All i see is commies or nazis where is my pro democracy fanatics

All i see is commies or nazis where is my pro democracy fanatics

There just isn't enough helicopters to go around


Democracy is BASED except when it isn't

look out at the window look at the faggots proudly walking around hand in hand from one aids ridden gay bar to another look at the thousands of white women who is about to abort and murder our white brothers and sister and look at the negro whos pregnant with its eight just for more welfare look at the Syrian who is raping your daughter look at the jew who is allowed to take the money that the white man worked for and manipulate you with it this is democracy and it is shit

Is it isnt the greek version of democracy then dont even bother.
You sound like a baby boomer btw.

I'm pro-democracy, a real democracy inspired by Athenian democracy with strong control over rulers and the use random draw to make sure that politics is a service to the country and not a job to get rich.

You sound like a commie and no i am 21.
baby boomers ruined democracy

Kill your self nazi faggot

That commie talk right there

Look like they will be taking turns

I am always based when democracy is around

Hay sexy you want to kill some commmies and nazis grab you gear and let's go.


>Pinochet wasn't fascist
It's always funny to see lolbertarians using a fascist meme. Democracies are the enablers of Communists, Fascists are the enemies of Communists. Have fun talking to yourself some more friendo.

You fucking idoit if you read the tread you would see i was replying to the other. you mean the left are enablers to commies the rest you got right

Too busy calling for middle-eastern countries to be bombed for peace because muh democratic peace theory is totally legit.

Yet you have not presented me with a theory so mine still better untill you show me your rare theory


Come try take my democracy m8 i'll stab you up with muh butter knife

ok good luck with that

Don't you know that i am a leet hacksaw and wil steal you chuck e cheese tokens