Is the Soy thing just a meme or is there truth to it?

Is the Soy thing just a meme or is there truth to it?

I'm having anxiety over if I should cut soy out of my diet or not

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Why take the risk?

its a half truth

The same people who sell that idea also sell things with soy in it.

Since it is being discussed so much there might be some truth to it. It's not like it is the only food in the world so why not quit it?

soy boy is mostly in reference to ppl who eat processed soy like vegans do. the soy foods that asians eat are generally ok like tofu.

It's a fucking meme, eating soy isn't going to turn you into a fucking woman.

Soy is mostly in processed foods, which you should cut out anyway. Eat meat, vegetables, eggs, dairy, fruit, and you'll get no soy.

soy molecules are similar to estrogen and they are known to cause similar effects (eg. manboobs) in large quantities

1) Eat more Omega 3 rich foods
2) Exercise.
3) Sunlight (ha! for a leaf? How do you do that?)
4) social contact
5) Stop eating ALL sugars.

Unless you are already low t and eating tons of it you got nothing to worry about. Huge amounts of “men” in Silicon Valley and Bay Area that manage to look feminine with beards are why soy boy is a thing, but they are possessed by the spirit of Lilith trying to manifest herself in the physical world through technology.

The Kali Yuga is real gents. With technology consciousness can shape reality to higher degrees, and progress is on the exponential curve. VR, transhumanism etc won’t just make anime real, they will become portals for abstract intelligences and usher in an age of undeniable gods and demons the likes of which will cease to be mythological constructs and invisible forces but undeniable agents of reality.

The internet preys in desire, especially sexual desire. Through providing stimulus it gains control. Her and Ex Machina understand on some level that this is a feminine force. And one we are already losing control over, which will reshape the world until materialism and spiritualism are inseparable because objective knowledge will have the power to shape reality into increasingly subjective forms, at which point the spirit will ultimately prevail.

for the last year I started eating too much mcdonalds and now I have gay thoughts, sometimes I put various things in my anus and imagine myself a cute girl who gets fucked with a big cock. How do you think are these thing related?

Asian "Herbivore Men" were a thing before the Western Soyboy phenomenon materialized.

no goy, what should be dangerous about consuming estrogen as a man?
only nazis believe such bullshit

is that richard castle?

it's not a meme.

soy raises your estrogen levels. you want whey/milk based protein, too much soy will literally give you bitch tits and make you more feminine.

no soy.

But can you prove any of what you just said?

This shit has been debunked years ago

>it's not a meme.

>soy raises your estrogen levels.

>too much soy will literally give you bitch tits and make you more feminine.

Why is it in your diet in a first place? Are you a chink or something?
Eat what your ancestors ate. Can't go wrong with that.

You joke, but when it gets dark at four thirty in the afternoon, something happens and your will to live starts to vanish rapidly

fuck off it's literally true

>Omega 3 rich foods
Like soybeans?

>James Price’s breasts had been painful and swollen. It looked as if gum balls were implanted underneath each nipple. The slightest touch triggered throbs.

> every single time
the personal life of edgy atheist leftists is embarassing


>Stop eating ALL sugars.
They put that shit in EVERYTHING for fuck sake.
Then you better get out more. I've worked at night for many years and now I understand why I feel like shit all the time.

I wish I could hug you user.

>Its dark outside
>I dont have the will to live anymore

Stay away from soy milk, it'll give you teets. Ugly, pointy ones ... not the nice ones chicks have. Boy-teets.

but arent asians boy incarnate? 170 cm on average, small dicks small bodies, ugly unattractive, low test etc?


Why consume excessive amounts of soy anyways?
Broccoli and spinach are superior vegetables anyways and don't influence estrogen levels

Why do they do they thing with their mouths?
It's like their soul is trying to scream in pure terror and anger because this stupid fleshy body it currently inhabits is ruining everything.

Yeah, but I think they've evolved to where they no longer get the cone teets Madonna made famous in the 90s. But isn't the real question "why eat soy"? Face it ... soy is dry, it's bland, it sucks. Go out and get yourself a beer, a steak, and a nice twice baked spud.

Not true, there is no correlation between dietary soy and increased levels of estrogen in the blood. Hormone levels are determined by a plethora of genetic and environmental factors. Controlling for others, soy was not found to affect hormone levels.

If you're really worried about estrogen/testosterone levels, stop using plastics entirely. Even handling plastics has been shown to increase estrogen. Also, receipt paper is covered in BPA which can and will suppress testosterone levels.


>open mouth

What do you think?

It's called the human equivalent of the fear grimace.

It's how primates show submissiveness

It's "lol so randum xD"

That is not entirely right.
Soy is literally poison to the human body. It affects the production of hormons negatively and CAN, but not must change some peoples hormonal balance towards a more feminine one.
People (males) for example drinking milk of cows that got fed with majorily soy fodder developed "bitch tits".
Bitch tits grow on men when their is a disbalance towards feminine hormones.

