They love each other so much in Owari 3 but their love gone in Musubi.

I was actually trying to find some latin phrase, but just googled "therefore short form" and that came up.

Eh, just tired and cannot brain is all.

If you're wondering what subs to use just read the novel and watch it without subs.

Just listen to the English audio-book.

Just use the v2 subs that an user made for us.

The opposite happened with me while getting into Haruhi. I read the first book and absolutely loved it but I found the anime to be quite boring. That's the one exception for me though, almost every other time I've enjoyed the adaptation even more after reading the source material.

>tfw Kizumonogatari won't be coming to your area and you have to drive to another state that's showing it in a theater in the shittiest area with a ridiculously high crime rate

the Girls Und Panzer movie came to my hellhole area, so my hopes are at decent height

better than having to wait for an internet version, even though you are in first world europe, where we only get western garbage movies

>Love Live made 2.8 billion
>Girls und Panzer made 2.5 billion
>A Silent Voice made 2.3 billion
>In This Corner of the World made 2.2 billion
>Madoka made 2 billion
>SAO will make 2 billion
>Kizu couldn't even make a billion
What went wrong?

It made a billion already.

Do you think Owari s2 will have a similar god-tier OST as Owari s1 did?

Yeah boiiiiiiiiii

Your poor parents...


It's gotta get tiring playing "the floor is lava" all day.

I'm enjoying the part where she could totally make new clothes for herself if she wanted.

Other girls are great but Kissshot is just something else.

>but their love gone in Musubi.
Their love isn't gone; it's just that real life got in the way.

They found a way to make it work. Hopefully it'll stick this time.

I hope Nisio won't destroy such a wonderful thing he created himself.
I know that Sup Forums hates Hitagi but their love story is really beautiful.

>Hopefully it'll stick this time.

delete this

memesubs cartel killed fansub

The second movie was great. The first movie was really boring and really felt like they made that movie waaay longer than it should be, what a turnaround.

Crab is a cunt reeking with Kaiki's sperm, user. Get some taste.


>he doesn't trade in the ability to touch the ground for massive power.

It's almost like you want humanity to die out or something.

Was Bat always this stacked?

Millennials dilemma

dude wait for Owarimonogatari.

Chances for this in Canada?

Vampirism keeps her body in optimal condition.



Never been to a theater to watch something like this when it's currently in theaters as well in Japan, I can only assume then there are no subs?

Nah there are subs.

plot twist: those were made by her

>we know for sure araragi and her had sex
araragi knows if he was her first time or not

why are big boobs optimal condition?

I think he was.

Araragi prefers to sexually harass lolis.

Read the LN, seriously, it's worth having your 'imagination spoiled' in order to fully understand whats going on. The cut monologues are pretty integral to what each character is doing and why, it makes them a lot more fleshed out than the movies' do.

Generally, it's just a lot easier and more fufilling to be more educated about the character motivations while watching the movies, because the movies themselves are very light in that sense.

>still no part 2 for canada

The boobs weren't part of it, at least, I don't think they were.

Before she was a vamp + before she was cursed, she was still basically worshiped as the most beautiful woman in the land.

Considering that, according to Araragi, her chest is either just as big or a little bigger than Hanekawa's, I don't think it's that outlandish to assume she had it naturally.