>White woman creates thread and 40 posts in it crying for white men to protect her from raping savages.
>be white Christian
>LARP as Muslim man
>Woman instantly starts pandering to Muslim
Why are white women so stupid and easily exposed?
White women
Well if white Christian men wont stop the raping killing and torture of white women I guess they just have to ask the muslims
It was a lesson about LOYALTY.
And you FAILED it.
Fail lol
Im not even a woman you nut.
But imagine my surprise to see that image back up. It was a pretty fun thread desu.
Seems like a retarded loyalty test though when I mean you arent doing anything about the muslims either way.
What's a guy gotta do to get these white christian rapists to start uploading their crimes on (((liveleak)))? I'm tired of fapping to third world rapes.
the only value women have to offer is related to their sexuality
is this news? the number of women who actually have thoughts beyond the boundaries of social relations are like 1/100th of 1 percent
>Caring about a mentally ill roastie
>Im not even a woman you nut.
maximum damage control mode activated
Thanks a man, baby!
>loyalty test
you have to be a good woman for people to be loyal
you can't expect loyalty from men with no relationship to you when you're jumping from fuckboi to fuckboi flossing with scrotum hairs
society treats us like shit, you treat us like shit, we don't care about you. society has degenerated to tribal groups and the one with the strongest men will win
contained and transmuted sexual energy is the reason european christian civilization dominated the world, so enjoy the rest of your life as you age like milk in the sun
I'm a man you retarded niggers. You are projecting so hard my sides are in orbit
What the FUCK is that headline?!
>I was just pretending to be retarded
it's really irrelevant, and if you are it's actually more embarassing for you
>plot twist: it's finland on a proxy
it's some of the old ultra-misogyny my good m8
>If I just projected my butthurt about women all over a man because I'm that eager to talk about how women hurt me that is more embarrassing for you
I'm not embarassed at all bruv, you're the only one projecting
I'm just pissed because I got lied to and it led me to waste my youth
>I'm projecting
The only thing I'm projecting is I am not a woman
You dont even live where all the white women are getting raped so my original thread didnt really apply to you anyway you are just advocating for the rape of white women because you don't have to don't with the consequences yet which makes you shit.
>you are just advocating for the rape of white women because you don't have to don't with the consequences yet which makes you shit.
relax bitch this is only our first thread together, im not gonna dick you yet
>women hurt me and wasted my life waaah
Women are stupid and naive like children. The quicker a man recognises this, the easier his life becomes. Its best to laugh and take no notice of what a woman says, like you would do with a child. Your problem (and that of many men here) is that you take these overgrown children too seriously.
oh look it's the second part of the first thread that got archived
none of the guys here is gonna step up to fix things and let things go to rot just like the whole western civilization and would bitch and moan on the Internet blaming how niggers and shitskins ruined his comfy life and took his job while he jacks off to cartoons with no care in mind because fuck women amirite?
>still projecting his/her/its' own shame
I don't get where you're going with this but it's pretty apparent you're effeminate by now
farming memes is even easier than farming tendies from me mum
don't even have to yell
No see you don't understand what projecting is.
When you call me effeminate while knowing nothing about me that is projecting your own insecurity about being effeminate.
The whole previous thread was about how unmanly omega males hate women and let the Muslims rape them and enjoy revelling in it like cucks.
>Why are white women so stupid and easily exposed?
>easily exposed...
You mean all women?
we can tell you're effeminate because you reply like a woman, personal attacks and social judgments. On the internet, all that matters is what you have to say, and that's what you're being judged on fatty
Your judgments of me are centered around my life, and therefore baseless, because as you just mentioned we know nothing about each other's lives, beyond that I'm unhappy with mine, and yours involves a lot of soy
don't know or care about any other threads because you're not getting shit on in them
daily reminder that white rose is a literal e-whore who slutted herself out on chaturbate for money. not to mention the term "white rose" is a reference to a group of communists in nazi germany who were trying to be the resistance from within. this bitch is not alt-right in the slightest