Would you watch an anime full of THICC mcs?

Would you watch an anime full of THICC mcs?

As long as they're not obese fucks like pic related.

hell yeah. so moe.

Those bitches are getting flatter and fatter

loli is justice

First Sonico, who's alright. Then Porkchop, who's THICC as fuck. Then old granny who's legit a fat fuck and now a literally who, who's a landwhale?

what do their thighs feel like?

But I watch just about every XEBEC show already?

Porkchop is the pinnacle of THICC

Prove me wrong

They are obese not "thicc".

I puked just scrolling past. Luckily that ensures I won't end up looking like them so thanks I guess.

I draw the line after Sonico.

>disgusting cows and a manatee

Her hairstyle and face are aweful yet she somehow manages to captivate my dick
How can this be?

Fuck no, everything after Pochaco was a mistake. Even Pochaco is just barely acceptable.

>Enjoying disgusting fat.
Oh you Nu-Males

Sugestion: all words ending with cc like "thicc" "saucc" "succ" or the like should be blacklisted just like baka or desu is.


Also Pork and Sonico are fine but fuck off with the landwhale shit

That's not Thicc that's morbidly obese.

What do you guys think of the new girl?


Their faces bug me more than their bodies do, desu

All of these girls need to go on a diet, immediately.

Sonico is fine, though.

I wouldn't see any reason not to unless they're looking like those pear shaped monstrosities.

Yes, I would "watch" it.

Those poor anime girls

>tiny head
>fuck hueg body

No, obesity is disgusting.

Have you not seen Real Drive?

Full of THICC

But it's 2D.

It doesn't have any of the negative effects of real life.

Fucking agreed m8. When I first saw Pochaco my reaction was "what the fuck, Sonico has a fat friend now?" But she wasn't flat-out disgusting, so I just gave it a whatever. Now these two new characters are fucking awful. Like, Pochaco basically just looked like they took Sonico and stretched her our of her aspect ratio, but her face is pretty and she's not freakishly disproportional. But these two new......things....are just fucking disgusting. Lumpy, disproportional, hideous characters, with ugly tits and nasty fucking pear-shaped bodies, and their faces are ugly as fuck, too; they look like fucking trash you'd see shitting themselves in a motorized scooter at Wal-Mart stuffed into Sonico's bikinis. Literally disgusting. Who the fuck wants this shit? They are not even pretty if you're some disgusting animal who happens to like fatties, they're literal fucking ugly beasts. How did we get from sexy-as-fuck Sonico to this trash? Its literally turning me off to Sonico just having her associated with these awful fucking beasts, its like meeting a gorgeous babe and then having to deal with a bunch of her increasingly ugly fat friends who all desperately wanna act like they're as hot as her. Fucking make it stop, Sonico was so fucking hot, she deserves better than this, for fuck's sake, use her friends from her anime series or some shit. Get these awful fucking landbeasts out of my fucking face. Pic related, use these fucking cuties instead, get this fucking fat-pandering degeneracy the fuck away from Sonico.

And here I was thinking Puchaco was fat for anime. Holy shit, the grey and purple haired girls are absolutely disgusting.

Not those obese cows. Fucking gross.

The blue-haired girl on the far right is new to me. Did she just come out?

it's aesthetically unpleasant

Man, I'm really not feeling the purple-haired one, and I actually LIKE fat girls. There's just something about her that's unappealing.

it's her small tits and potato shaped head.

Is japan trying to get back the old days where women were encouraged to stack on the meats?

Cause this isn't very convincing and they should have stopped after pochaco

what old days is that? 99% Japanese women have always been super skinny with no tits, narrow hips and square butts.

Why does he make their breasts smaller and their knees fat? This isn't fucking how you do cute fat grills.

Soon enough hell end up redesigning grimace for McDonald's.

that's objectively obese, the only thicc there is sonico and maybe the one to her left but the other 2 are literally obese and probably have diabetes.

She's just a fanmade photoshop of the gray one.


Fuck yeah

Yes, I love fat girls.

I watched Real Drive for that exact reason, back in the day.

The staff behind this abomination must be Americans


I can't wait until this series shamelessly drives itself into literal inflation art.

let's stop at pochako