Ron Perlman is a fag

Just like his sycophantic Twitter followers

He should be sympathetic to republicans. That's how they felt for 8 years with Obama.

He looks like an ape.

I've met him a few times at Sons of Anarchy conventions, one of the less enjoyable actors to interact with. Did not seem to enjoy working on the show because the directors didn't take his input seriously.

How many actors need to die or get their shit ruined before they realize the curse is real?

He's literally Jewish, what did you expect?

I can't wait until he gets exposed for fucking a bunch of kids and/or dies of superAIDS.

>see picture of DROMPPFTTT
>instantly fall into depression
>"Heaven help us"
My god, is this gay. He's not Hellboy, he's Gayboy now, fucking hell is that gay. I just can't get over how absolutely, HIV positively gay that is.

I always assume all these vocal anti Trumpers celebrities are part of pizzagate. Trump curse.

separated at birth???

Why would they? He’s a shit actor.

this. (((Perlman)))


Drumpfanzees BTFO by based white actor !!!!!


So, why did you just make a thread to call yourself a faggot?

You obviously follow him on Twitter, you posted the thread, calling all his followers faggots. By default, you’re a faggot.
Didn’t quite think that one through?

Pinch his cheeks and call him a kike

>whuddya dedicated to junkies or sumthin’ tsst
Fawk yeah! Home run, Pearlman! dvvd vvrd


I don't understand why this is so funny, but it had me laughing for a good minute straight. Thanks user.

He's a kike btw


Whats a Jew doing running a pizzeria anyways?

You don't have to follow someone to read their Twitter page, you moron

>He looks like an ape.

That's literally what launched his career.


Chip is the final redpill

Warwarneverchanges-man disappointed me.


He kinda looks like cernovich. I wonder why.


You have to be at least 18 to post here, kiddo. Back to plebbit.

How does one develop such a reaction to a picture? It's not like it's goatse or something, it's probably a tasteful picture of trump.

So, your life is so boring you spend time looking up the twitter posts of has been celebrities?
If you’re talking the time to search out what he says, take screen shots of his comments, and actually give any fucks, that’s the definition of following someone, you absolute moron.
I have no idea why you’re so sensitive about being a faggot. It’s well established around here that OP is always a faggot. So now, it’s well established that you are a double turbo faglord with low intelligence and so much time that you care what dickless wonders post on Twitter.
I’d spend some time doing some serious self evaluation if I was you. Possibly find gainful employment.