Abe's ancestors are samurai

The ancestors had power in the northeast Japan 1,000 years ago.
But they were defeated and moved to the west Japan.

Abe clan

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Abe works well.
I'll vote for his party again at the next election.


The jew fears the samurai

Arigato Mr. Abe!

Japan getting nukes when?

His grandfather was also a prime minister

niggers fear the samurai.

does he have kids ??


he is married right ..., he could've lead by example , he is rich and could afford children .

Whats he doing in the photo, is it a salute or just a random position

Jpop cheerleading position!

Samurai did the action with a shout to boost the morale of the team at the beginning of battle.
Today, Japanese does it at beginning of a game, election and business event.


My politibandu

must stand with nippon

Arigato gozaimashita Abe-san!

I really hope you guys have secret military technology so that when shit finally goes down you can defend yourself from the horde of China-Kikes.

Ganbare Abe
*pic hilarious*

Japbros. What do the current day Japanese think about National Socialism?

Japanese leftists jacked media after WW2. They don't like to use the word "National Socialism".
So I hear the word "National Socialism" in history class or mania's conversation only.

Sounds shittier than i expected. How's the view on the Jewish elite?

Yea they have gundoms, duh

They already got two

TV programs like to push globalism, multiculturalism and immigration.
Some people say they are Jewish policies. Many of Japanese don't like the policies.