What's the difference between men and women to make men move where power and money is found while women don't...

What's the difference between men and women to make men move where power and money is found while women don't? Why is Bitcoin and the crypto community 95% male dominated, even more than science and technology?

Just what's the difference?

The Male has evolved to take risks
well not much risk taking in berry picking is there

Why are feminists all whiners

I bet they're all sluts

I bet you're a slut

Is Sup Forums as retarded as women or do you guys actually own crypto

Maybe women should pick better occupations, then invest that better income, instead of blaming others for their shortcomings.

Just women.

All i'd say is if you find a sucker that'll pay for your 'disney dollars' then sell. The brits are already passing legislation to out right ban bitcoin and it'll catch on.

Tried to get a geeky girl from work into ETH when it was ~20$, she told me I was an idiot and that crypto is stupid, now it's 700 and she "wants to hang out"

they never learn

You can't ban Bitcoin

nocoiners don't understand blockchain
also, there are other crypto besides btc
also2, they banned drugs, how well did that work?

Women think video cards are for losers.

Seriously. A ban would just drive up the price even more. There is a true demand for crypto and nobody can control it.
It would just further drive people to never cash out and grab any Bitcoin they can get their hands on, no matter the price. Venezuela and Simbabwe are the best examples.

Men take risks and women do not. More failures are men, more leaders are men. Women live mediocre lives and whine at those who succeed.

Holy shit women already trying to guilt trip men into free bitcoin gibs. Men create all this shit that adds value and women immediately want their "fair share" even though they did shit to develop it, and probably on average relentlessly mocked people behind it until it actually blew up in value.

"Women don't want their own shit, they want our shit."

If you lived in a mansion with a woman and you made your own "man-cave" with whatever the fuck you wanted. Every other room in the house is for her. How long do you think it would take before she pokes her stupid fucking head through the door?

Why is this Sup Forums

I own some crypto but I definitely waited too long. The difference between me and women is that I feel stupid not entitled. Fucking bitches.

>women cant into trading

Imagine my le shook

People retarded enough to believe bitcoin will be a good thing deserve to be shot.

Can't wait for you faggots to find out the government can take control of a shitty electric ledger being used as currency and chip all you faggots.

oh man it's going to become cheap
like cocaine

>Just what's the difference?

Women get a free pass while men know they have to work for shit.

There are plenty of people who get how block chain work, it's just irritating that bitcoiners can't admit that the coin's own strengths are it's weaknesses.

Also it's laughable if they seriously believe the government can't get it's grubby little fingers on it.

Men are more motivated to take action. Women are waiting for permission or some sort of consensus.

*gets doctorate from Yale * its clearly the oppressive bourgeois men in institutions of power

Explain how

Funnily enough 90% of the women who own bitcoin are whores who accept it as a payment method for their nudes. Bitcoin is shit either way.

Do you really believe that governments need to issue out currencies to exist? No they just need to be able to collect taxes from individuals.

Rules and regulations are already being passed on Bitcoin as well and there will only be more on the way if it ever becomes mainstream.

Not only that but bio-metrics is becoming more of a thing along with your identity and your bank account (or just your wallet) being connected closer together.

So I dump my btc into Monero and tell uncle ((Samuel)) to fuck himself

Explain exactly how the government can take my Bitcoin that are stored on my paperwallet

is it because women just in general dont care, dont bother to research, cant learn from reading a headline posted on facebook and wont bother upping their literacy level to be able to understand and be on the cutting edge. i'm sure women will catch wind of this and bitch like other shit they didn't bother to invest in or understand but that's the point, equality has nothing to do with someone not bothering to do a certain amount of work but equality of outcomes that's so central to moronic blind intersectional feminists. just because you dye your hair doesn't mean you understand anything, idiot.

next it'll be the 'right' of some migrants to be able to afford this shit and then the clamoring to crash economies and societies will follow.

i'm not obliged to explain something complicated to someone who can't understand it.

That's funny because you and I both know even though we would like to tell Uncle Sam to go fuck himself, you do not fuck with the IRS.

The government will figure out a way to get its gibs from the public.

Not only that but this all plays into the elites hands of wanting to create a cashless society and have everyone chipped.

If you bought anything on an exchange you will have to answer for it if you get audited. Probably safe considering the current environment (too much unknowns, IRS has limited field agents, etc.). You are taking a risk either way.

Because paying taxes is kind of the law ass hole.

honestly its un-user friendly and convoluted as all fuck and you have to have literal autistic style detail-orientated thinking which is found far more in males

if you could just sign up to a website women would use it to, but 99.99999% of men are never going to be bothered to learn all the jargon and hack their risidual gibson data to get it working either

i think you're right but the problem is, the whole point that it takes actual effort, not a gender studies degree, to figure this shit out, will be completely lost and it'll be boiled down to the low hanging fruit of the day, sexist, racist, xenophobic etc etc. because you know as well as i do user, there's no fucking way anyone will publish a story that say, 'well, women just dont bother working for bitcoin that's why' you'll never see it. women are being controlled by social media and M5M and they simply seem to be too dumb to think critically and ask why someone would even make an article, the answer being to rustle jimmies on an user board that's why.

I heard it is hard to cash out, so I never invested. Liquidity is extremely important for volatile investments. The index for BC will crash if everyone makes a run to sell.

Who here likes daytrading crypto?
Currently hoping for MONA and BAT to rise.
MONA is used by the japs for fuckloads of stuff, been around a few years. Worth about a tenner each.
BAT is made by the guy who got fired from firefox for funding a republican political cause. He also wrote Javascript. He's made this to integrate with patreon and have a plugin for websites so people can pay directly to creators (to be released soon). Also he will likely shill it somehow through the Brave browser he writes.

I want it to do well.