Maybe King Crimson just skipped the Part 5 announcement. That's the only explanation, right?
Other urls found in this thread:
that tfw when you have the best taste on this board
the stands in part 6 are hella weird
I just hope the anime's art doesn't make him look shoddy. maybe they'll do shaded lips.
Dude, I don't know why you faggots all like Josuke so much
its like hipster Joseph
>That that feel when
Oi, you youtube memer fuckers. I know you browse this general, that image was made just a few hours ago.
>there are people converting the memes here into views and cash
Gappy will fucking destroy Joubin when he finds out about Yasuho.
>favorite girl
figures the fujotrash are the ones making shit 4/7 opinions
The following groups should kill themselves:
>The JoJo Discord
>Reddit again
Why the fuck are these so many Jojo-only Youtube meme channels? Who consumes this garbage?
the jojo discord
reddit again
>claims to have best taste
>posts half ass garbage
Why did Kira go through the effort of using stray cat's air bubbles when he could just pick up literally any object and throw them as exploding projectiles?
He could go full Gambit mode from xmen, or throw an entire handful of rocks at you with one of them as a bomb, or train an attack dog that chases down and then explodes enemies.
I can't be a fujo if I'm gay, retard.
thats the joke thanks
>One of the suggested videos is one of his and its an anime OP about Trash Dove
Joseph and Josuke are my top 2 JoJos, but Josuke's interactions with his crew are almost always refreshing, warming me up to him more than Joseph.
I'm subscribed to one jojo channel that analizes different aspects of the manga instead of making epin meme videos
dude gets stuff wrong sometimes but at least there's information being discussed
The air bubbles were hard for Josuke and Hayato to see, they could move through barriers Josuke could make, and they could move in any direction.
Then you're just that easily identifiable obnoxious faggot in every other thread. Christ your annoying
>or throw an entire handful of rocks at you with one of them as a bomb
actually genius for before he got the bubbles
I just wish Josuke was more consistent throughout his part, but that's only an issue because the huge art overhaul honestly.
I don't dislike any Jojo, but there's a ton of Josuke dick-riding and it's pretty much because it's not cool to like Joseph anymore and Josuke is the next best thing being his son.
Oh please, you can't be talking about that xForts guy or those other """analysts""". It's autism for people who don't have a brain. I want this shit out of my suggested videos.
thats stupid
>It's autism for people who don't have a brain
>posts an anime reaction image
Doesn't change the fact that if you need to watch those videos, you're a dumb shit.
>Superfly EXPLAINED!!!1
Agreed, I am never quite sure now macho Josuke is. Though I love the concept that he isn't as beefy as all the previous JoJos. Josuke is very refreshing because he is a high schooler who does high school things, while still being a protector and mystery solver.
Just fuck off to reddit already and take your shitty """""deep analysis""""" videos with you.
>implying it will stop
They'll probably only grow in number as the anime comes and goes.
Because the air bubbles were almost invisible, could easily vary in size, can go through solid objects, and can move in more than just a straight line.
If Kira was just using pebbles, Josuke's wall defense would have worked every time.
Won't they run out of material to use? There's only so much you can talk about.
What if non-canon filler arc?
DP wouldn't do that, they only change small details, there's no way they'd make a filler arc, especially for part 5, it's long enough.
Guilty here. I can't fucking help it, I have never felt this way about an anime before.
I don't know, I'm one of those people where if I'm reading the part that's my favorite Jojo/part because I'm never put-off really.
I don't like how Josuke is a nancy boy crying about his flashy expensive clothes, but I love him for stuff like what he says to Okuyasu when he healed him in that first arc, or the Enigma arc stuff.
Why have actual content and story in JoJo you can talk about when you can just make a shitton of JoJolion theories and make bank?
t. Kami
If they just pit character against character a la Death Battle, they can make videos about head canon fights ad infinitum. Not to mention that these videos can be long as hell if they just recap the stand abilities every time.
So is part 8 a remake of part 4? Also Kira would've fucking ended everyone if he remembered about SHA. Also I got a much better Jojo template
This needs a David Production edit
how does this picture make you feel?
Someone enhance image quality
>Moody Blues EXPLAINED!!
I'm not particularly a fan of Gucci
It reminds me that Araki got to fly high with Gucci at least more than once.
>use SHA
>Crazy diamondo
>oops back i go sorry boss
>Killer Queen BtD a requiem stand
>So is part 8 a remake of part 4?
yeah totally, and SBR is straight up just part 1 again, I dont know why people like that shit
Meanwhile on Sup Forums
The only reason SHA went back was because Kira cut his fucking hand off.
What the fuck, Moody Blues? I can understand something like King Crimson or Heavy Weather but Moody Blues is a pretty straight forward stand.
>MrDonut's youtube channel is now dead for good
>Soon JJCA will run out of things to typeset
What's next?
I'd watch a overwrought explanation vid of a completely self explanatory stand just to see how far they'd take it, like Magicians Red or Hato's heel stand
>So is part 8 a remake of part 4?
Were did this meme come from?
>Kira would've fucking ended everyone if he remembered about SHA
You mean the stand that can be easly countered and defeated by everyone in the team?
Using CD isnt even the only way to Hard Counter SHA.
>3 freeze
>fuck now its hard for me to move and Josukes is about to pancake me
I think Requiem needs the stand to be hit with the arrow, not the user
Will Gappy get King Crimson by the end of JJL?
i laughed a little
Yeah but there's an even easier way than that
>The Hand to just scrape it off from existence
>no.1 is Dio vs Jotaro
>no part 5 fights
Why like part 5? Seriously how?
>his favorite fight isn't DIO vs Jotaro
why like posting on Sup Forums?
seriously how?
Oh god yes is she going to crush my balls? Jolyne is a goddess.
Because people have taste.
>No fights that haven't been animated
More interested in that Gucci thing since Jolyne looks like a cool protagonist rather than the wimp she was in that
>Jotaro vs Older Darby and other mind games are on battle lists
Post more jolyne
If only Gareth Pugh and Moschino were popular at the time of Stone Ocean
Quick give me the best moments of this months JJL
I wasnt able to read it yesterday and i want your screeching opinions
Why do people keep bringing up gucci with this image? Whats going on?
so read it today
check the archive
fuck off
Gappy talking to two people while draggin a rockman underwater.
>MrDonut's channel is dead
Nothing of value was lost.
Post better art of her please. She deserves better.
>this months Jojolion
Yasuho died
Gappy continues to escape zombies, and Jobin knocks Yasuho out while Paisley Park finds out Dolomiti's identity
>Other people have started to make letifs like me
>But they're much worse than the ones I made.
>Is JOBIN the MAIN ANTAGONIST of Part 8?!?
>30 minutes long
>the answer was yes
It's her outfit that was used in the Araki/Gucci collaboration that also includes Buscellati and I think Rohan and Anasui
user is living in the past.
>3 reasons why Mikataka is NOT an alien!
>Top 15 queer Jojo characters!
Is the True Man's World overrated?
>tfw smell like soap but still no ghost bf
Did Diavolo deserve it?????????????????
>least favorite stand
oh come on there has to be something worse than that in part 3 4 or 6