What does Sup Forums think of Neil deGrasse Tyson?
Just another loud nigger
He was selected because he's black and reasonably well spoken and will deliver the narrative they want delivered (which makes him a whore, actually). Otherwise, not distinguished.
Based black science man that doesn't take shit from anyone.
At this point even 50 Cent sounds more educated and eloquent than he does.
>he is realistic
>he is intelligent; a small step for Black men, and a huge leap for Black kind
>he needs to be a mentor for more than just non-Blacks with potential. The Black community(ies) at large could benefit were he to become an MLK-figure to lead Blacks towards success in life and away from the past chronic state of victim hood
>he's funny/humorous, and has a good sense of humor
>got nothing bad to say about the man
Based black man. I did like that cosmos thing on Netflix
Probably the only public person who somehow isn't being crucified because of sexual harassment allegations.
>Just another loud nigger
Welcome to Sup Forums ope'. Do yourself a favor and don't be a whore for the Jewish narrative(s). History will not be kind, and it is not necessarily true 100% of the time that 'the enemy of your enemy is your friend'