No tournament is perfect without this supreme gentleman
Dragon Ball Super
>forces second son to study and become successful like gohan
>doesn't let him take the same class as his best friend who's family's the richest and smartest people on earth.
its like she doesn't want goten to have a social life and you saw how gohan turned out
She'll chill out eventually, Goten does get to slack off and have a social life in EoZ.
Both Trunks and Goten have their own tutors.
Could they have stopped or at least stalled Kid Buu by having a dance contest with him?
Why not put him on the team?
Why do you guys post here? Why not just post in the Dragon Ball generals on the generals board?
Fuck off Pedro
Because /vg/ is for video game shit.
This is for the annie-may, DBG is for vidya gaem
Also the CaC circlejerk is kinda creepy over there.
More like the Xenoverse board. It's all they talk about, I have better luck here discussing other DB games.
It's ironic that Chi Chi is obsessed with looking normal (to who? who knows, they don't have any neighbors and her closest friend is a trillionaire inventor who doesn't care) but she turned her sons into anti-social homeschooled autists.
Hey, Bugman.
Every single time someone brings up a question about another DBZ game, it's answered fairly quickly, often with a decent amount of detail.
Trunks is homeschooled too, though he at least has the Pilaf gang studying with him.
>has the tendency to ragequit
Cellfag please go.
General boards are a mistake. The only reason Sup Forums got /vg/ was because videogames are a constant phenomenon.You eventually stop watching an anime or reading a manga, which means the thread content isn't perpetual.
When you complain about DBS being discussed on this board with claims of general abuse, the argument can be made over any given anime.
When smugpup?
I thought wanting villains to return for tourney arcs was "that black kid" stuff?
Trunks has it made. Rich enough to buy whatever he wants, future waifu attending class, access to top tier training facilities.
All goten has is his mom trying to make him study and maybe once and a while spar with her. He does even have a non-cannon purple dragon to hang out with.
Not released yet.
Do we know when it's coming out?
homeless man
Who cares? Both niggers and spics are subhuman anyways.
No, not even a release date yet, only "TV-Size" is available to buy right now. Which if you're not used to opening songs for Japanese shows means "What you get in the opening" so nothing new.
Name the best special attack in the series and if you pick anything other than Father-Son Kamehameha then you're fucking wrong
Being Goten is suffering.
clothes beam
>Her obsession with not looking like a hick is due to her judgmental hick neighbors.
It all comes together.
Super just wants her to bitch about something because they want chi-chi to constantly nag. Girl needs to get laid.
Does Japan have higher quality instant ramen than we do? There's no way Beerus would like this shit so much
wow alright
well hopefully we get it pretty soon
thanks anyway man
You win.
Ask your stupid or short questions about Dragon Ball here and hope some friendly user answers your question.
Geekdom101 is also a good place to look for answers.
Asia in general does. American. or western in general brand instant noodles tend to taste like cardboard and the quality and texture of the noodles is... questionable.
I wouldn't go as far as to say they were the best tasting things ever, but as a child I used to think that, especially Demae Ramen.
>People still trying to argue Piccolo is Warrior-type when he pulls this shit.
Guys, something has been nagging me.
Has anyone official ever discussed about what happened to Android 17 when Buu blew up the earth? Like was he just seeing shit rain down from the sky at first, got pissed that his park was completely fucked up and then saw the whole planet blow up without having to breathe in space?
Because if Freeza could survive it then 17 could easily tank that shit.
>U7's pink blob
>not fazed by physical attack
>having a hole in his guts doesn't kill him
>regenerates in an instant
Just how can other universes hope to beat this monster?
isn't geekdom supposedly a big faggot and/or asshole?
Didn't the human extinction attack kill 18?
Can someone post the mangacap that made it canon that Trunks/Future Trunks have the same hair color?
i wouldn't know because i only just discovered him a month ago. But he seems to be pretty chill but i don't know anything personal about him.
Nope, being turned into chocolate killed 18 on the lookout after Buu broke out of the time chamber.
Super Buu personally killed 18 and Marron after eating Krillin. It was done kid friendly style since they were turned into food.
Oh yeah, well even then I highly doubt that 17 would survive the human extinction attack.
>spends his days eating Senzu beans and playing limbo with Karin
Yajirobe must live a pretty comfy life
>highly doubt that 17 would survive the human extinction attack.
Tien did.
17 was most likely forgotten in that. If Tien survived it, then 17 most likely did.
But he would've died anyway when Buu blew up the planet.
-Be Gohan
-Save the World, on multiple occasions
-Mom says big whop, your father has done that like 10 times already; what you want to be loser Karate bum?
-Continue to treat her with love and respect, even thought she's "just a house wife", because you're Gohan and you honor your mother and father and are a decent human being.
