Sup Forums humour thread

Do it faggots

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What free stuff do we demand from the Amerindians?


The land and their lives perhaps?

what about those fancy smoking pipes ?

Deals were made. The Indians sucked at making deals. For example, my tribe's Chief Hole in the Day went to Washington to negotiate giving up Wisconsin... he got a postage stamp reservation in Minnesota, a pair of pistols, and a lot of booze. A really bad deal.

>scattered native indian tribes constantly infighting and genociding each other constitute a country
>scattered native indian tribes gave the pilgrims welfare somehow (?) despite raiding and attacking their settlements on a regular basis
>doesn’t know the difference between the United States and continental North America

>a giant continent with random groups of primitive tribes dispersed throughout is a country now

>making a stupid deal = being robbed
The absolute state of modern injuns.

Well, fucking oops, those savages had enough time to develop their land and fight the oppressors if needed. BUT they didn`t. So whatever.

If selling it and then coming to murder you is considered "giving away for free", I might become a supporter of welfare for immigrants after all.

shiny beads aren't free

How is this Sup Forums humour? Try reddit.


Wish my ancestors stayed in Europe

>present tense
>past tense


Wish Kim would nuke all of you damn nation-traitors.


Because mechanized farm equipment was just a dream at the time. No one had a use for niggers once the cotton picker 9000 was invented.



Hell, half the land had to be bought multiple times because different groups of Indians would approach the American government to sell OTHER TRIBE'S LANDS, and swindled the dumb white man.

All this swindling did drop the price the government would give for territories over time.

Now, the Hawaiian have a real complaint. But not the native Indians cause most of their ancestors that made the deals thought they were swindling the euros.

conquest right dumbo

The cs on this site keeps breaking, even when i disable add blocks. Fuck sakes.

Only 10% of American blacks have actual black slave ancestors.

That means the other 90% came here on their own damn will. So why are they all trying to claim they are slave children?

They should be asking for all the back child support. Heh heh heh


>why not your ancestors did it?
delo taylor's grandmother sucked 40 dicks. therefore delo taylor can imagine sucking 40 dicks.
delo taylor is gay.

The transcontinental slave trade was an entirely kike organization, we just bought the goods

Sup Forums BTFO eternally.

I would say that the immigration and welfare problem we are dealing with come from the bad deals (((we))) made.

>colonisation and conquest are the same as begging for free shit like a dirty spic or nigger



>White man asks to purchase land
>Be so retarded you think to yourself "one can't own land"
>Go on with deal anyway to try your Redman Jew skills
>Sell "that which cannot be owned" for whiskey, tobacco, guns, and blankets and shit.
>white houses being built
>Entire towns coming into existence
>"What the fuck are you guys doing"
>"Building houses on the land you sold us"
>Get extremely jealous
>Thousands of years of the concept of property ownership come crashing into your fucking idiot Indian brain
>Insist the white man get off of "your land" because you were tricked
>Get BTFO politely
>Get BTFO not so politely when you won't let it go
>Get BTFO so hard the white man gives you pity land where you can basically do whatever you fucking please
>Your entire civilization is reduced to getting drunk, having kids, doing drugs, abducting white kids, beating your wife, and murdering white folks
>All funded by the US Welfare system because the casino owning redjews don't share any of their money and are whiter than you
Injuns are fucking retarded

You forgot:
>Tribes ruled by genocidal theocratic empires from which Europeans liberated them.

I stopped looking after getting to irrigation. Not one of those things originates with Arabs. Literally not one.


Ahh, the "your ancestors are guilty, therefore you are by proxy!" argument.

Well yes, my ancestors probably waged war, raped, plundered and did a little slave trading as you do.
Do you have any idea how much war and slave trading has been going on in Africa?
Give me a break.

I'm not going to be held responsible for things that happened before I was born, let alone what happened 400-700 years ago.

We live in modern times now, grow up.

As a Native American, I'm very anti-DACA. GTFO beaners. I don't mind whites, they know how to make the country successful. Beaners just want free shit.

I have a hard time believing that. Since when did the in take in a mass influx of niggers outside of slavery?

Wasn't even acountry back then.
Only barabric tribes killing each other

"Give us this land for free!"
"Okie dokie, here you go"

Yes, that's how it happened...



ah yes, but yours were successful

and we can't have that. success must be punished.


Difference is Conquest vs Gibsmedat

We brought them the wheel, and horses just for starters. Fucking nigger logic.

