So I just finished NHK and I don’t know if I love it or hate it. It was so relatable and it had a good lesson which I liked, but it was so unrealistic with the addition of misaki… she just doesn't fit in this anime by being so unrealistic but at the same time without her it would suck. What do you guys think of nhk?
So I just finished NHK and I don’t know if I love it or hate it...
It's a story, it's fictional. The author probably just imagined a situation where he had someone come to his door and bring him back to society, and he went off from there. It's a big "what if" scenario.
Look at you, mister "reality expert"
so a girl randomly coming to my home to get me to do something will happen? can't wait.
The novel ending was more realistic.
I'll give it a try then
>tfw the author slipped back into his shut-in ways due to the money he made from royalties
The creator is in love with Kaworu Nagisa
I think it is slightly the point. That she is unrealistic in this sad world. The point kind of is that there is no girl out there that's going to solve your issues. You have to do it.
If you're actually OP you missed the point so fucking hard.
>she will never knock knock knock
Just kill me already
I really appreciated this anime because it had hit really close to home like never an anime has done before...In fact I am a way between Satou and Yamazaki. I had a doubt about Misaki, too. If she's unrealistic on purpose, why add her? I like her but why didn't Satou meet her in a more realistic way?
I preferred the manga Misaki. She seemed more realistic. Hell, the manga overall was far better and more realistic than the anime. It was far more depressing.
I've never read the novel, mainly because I wanna avoid reading a bad translation, but which version is more true to the novel, the manga or anime?
The novel was more realistic all around, cruder and less comical
He also slipped back since writing would bring memories back and trigger the fuck out of him
Neither, the manga exaggerates the comic aspects of the work, and the anime softens the story all around, both literally pull out of their asses the whole island arc
The point of the show was that Misaki was even more fucked up than Satou was. It's a little more obvious in the novel.
I wouldn't call the manga "realistic," it's almost cartoonishly dark. I mean a therapist become depressed because a client makes them question their own life? Come on.
That said, I do think it's the most interesting version of the story, and the most thought provoking. I certainly have met girls like manga Misaki.
Misaki is both unrealistic and realistic. What's unrealistic is a cute girl showing up at your door with the goal of 'saving' you (unless she's part of some religious sect, which Misaki is, but it's not some quite the same as the notion of some perfect selfless angel going out of her way to save lil' ol you). What's realistic is showing what that sort of person would probably be like: as bad or arguably worse than you are. She's a false hope for people so sorry and self-absorbed, they would harbor such ridiculous delusions.
It's not all bad though. She can bring a little more meaning into your life and, seeing how you both are, can be the extra motivation to get yourself out of your rut not just for your own sake but for someone else's. That sounds awfully romantic and comes with its own potential dangers so do whatever you think best, as long as you aren't just using one another to stay afloat.
that was the point tho. Shut-ins and hikikomoris complain about not having a gf and that will somehow make their lives better. Do you really think some girl is just gonna come to your door, fall in love with you and fix all your problems? If you believe that Misaki does irrationally love Sato, then she still doesn't help him get better, over all the episodes it's Yamazaki who gets him out of the house or working, he gets him off of the MMO, he stops him from killing himself at the suicide island and he gets him to go shopping in the city.
And besides, she doesn't love him really, she's only using him because she too thinks that if only someone loved her that she could get better. So she chooses the most pathetic person she knows to be her guinea pig and pretends to care about them long enough for them to fall in love with her, because they're so lonely and pathetic that they'd have to fall for her.
I mean, if a girl is willing to date a shut-in loser than that girl probably has more mental problems than the shut-in, and that's Misaki.
Episode 4 and 19 were awfully animated
Really really unwatchable
The rest of the series wasn't that good but holy fuck were those 2 incredibly bad
Eternal reminder thats its never too late to stop your hikikomori ways! If you wont, then at least be sure to enjoy them because youll wish you had once theyre gone.
I loved the show but I'm convinced the message is deeply hypocritical. The author himself never got his life sorted out. Same as how Anno and Miyazaki, ultra-otaku obsessed with military technology and WW2, are the first to criticize otaku and obsessive interests.
Unemployment is not something that can be solved on a personal level. Employers actively discriminate people who have latent psychological problems and people who spent a long time as neets. These people are seen as unreliable and having no potential.
Even if the individual is completely healthy (try having nothing and being happy), solving unemployment requires the whole community to engage. From friends, family and professional help to providing fair employment opportunities and secure non-precarious jobs. You can try to take charge of your life, but you still need everyone else's support for doing so. Believing you can solve social and economic problems just by willpower and believing life is worth living is the same as believing you can skin a cat just by staring at it with intent.
>People saying tfw no Misaki to save you
not realizing Misaki was the one who needed saving
>I loved the show but I'm convinced the message is deeply hypocritical. The author himself never got his life sorted out. Same as how Anno and Miyazaki, ultra-otaku obsessed with military technology and WW2, are the first to criticize otaku and obsessive interests.
Sometimes the easiest thing to punch is yourself, you know?
Well I dont think it touches on those issues from that standpoint. Sato isnt some invalid or mentally retarded person, he could easily secure employment somewhere if he really wanted to. Its not about solving unemployment (at least for me), its about solving whatever is personally holding you back, which usually ends up being yourself. Obviously theres a lot more to it if you are talking about how to solve Japan's (and the modern worlds) growing problem of 20 somethings being worse off than their parents. But I dont think NHK was trying to say: "this is how to fix the problem with youth unemployment". Its just the story of a NEET.
For every single job position available there are at least twenty unemployed people on the market, plus a near infinite number of potential immigrants.
A hikikomori is a social status, or lack thereof. He or she is still socially excluded even when they learn a complex skill like programming, as shown in the show. Can an untouchable in India stop being untouchable? What about a second child in China or an immigrant with a criminal record? Every society needs the Other, in Japan and the West we're the Other. We're worth less than Jews in the eyes of society.
I'm still surprised I was able to get a job at 26 with no work history.
I want to save Misaki with my dick
>tfw you're your own Misaki
B-but, what if I at least can skin a cat by controlling my breathing?
If you breathe menacingly the cat will notice your intent, but that's about it.
>He or she is still socially excluded even when they learn a complex skill like programming
And that's before you get forced to train your Indian H1B replacement before you get fired.
Heh I got to train myself. Was working as a secretary in an animation studio and had to teach myself how to draw and animate. Naturally, I got fired and replaced by a hillybilly with no skills or experience.
Pls teach me senpai.
I applied at four grocery stores and none of them called be back. A few weeks later one of them ended up having an "employment event" where you could go apply and get a quick interview. I went to that, told them I'd already applied, and gave a (mostly true) sob story about how I wasn't able to work until now because I had to help take care of a sick family member that had since died. They called me back a week later for a real interview and offered me a job. I can only work at night because of transportation issues so the only opening they had then was something shitty for two nights a week. It's still a job, though.
I remember watching it and feeling it was mediocre, had some good moments and some episodes with really bad animation. But strangely, by the end of it I felt like i came out with something. I guess it was like, despite its flaws the show was so relatable but I didn't realise as I was watching.
Also I have a completely non-related associates degree. Maybe that helped. I don't know.