So when are we getting new content?
Also S3 SOON
So when are we getting new content?
Also S3 SOON
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Soonest new content around the corner are Railgun and Accelerator spoilers in about a week.
It's been 13 years since kamachi started writing this shit. Many of our comrades have already died. How does this make you feel?
How long is the week?
They will never see Season 3 happen
That's kinda sad
As long as you want it to be.
>they died before this wild ride that's about to begin
I wish I was dead.
>WW3 ends with the world almost being destroyed
>Othinus fucking destroys the universe
What's gonna happen next? Is Aleister gonna use Touma to destroy the whole current Aeon?
>Aleister destroys the narrative structure of the LNs and it goes full stream of consciousness. The readers have to figure out the secret hints in the text on how Touma is able to get the story back.
>It takes months before the Japanese figure out what the fuck is going on. js06 gets a stroke from the amount of Japanese in-jokes and references Kamachi stuffed in there
I'm gonna off myself soon too. Living fucking sucks.
Thanks to Othinus destroying the universe, I don't think the scales can get any higher. The only way I can think of to "top" Othinus in terms of danger/tension are have some who is able to destroy the world and NOT able to fix it start making threats.
That's been taken to a different novel, same with most of the magic god ideas.
Kind of seems weird that Kamachi did Othinus so early in NT, but at the same time Touma really doesn't excel against people who are actually using their brains and are either gimmicky or not in front of him. If he keeps getting thrown into clusterfucks like he has in NT I guess his success rate is actually lower than against some world-class threat like Fiamma.
>Implying he can't also do it in Index
I just realized that the whole magic god sekrit club has been moved to bloodsign. No wonder that arc ended so abruptly.
Took you long enough.
Another way to make the read great is start answering more long time questions.
>What exactly is Aleister's plan?
>Who's going to oppose him as long as they have free will?
>Does he have anti-free will mesasures on some, most, or all of his pawns?
>What's in Touma's arm and who put it there? If it was intentionally stuffed inside him, why?
>How does Laura intend to stop Aleister?
>Is Laura any better than Aleister?
These are just a tiny fraction of questions Kamachi can begin answering to really make this new arc a good climax that tops Othinus in content and engagement, even if it doesn't top powerlevels
Honestly, it didn't feel like it was gonna be that important in Index though. Most people thought it was gonna be after OT10 but Aleister's reaction to them at the end made me feel they weren't gonna be big antagonists.
It's funny because before Blood Sign translations started up again I thought the whole magic gods thing would have worked a lot better as it's own series than how it was in Index. Took me a few months after translations to remember that idea.
Now that post where the Pure World is actually just White Queen makes more sense now.
>thinking Kamachi is seriously going to tie a novel he's been working on 13 years to a novel that's existed maybe 3
We Dark Tower now
I want to read the LN but I don't want to throw my money at YenPress because importing to Europoor sucks. What do.
I guess you'll just have to find something else to pass the time.
I can just wait for S3 next month right? ;_;
Maybe you should try searching a handy website.
>Literally just woke up from a dream where S3 was announced and I was shitposting on Sup Forums along with you guys while being generally happy
Or maybe it was a nightmare?
Holy fuck end my suffering
Some of you guys are starting to get unhealthy. Just let go, accept the Queen's Radiance into your heart and embrace the worship of Her Majesty.
>space elevator made of dark matter to send aleister and ayy lmao back to mars
I guess you'll have to use
If Yuuitsu is still alive, what do you think she will do? I find it hard to believe she's alive but at the same time I also think it's hard to believe she is dead
Uiharu is one hell of a woman to accept a guy like Kakine who's been used more than a prostitute.
Hijack Kakine when he makes his return from the ocean depths and get killed by Uiharu teaming up with Stephanie.
>ever doing anything in this series besides get autists to make stupid posts about her on this Mongolian tapestry board
No bully.
Uh, g-guys?
Left is games, right is comics, if I'm reading that right. Seems to be their magazines or something.
What's your point? They advertise the stuff that's recent or getting something new soon. If they show what's to be announced, if they announce anything, they ruin the event and less people would be interesting in spending money on tickets.
Even then, at least a single character from Kamachi's novel would've showed up to attract his audience.
What's this meme of uiharu being kakine's gf
If I start reading the LNs starting from where the anime ends, will I end up a bit confused about a few things?
Every one of those center characters are from series with already confirmed anime.
His fridge is based on her power
There's nowhere to put them, considering the front six will be getting the spotlight and I assume, panels.
Also, you should know by now that Dengeki is as good at advertising as a child.
Yes. If you want to get this done in one read, start from OT1.
Women love a man who gives them a bit of tough love. The memes were furthered by spoilers from the second crossover that hasn't been translated where Heivia becomes Kakine somehow.
Kamachi practically writes the memes we just spread them
A bit, you can still do it though. There's some bits that the anime skipped that you should read, I forget what volume they're in though. I'm sure someone else will remember.
Not even Heivia can get out of the ocean as a ball, right?
He'll be pulled out by some fisherman like Dio.
How many more years have to pass until we just all give up?