>No one had a use for niggers once the cotton picker 9000 was invented.

canadian education, everyone

cotton production still required an enormous amount of manual labor even after the invention of the cotton gin, which in fact simply *increased* the demand for slaves by picking so much more cotton that had to be processed by hand.

I hope we can say the same in 30 years when we outbreed wypipo

You have never produced anything of value to humanity and will not. Nobody will want what you have because you have nothing useful to provide. No, cocaine doesn't count. You're the descendants of Europeans but the mestizo strain made you uncivilized retards. When we disappear you will all collapse even further, the only thing barely keeping your people afloat is the welfare provided by the white world.

The American Indian empires have been erased from history for PC reasons. The sioux didn’t start out as horse-riders with rifles out in the Dakotas, they conquered all that land from Crow and Blackfoot with the weapons they bought from whites. When whites showed up in these lands the subjugated tribes all allied with them. TLDR, nomadic conquerers like the Sioux killed more Indians than white people did.

This times a fucking million.
Same story all over the world.

Soon as whitey turns up, doesn't just 'take land' but actually does something with it, becomes prosperous because of said "Work & Effort", abbos suddenly think they are entitled to the bounties of our labour.

Yes ... GTFO OP ... GTFO ...

The crusades were not effective enough.


Literally this. I don't understand how anybody can say the land was stolen when the indians were too stupid to even understand the concept of property ownership. Something that was almost completely universal even by those standards.

>barbaric tribes
You mean goyim

They built that DHS building where my teepee used to be. :(

Things actually invented by muslims:

Things not actually invented by muslims:
>Algebra (greeks).
>Hospitals (Egyptians/Romans).
>Universities (Europe)
>Toothbrush (China)
>Pin-hole camera (UK)


FYI when you get responses like this simply say how what happened to the native Americans is proof that unrestricted immigration is a bad thing.

They had no written language, recorded history, or permanent structures. It’s like razing a birds nest or some other wild animals’ piss nest or shooing away bears to make way for civilization.

To be fair, some tribes like the Iroquois did develop a written language after whites showed up



Classic dip shit. Op invoke comparison with white pioneers and Native Americans ... you immediately start disrespecting the Native Americans. I'm Native American and quite frankly I'm over it. I don't like illegals in the year 2018. The leaders of the remaining code breakers just did a big event supporting Trump. Why are you going off like a racist dip shit on Native Americans?

For tze german speakers

The Indians didn't own the land and the land that they did own was bought with resources given as currency.

Fucking dirty non-whites always trying to get guilt out of the whites.

Just ask that nigger what was the name of the country we did that to. Oh, it didn't have a name? Then it wasn't a fucking country.

>abboslayers and our dad trying to argue we "robbed" the indians

You're a useless fucking shit stain ... and I say that as a very conservative white male. Our ancestors would have traded you for a wigwam and a couple of blankets. ky

Niggers trying to take back stuff they don’t own. Wasn’t the first time they tried to rob white people.

Only people that believe the land was stolen is white people but no person is going to correct an idiot when it means they can milk their stupidity for money.

Indians killed other tribes over land and other property, they understood the concept of being conquered.


What the fuck are you on about?


Hahaha yes! And I personally invented the tele-o-vision and the personal computer. Seriously muslims and their audacity!


The few inventions on that list that were developed by "Muslims" weren't actually mooslimes at all, but heretics persecuted by the mooslimes.




Muslims are delusional retards... errr we inventrd music... like are you fucking so fucking stupid you could possibly think that was true. Fucking savages put a sword to anyones throat and said convert or die they didnt invent shit.


hey , as far as we understand did not consider theymselves as "owners" of the land but rather as part of the whole..

the concept of private or state ownership was alien to them so the settlers did not necessarily take the from them rather they imposed a view on them which established the land as a commodity.

Personally I find the original spiritual view of the people as inherently part of the whole world superiour and the division of it and defense of those divisions by even lethal force as a fracturing of the personality into an unnatural thing without its roots in the Earth

is this real guyse


Colonization isnt theft.

America wasn't a country at that point



>South America


I don’t think Mooslimes can do shit? Only thing they can make are bombs and “Allah”. Even Jews did better than the Ramalamadingadandong cunts


The native story that I will accept is they didn't know what "own the land" means. But they certainly had a concept of it. They knew to stay out of other tribes territories or face conflict, they would built shrines and shit and frequent them and worship their idiot corn Gods and shit and would protect them from being defiled. They knew what plunking down your shit and staying in one place for an extended time meant. They're just shitty and think playing retard makes their story somehow more virtuous


her response should be at least mine didn't sell me to the highest bidder.
