Cryptocurrencies are NOTHING more than a tool to get people use to using them right now. Because...

Cryptocurrencies are NOTHING more than a tool to get people use to using them right now. Because, once the dollar crashes they are going to roll out a cashless Currency. I believe they brought these out to get us use to it so the transition is easier for them. This is already decided in the, Project For The New American Century.

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take the crypto chip implant
or be an outcast of society

I'd rather blow my brains out.

this. i wish i knew which crypto they were planning on using so i could cash in. also i wish i hd cash to cash in.

I'm going with gold and silver, get away you penniless peasantry
Blow me instead

Don't lose your chance this time and invest in FUN. You'll see next week

Wrong, its crytocurrency is entirely our answer to the banking and finance jew, be part of the neo nazi bitcoin revolution now with the most intelligent revolutionary future neonazi bitcoin millionaires, just watch

>Wait until after the new currency is needed before working on it
Like that makes any sense
Oh yeah. Good luck with that.

You are closer to the truth than you might think, except there is slightly different plan for the whole cryptomarket :)

project blue beam when?