This is Sup Forums's AOTS

>this is Sup Forums's AOTS

Little Witch Academia is


>monster girls
>T H I C K loli
>goat ED

Sup Forums has shit taste, news at eleven.

Liberals pushing their gay shit. At least they don't breed, which is a good thing.

I've been watching anime since the mid-eighties. I saw Macross before Robotech finished airing here. I had 4th generation bootleg betamax tapes of Armor Hunter Mellowlink. I watched every Brave series as they aired. I lived in Yokohama for ten years and waited IN QUEUE for the laserdisc release of the original To Terra. I've had lunch with Kunihiko Ikuhara and smoked a cigarette with Watanabe after a Seat Belts show. I've done it all. I've seen it all. I am a qualified expert.

Maid Dragon is THE greatest anime I have ever seen. Bar none. This is where the medium has been going since day one. From the very first cel, it was all leading to Maid Dragon.

A metaphor for the immigrant experience covering humanistic and social themes such as systematic sexism, family, loneliness, individuality and fitting in with society's expectations, this show will go down in history. It will change anime in a way not seen since Shogoki took her first steps in NGE.

Literally Hitler here, 2d lesbians are acceptable, and are in fact the true redpill

Never heard of this copypasta before

>A metaphor for the immigrant experience covering humanistic and social themes such as systematic sexism, family, loneliness, individuality and fitting in with society's expectations

Holy fucking shit drink bleach and go the fuck back to tumblr you horrid newfag niggerfaggot

This pasta is already stale.

Women are naturally bisexual. There's nothing wrong with them experimenting in their youth since they'll end up marrying a man anyway.

It's only when liberals start pushing male homosexuality that it becomes a problem.

They only do it for mens attention bro
Irl lesbians are a meme
Stop bringing 3d into 2d

Everything else is forgettable shit

Neck yourselves faggots

10/10 ed

No u

>replies to obvious pasta
>calls someone newfag

Pa pa para para para para~

I dont lurk dragon meido threads sorry laddie


It's not, but keep telling that yourself.

Someone post the webm

All shitposting and memes aside, Maid Dragon is an entertaining show with some decent ideas going for it beyond the tits and lolis.
Obviously if you're the type that goes "m-muh mature anime! I can't watch moeshit!" there's no point in asking why people like it.

Don't, it's not really necessary

Socrates compares the Maid Dragon that KyoAni has brought along to a drug (pharmakon). This pharmakon, this "medicine," this philter, which acts as both remedy and poison, already introduces intself into the body of discourse with all its ambivalence. This charm, this spellbinding virtue, this power of fascination, can be - alternately or simultaneously - beneficent or maleficent. The pharmakon would be a substance - with all that that word can connote in terms of matter with occult virtues, cryptic depths refusing to submit their ambivalence to analysis, already paving the way for alchemy - if we didn't have eventually to come to recognize it as antisubstance itself: that which resists any philosopheme, indefinitely exceeding its bounds as nonidentity, nonessence, nonsubstance; granting philosophy by that very fact the inexhaustible adversity of what constitutes it and the infinite absence of what dissolves it.

Fuck you my peenus weenus needs it

>Women are naturally bisexual
user you're consuming too much porn.

I say this as someone who jerks off 3 times a day.

It's written "systemic", otherwise 9.5/10 bait, good job.

That's not how you spell OP, but the ED is fine too

Is that the average? I'm down to zero at this point.


Lesbian is the true form of pure love and that anime shows it in flat-out way using legendary creatures doting on a mere unattractive woman to make you feel empathy on her and get aroused by every situation she go through with.

Sup Forums's not kyoanus circlejecks faggots

>no loli dragon pet

Pull the plug

You are the newfag.

Cute dragons surrounding a cute OL with heavy themes of family and understanding differences.
Also the author is cool.

It's not. A lot of guys are asexual at this point.

Thank you anime and porn for relieving my natural desires permanently.

Ive been posting here since your grandparents were in diapers
Swerve plebean

When did Sup Forums become Sup Forumsumblr

Are you a bit slow in the head user

Did you just start posting here? It's always been like this.

Because Sup Forums got taste for once.

