Snoop confirmed for /ournigga/

Snoop confirmed for /ournigga/

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The virgin fEminem vs the Chad Dogg

>He said something about about daddy trump son now I have to insult him

didnt he have a music video where he killed him? what changed?

>Cause he didn't support Trump he's a virgin!!!

this. provide a link nigger

It's not smart to talk shit about the man who controls the largest army in the world who doesn't have to listen to anybody he can have anybody killed for any reason without a trial. You should read his book about revenge it really puts an idea not to fuck with him you would think world leaders would do basic research but they don't

He's a shallow celebrity. He supports who ever will give him more money. Obviously he's noticed the change.

Be Trump
>exceptionally thin skinned
>Have secret service at your disposal
IMO it’s inconceivable that Snoop wog hasn’t had the frightners put on. Trump is not somebody I would publicly deride but for some inexplicable reason a lot of celebrities thought they would be safe to call him all sorts of shit. Most unwise

>Belgium flag
>dislikes trump

Muslims are in Europe to serve us. Imported to do the jobs that pay badly.