Tien and Chiaotzu were easily able to dodge the Human Extinction Attack. It's safe to say 17 was able to do so as well.
>be Gohan
TIen did. But it's interesting to see if 17 could survive the explosion of the planet. He wasn't directly hit with the energy ball and a planet explosion wasn't enough to fully disintegrate Freeza. 17 wouldn't have to breathe, so there is a chance he was in space for a bit utterly confused as to what just happened.
Super flashback filler time.
-This Father is the perfect gentleman, espically to Videl and Pan.
Ladies and gentlemen your multiversal tournament MVP and New GoD
>Everyone went into the Zen Exhibition figuratively blind.
>Gohan will be literally fighting blind.
They wouldn't make him job again would he? After all that time the filler spent to make him look good, and making him look cool again in the intro.
>Piccolo gi
They're going to make him win so that his jobbing in the actual tournament hits harder
They're min/maxing the gohanfag tears
Just killing ningen with me and me
Simply because it's an actual intelligent attack in a full show of unintelligent attacks. Also, the grand scale of it, combined with Hirano forcing him to job because Toriyama couldn't come up with a legit reason why Cell shouldn't have died from this.
So would all the GoDs end up being gourmets or it's just those two cats being glutton?
>Is supposedly booksmart and intelligent.
>Wants to become a scholar
>Completely and blissfully unaware that he holds potential and power that any other scholar would ask "Why the fuck aren't you using that and squandering your potential to become a nerd?"
>"Mom said so"
Gohan is a faggot
This looks like Johnny Test you know
>has to fly around to do it
>buu was able to target every human on earth with a single attack
Question; if he used a certain type of phone.... wouldn't that technically make it....
dare I say it.....
a Selfie?
>kills ningen on a daily routine
>stays in a ningen-made house with his homo self up the hill
I don't understand this autist.
They are extremely sadistic
Meanwhile in the anime
He is going to lose because Goku has to fight the blue wolf. There would be no tension with the score being 2-0
family guy funny moments
>next chapter will be trunks saving a pair of kids from black before vegeta and goku arrive
>the kids will make the genkidama for trunks
That shit is in the manga too. So probably Toriyama's idea.
Even Jaco said he is Goku "Mediocre" son. Dumb filler really except for the portrayal of the actor as a bitch.
He has no ambition to fight and is a happy guy, maybe at one time he was supposed to be a more serious successor to Goku, a mid way between Vegeta seriousness and Goku laisez faire inherit his desire to become better but never came about.
But it's the practice fight. It's better if Goku loses. The tension would last the rest of the arc if someone can beat Goku.
Is this the codename for the next Dragon Ball series?
as if these threads need more autism than it already has.
I have a theory that Tien could be the next person to reach god.
Akira Toriyama answered a question about his eye saying it's an enlightenment feature and godlike.
What if Tien becomes the next god and is the one to beat Hit? Tien is the one person in Dragonball that Akira never got rid of no matter what, letting him fight even Cell and Buu.
Goku vs Hit 3 is boring, an ex assassin-style who has an eye that could possibly see in frozen time, can reach god powers, and has the most technique of all users vs. Hit would be way funner.
>Goku vs Hit 2
ftfy the rematch was filler not in Toriyama's outline.
>autistic as fuck DB fags circle around even more autistic youtubers
>Still no news on what team Muscle Tits is in
Although a magazine grouped her with the rest of the confirmed Team Pride.
Chuck the Cyber Cuck What the Fuck
Tumblr-chan is from the Team Pride?
Calling it now, Grayy lmao is going to beat Hit and face Goku in the finals
dude gods lmao
ayylamo isnt even the strongest on his team
toppo is
I just needed it to point out what Akira Toriyama said about his eye
>Calling it now
2 weeks late
>everyone assumes ayylamo is the big rival this time because he is standing next to vermoud
>turns out the threads are wrong and its actually toppo
>char profile even says toppo is the GoD candidate of U11
>Gohan not even able to see the benefits of his Ki manipulation to benefit science and mankind, should be fully aware only he has the potential and smarts to delve into such matters and thus become a legendary scholar who can also kick ass
Smart guy tldr Gohan is a lazy cuck and should be removed
>not in Toriyama's outline.
The manga and anime are so different I have trouble believing their following the same outline
Broliko chan is cute, CUTE!
But if he did that then Satan would lose his title as a hero
No, this user made a mistake.
Tien couldn't reach the top of the fridge as long as Saiyans exist.
Tumblr chan is from an unknown team for now, but apparently she can go toe-to-toe with Vegeta within certain limitations.
And this nigga wrong as hell, when Female Legendary Super Saiyan did show up with the rest of Universe 11's squad in a magazine. Still confirms nothing.