No but I have to assume you are given you had plenty of time to come up with a witty response and that was the best you got.

Thick tail > Thick thighs

Big fat dragon tiddies

>he thinks the internet was around when his grandparents were in diapers

New heights of retard

It was very sweet and heartwarming for a few episodes, but the latest episode wasn't very good. Hopefully it recovers quickly.

Dead fish eyes > thick tail

Gabriel Dropout is so much more fun

Her eyes are spook

Well the image i posted is about 5 years old so no

>jerking off to porn
No, you're just lonely.

>varg cuckerness

Kemono Friends is a much better show.

It' not. Only for retards with no taste.

>it's just a shitpost thread


Dial it down.

Kyoani fanboys

>cute girls doing cute things
>actually well animated

>Sup Forums is a hivemind

Are you stupid?
Fucking summerfags

Also the music is great
Love the ED

>Heavily laden with Sakuga
>Great OP
>Great ED
>Enjoyable characters
>Perfect straight man (female)
>Goofy with feels
>Excellent color palette
>Very little is lost in translation
>Tohru a cute

M8, what isn't to get here?

Maid Dragon a shit.


You forgot the loli who is so cute it makes me want to vomit

But my AOTS is LWA.

Don't you mean give her a hug?

I'd give her a fug

Anons couldn`t cope with this softness.

delet yourself

It's not though, Youjo Senki is

This. Only newfags fall for the kyoanus meme, this season favourite its probably Konosuba and the last one it was Flip Flappers? well it wasn't Hibikek for sure.

>flop dragon

>implying Kobayashi-san will ever give the Maid Dragon the V

>tfw you watch a really good anime off the backlog and all the seasonal stuff i was enjoying feels like shit now
>tfw i have no AOTS

>an indicative of good taste

>yaoi on ice

A likes dragon

A is fucking retarded


It's fun. Also, it has OPOTS.

But this is KyoAni.
If KyoAni doesn't sell it means that the show is a weak piece of shit.

• upvoting posts ("This")
• appeal to seniority
• no true scotsman
• baseless assertions
overall a pretty shitty post. I suggest you delete it and try again at a later date.

not as good as Nichijou but it's alright

Have you seen K-On!?
I get the same vibe from this anime. Especially with the parenting parts. Its dressed up as a wacky hedonistic show, but it has a layer of themes under it. Watch it.

Nothing ever will be user
...nothing ever will.


t. Kyoanusfag

Nichijou is perfection though
Nothing can hope to achieve that level of comfy

> liberals
> rome

nah senpai. being a fag is as conservative as you can get

It isn't though. For all the money they've blown on this shit and no matter how hard you shill for it, it's been beaten by a shoestring budgeted 3DCG anime about cute girls with cat ears surrounded by heavy apocalyptic subtext. Sugoi!

>Sales = Quality
Man you must really think Burger King is better than a Michelin Star restaurant just because they have higher revenues

This show is garbage as it's trying to normalize lesbianism in Japan such as when Kanna visits her classmate in ep 6 making it seem like a lesbian relationship is something to aspire to or making it look appealing to kids. It's a relationship that leads nowhere.

Yuri on Ice was top 3 of 2016 along with Hibike and Jojo

But it has less animators than every other anime this season, it`s cheaper than the average anime.

it leads my heart to get extremely fucking doki doki

good thing this show is not for kids then

see that's the problem I was talking about, seeing it in anime makes it look cute and adorable, but it's an absolute blackhole of a relationship because nothing will ever be produced. Any kind of romantic relationship that does not aim to produce offspring is absolutely immoral.

a lesbian couple can just adopt a little girl

see Kobayashi and Tohru adopting Kanna

I'm not against lesbianism. It's fine in a post-industrial society where you don't need as many children for factory/agricultural work.
My only concern is Japan's population issue, which has subsided a bit as their economy has recovered. But is still of concern.
IVF is still possible though, and I think that's a possibility that some same sex female couples have pursued, it's the perfect solution.

Sup Forums's AOTS is Konosuba

That's reddit AOTS

Adoption is not the same as your love producing a continuation of both of yourselves.

Stop pushing this delusion that adoption is just as good as actually continuing your genetics