Based on the following evidence, I believe that Madohomu is canon.
Based on the following evidence, I believe that Madohomu is canon
Well mindbreaking the target of your raging lesbian fueled obsessions is preety canon
>Madoka Shipping
You're dealing with forces you don't understand.
>yuri undertones
>all those sections on crack ships
>paragraphs of "evidence" for said ships
It's not reciprocated.
The Madoka is wiki is run by tumblr. There's sections dedicated to how Homura is actually a rapist. You really can't expect much from it.
>There's sections dedicated to how Homura is actually a rapist.
Because she is.
Sucks ass, that we're stuck with that shit of a Wiki.
That's not a terrible interpretation.
I'm Homura, ask me anything.
I still like to believe that Homura never really figured out that she was a lesbian and was secretly telling herself the whole way through the series that she was just doing this because Madoka was such a good friend and this was definitely something normal that friends do.
If you even so much as suggested there was a sexual aspect to her attachment to Madoka she'd probably go on an autistic tirade about how her feelings are PURE and NORMAL and it's totally okay because Madoka is just really soft and smells nice and anybody would feel the same way if only they knew.
Almost everyone hates the wiki.
How many timelines did you go through?
Might as well dump Wraith Arc 9 here.
Is there anything to suggest it's more than 4(?) outside of that one interview?
I've heard that people have mixed feelings about this. Any idea why?
Her emotional state change and Madokas god wish relying on huge amount of suffering/time spent.
That faggot Urobuchi says 100 but I only personally remember 5.
Most common complaints is that is wasted potential, that it focuses too much in Homura, some plotholes and it tries too hard to fit into the chronology of the series towards Rebellion.
Though I don't have any complains about more Homura material, I think it could've been better.
You were only shown five.
Bless me, my Goddess
>Some plotholes
Elaborate please. I just mainly find it a bit convoluted with Homura using magic to erase her own memories.
No shit.
Homu is obviously fucking gay for madoka, anyone who isn't blind can tell that
The only one I remember at the moment is QB remembering the events of Wraith Arc. As to Homura erasing her memories, why she had that new magic and her bow and how does this ties to Rebellion, all of this is more or less answered in this chapter.
I think what homu feels to madoka goes beyond the normal definitions of love. Madoka was her purpose for everything, and after all she indued it warped her feelings for madoka into maybe what can be called obsession which his goes beyond normal yuri pandering. its just the purest and at the same time the most twisted form of a faceless love.
If im not mistaken, homura repeated the same month so many times that she would be about 20 had she never time traveled.
I fucked up that. Sorry.
Unrelated but my 4chanX script is fucked up. What does everyone uses nowdays? I find the native functions severely lacking.
Something like 27 actually.
>normal yuri pandering
What does that even mean?
Homura is shit.
Why does Sayaka always die first? And Mami always dies last except for the anime timeline.
Obviously because she's the worst girl.
>my feelings for fatdoka
>my feelings for fatdoka
>my feelings for fatdoka
You shut your whore mouth! Madoka is a good girl.
Does this mango confirm the homulust ain't that one sided?
Depends on how do you interpret this
>This is the state of the Madoka fanbase
And that's it.