>soy molecules

if you're a male thats having anxiety over anything you are clearly doing something wrong.

Soy does not have omega 3s in it

If you're that paranoid, eat cruciferous vegetables like broccoli. They help cleanse estrogen mimics and have chemicals like sulforaphane that fight cancer.

>I'm having anxiety over if I should cut soy out of my diet or not
You're a soyboy alright.

Soy is really really bad for you. It increases your estrogen levels and taken in decent quantities on a daily/weekly basis can cause you to become more passive, placid and feminine. This is a fact.

Try not to think about it bros :)

I haven't eaten soy or dairy for 4 years. It is not a meme. Avoid it like the plague just like dairy.

It's true. After stopping eating soy and products containing it, I grew a full beard. Doesn't sound amazing but I'm 30 and couldn't grow a beard without missing patches until now.

Staying on Sup Forums too much makes you hate everyone and tests your ability to see through shills. Threading lightly is recommended. This includes soyboys.

The amerimutt inside you is growing

Is that guy on the left supposed to be a chad?

Lots of gay people never touched soy.

Another one after googling his wife LOL

Some burger said even McDonalds fries have sugar in them.

> Soy is literally poison to the human body

Sounds like bullshit. Sources would be in order.

> It affects the production of hormons negatively


> but not must chagne some people hormonal balance towards a more feminine one.

Sources. There was some concern about 10 or so years ago about phyto-estrogens in soy increasing estrogen production in men and women, but more recently this has been debunked.

> People (males) for example drinking milk of cows that got fed with majorily soy fodder developed "bitch tits".

HAHAHA. Sure. Sources.

I know three men who have developed "bitch tits" without becoming obese. One of them was taking HGH and gaining muscle at the same time. The other two just had junk food dietstheir whole lives and were very sedentary and never ate tofu or drank soy milk.

> This is a fact.

Facts have sources with peer reviewed research.

beer doesn't have to list its ingredients. it's full of soy retard

say it to my face faggot

>page 4

Will Wheaton shows why all jews are human garbage and like boogie he is just a sad little inbred bitch.

Fucker is so dumb being ainbred jew he probably even thinks the holohoax was real.

Why all the ladyboys then?

It isn't a meme.
Most liberals I've encountered were weak vegans.
Carbs and sugar are non-essential for the human body. We, like every other animal, is meant to eat meat.

no jews are the soyim hence why every jew who has released their Testosterone results has the T levels of a normal 80 year old man.

Jews should really lay off the inbreeding like that cousin fucker Einstein. If jews were smart they would know the holohoax was fake.

Do you think the romans and greeks ate soy too?

This is false, even latsbrah will tell you it's not true.

Incidentally I wouldn't recommend eating it though, there are far better things to be eating.

Prove it

Took this at Miami airport they aren’t even trying to hide it

Ever since agriculture, our bodies have been getting weaker and weaker.

Soy is shit tier food.
Sources you want?
There are a lot of (((sources))) claiming the opposite of what i say.

Lots of people in SE Asia are lactose intolerant. Soy milk is pretty much sold everywhere alongside regular milk.

Just eat a normal diet, user.

Jews are the soyim the rest of the world is goyim, thats why their T levels of every jew who puts them out there is like that of a 80 year old normal man.

> There are a lot of (((sources))) claiming the opposite of what i say.


No, they mongreld with shitskinlers. That brought us Gay and pedophilia.

ahhhhh, has anyone sent this to him yet

Soy is in a lot of processed food today. even food youy would consider being totally "western culture food".
Plastics are also doing their share to feminize men.
It's an addition of these both plus birth control pills women swallow and later piss out the hormones that can't be undone by water cleaning and refinery plants.

In Thailand, people will assume you're gay if you look like you work out.

t. grew up there

You admit believing (((their))) sources?

Soy is only in shit-tier food anyway, so you might as well cut it out.

I recoginize this kike's eyes, that was some funny shit

>eating Soy
What are you, Chinese?

So your saying Jews look worse than thai lady boys? well their t levels in Jews are lower scientifically than thai lady boys but that doesnt say much.

Due to all the inbreeding in jews its no wonder even Jews like Einstein were inbreds who married and fucked their first cousin.

The government doesn't give farmers massive subsidies because it's fucking sustainable and good for you, that's for fucking sure.

>ahhhhh, has anyone sent this to him yet
dunno, some brave user should stand up to him, that christ killing jew wasnt happy enough about those people being dead. Look at the timestamp he literally posted that while women and children were bleeding out, not even in the grave yet.

He didnt wait until their bodies were cold to spread his hate on christians because of his super jewiness. Parents with no kids this christmas and kids with no parents, while this sick fuck yucks it up on twitter to his followers who all follow him lockstep.

I'm starting to think that the will wheaton being cucked thing is a psyop to popularize cuckoldry...

She looks familliar, I think i've seen her on the news before.

>christcuck this mad not everyone respects his retarded waste of time religion that does and accomplishes nothing