We are living in an age where to create a false flag and manipulate a President into an act of war, CIA niggers and jews need to actually kill people, but soon they will just fire up an AI network and make some images up out of nothing.
>To give machines a more “imaginative” capability, such as imagining how a wintery scene would look like in the summer, Liu and team used unsupervised learning and generative modeling. An example of their work is shown below, where the winter and sunny scenes on the left are the inputs and the imagined corresponding summer and rainy scenes are on the right. >>blogs.nvidia.com/blog/2017/12/03/nvidia-research-nips/
bump Will goverment use AI against shitposting and weaponised autism?
Parker Thompson
If this technology is just being developed on the civilian side the military has already had these capabilities for at least 10 years
Jose White
>Liu and team used unsupervised learning and generative modeling. You dumb niggers. AI literally needs to be raised like tiny gods.
Nolan Campbell
Sauce on the third pic or you're just shitposting
Gavin Davis
third pic is probably shit but its at least a pretty good example of what it could do.
Logan Baker
This is interesting, it's like with face book, they can create virtual patsies using facebook. Nobody has to actually interact or know these people, all they need to do is create an artificial data footprint and find a vacant address and they can literally create fake people and profiles.
In other words, the cia can gas a pre-school and pin it on a guy that never existed.
Lucas Stewart
The problem isn't specific to AI. Ever since advanced graphical processing and imaging software (e.g. Photoshop) was invented, humans have had the ability to manipulate truth once captured in the form of light and perception. The elite had unprecedented power to spread these "lies" virally throughout the internet.
Kayden Martinez
They could pin it on somebody that did exist. That's the problem here. Someone who posts crazy shit on stormfront or 8ch is a perfect target for this sort of stuff solely because "it was only a matter of time before he cracked". This side of conspiracy is genuinely the most horrifying