>Mikotohater appears because Mikoto keeps appearing
>mobileposter appears because Nagaishit was insufferable
How did Stiyl appear?
The anime didn't do the greatest job explaining shit like AIM and Telesma which are immediately relevant after s2, that's another reason why he should painfully push through OT1-13. Also I believe it's OT6's epilogue and SS1.
Only Stiyl is a meme. Negative opinions on Mikoto are often genuine, even if a few people are more antagonistic about it than they actually feel for baiting purposes. Mobileshit is genuine cancer
Okay but is there some reading order I need to follow for the spin-offs? I mean I know about the SS volumes but when is it save to read which arc of the Railgun/Accelerator Manga.
Might as well catch up on Index first, it would be too complicated trying to piece together release dates and the like .
Mikoto pretty much ruins any scene she appears in. Fucking obnoxious little shit. Tsundere my ass.
She's only bearable in her own manga.
There he is
Spin-off novels wise, read Norse Mythology before you get on to NT. Otherwise you can read them pretty much whenever. Accel is still before the end of the anime (Sometime after he was shot but before he appears in Season 2) and Railgun has barely passed it and not actually touched on anything other than some set-up for the events of OT15.
If in 20 years after the first season airs and not a change has come then there is no reason to continue believing. For have you not waited long and your heart endured enough?
Happened to me with another franchise. I doubt anything's happening this year regarding a Raildex anime as well and we're all just meming ourselves for giggles.
I just cant stand to watch/read any scene of her and Touma. When she's alone (whether in her manga or in the novels) she's fine. Awesome, even. But good god is she shit around Touma
>be Mikoto
>risk your life for literal retard who doesn't have a "thanks" word in his vocabulary
>be forced into cringe comedy situations that would make anyone angry
>get your ass handled to you by bullshit powerlevels without any weak spots
>fucking obnoxious little shit REEEEEEEEE!!!
You need to go back to AS. There's literally nothing wrong with her behavior.
Railgun ch1-39 anytime after OT6.
Railgun SS1 anytime after Index SS2
Railgun SS2 preferably after the first volume or so of NT.
Railgun 40-71 after NT4 and before NT7
Might as well catch up on NT or at least NT17 depending on how fast you read before catching up to Railgun.
Accel you can probably go through at any pace you want after NT10, it's not really that spoiler-filled but not much has happened yet and it's just setting up a few things so far.
t. waifucuck
Why don't you go to sleep?
>be forced into cringe comedy situations that would make anyone angry
>that time she caught him clinging to a wall wearing practically nothing besides a raincoat
Why does Kamachi do this
The day Mikoto does her own thing with being cringily forced into a scene with Touma every other novel for a few extra shipper squeals of delight will be an amazing day
>g-guys l-l-look I know a cuck word please clap!
You have to be 18 to post on this website.
Reminder that Kamachi confirmed no serious and detailed romance for HO and Index
Go read a romance series if you want romance
You're the only person I actually like in this thread. I'm glad you get something even though you're probably still uneducated trash.
>>g-guys l-l-look
>do i fit in yet
>actually replying
I think he meant more for it not being a focus point (usually), at least for HO.
"Detailed" includes focus so you didn't refute the post
Will they reGROUP in NT 18?
I want to see Accel face when he learn all of them are kinda indebted to Touma.
You're such a piece of shit user. Do you not understand how these things actually work? Yea we all know this isn't a romance series and it's always been that way so stop trying to let people down with your nonsense. I guarantee he's still going to pair characters up at the end of the series which at the end of the day is all anybody cares about. All he means by nothing serious is he's not going to go into details about their lives together.
Only saw "serious"; probably shouldn't be posting at 4am but oh well.
Post your wife
>mobilecancer calling anyone else a peice of shit
>calling someone a peice of shit for stating facts
Fuck off and read a romance series if you want romance
Embarrassing. I love you instead of actually arguing your points you guys instead chose to insult each other like uneducated apes. You must feel like real men ha?
Umm, hello nerd? It's not a fact when you literally have no idea how the series is going to end and if Kamachi is as crazy as you all make him out to be he could easily just be blowing smoke. I would put money down that there will be parings at the end of this series.
It is a fact because it was in an interview you stupid fucking faggot
It's more generally about "why should LNs be focused on romance? When you can do a bunch of other stories/genres as well with the medium!"
He said "a detailed romance" hotshot. You're nothing but a worm to me so don't expect me to keep feeding you if you're going to be rude because you obviously have no idea what you're talking about and can't read between the lines.
>thinking I give a singular fuck about what some disruptive shitposter thinks of me
Yet you're still dumb enough to reply to it.
Good because I'm done here. Enjoy being an idiot.
Enjoy being a stupid fucking faggot that most everyone hates or at least considers a pathetic joke! And unlike me, everyone can pick you out.
>read a romance series if you want romance
>read a SoL series if you want banter and meaningful interactions
>read a book if you want a compelling sto-- uh ow
Not everything must be as shallow as your favorite comic book.
why you gotta be so dumb?
They are a canon couple
Kuroko is cute but ____
She's ded