Why is everyone so quiet on Radical Christianity?

Why is everyone so quiet on Radical Christianity?

When Radical Muslims do a few things, then suddenly, EVERYONE loses their minds

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I always knew that Ochako was the best waifu.

When radical christians are beheading people then maybe I'll care

>KKK and Westboro are equal in size and danger to ISIS and Al-Quaeda
Okay, I know this is bait, but there are lefties who legitimately believe that. Just how?

I'd gladly release the gas on every kkk member and godhatesfags person in exchange for every muslim holding radical views.

How many people have the KKK and WBC blown up, maimed or otherwise severely harmed in the last year?

I dunno Muhammad, you tell me.


Oh look a balt who doesn’t know any better. What are the odds?


Because radical Christians aren't mindless murderers and aren't as dangerous as radical Muslims

Radical muslims commit dozens of deadly attacks every year. When is the last time radical christians killed somebody?

The crusades were totally justified. Give back Constantinople, Alexandria, and Jerusalem you filthy rats.

No they aren't justified and why Alexanderia ??

I suggest we wait a couple of crusades, inquisitions, witch and nigger hunt so that muslims become well adjusted society members.

>I'd gladly ignore the religion and culture in a constant state of war with Europe and European cultures to fight this other threat that has never directly effected me because the TV said it's more dangerous

Do all Semitics pretend to be victims after they attack someone? Is this just a cultural thing?

>baiting with shit

How many people did radical Christianity kill? How many terrorist attacks have been committed by Christians and Islamists worldwide (or national I don't care).

>Radical Christian
>you mean the fundies?
Well they caused a moral panic in America and got us buddied up with Israel. We don't take them as seriously anymore.

When was the last time the kkk or Westborough did anything but call someone a nigger or a faggot? I don't think Westborough has actually don't ANYTHING physical at all, it's been nothing but word of mouth slander from them at best. I can name 5 terrorist attacks this year that claimed actual lives

How many people are being killed by radical Christians?
200.000 Christians are being killed every year in middle east due to nothing but their religious belief, while the opposite does not happen.
How many acts of terrorism was caused by Christians in the last century compared to Muslims?

>But muh Crusades
That was to defend Europe against Muslim invasion.

compare Jesus Christ to Muhammad

Because Christian Fundamentalists aren't hurting anything except peoples feelings.

All the religious people of the world should be gassed, but to say that some shouldn't be gassed before others is fucking ignorant.

l've seen this a lot. Using BNHA for retarded lefty image macros and dumb edits like OP's. l thought soyboys only liked Star Wars and Harry Potter

The same reason we aren't all that concerned about radical Buddhists.

Because it's not in their doctrine to plant IEDs after you've insulted Jesus or made Jerusalem a Jewish capital.
Yeah, no. No one with a brain is retarded like you.

95% are FBI agents

>Westboro Baptist Church
Protest things they don't like.

Where is the radicalism at?

>Why is everyone so quiet on Radical Christianity?
When was the last time radical christianity has killed anyone?
Yet I can point to radical islam killing people just within the past week.

We should defend ourselves against the most likely vector of violence like Islam. Not an obscure one like Christianity.

yes, lets talk about all those people killed by chirstians

...I'll wait

kkk is all fbi anyway

kill them all

What the fuck is westboro? Quit forcing your local organizations.


Reading this site should be mandatory for anyone who wants to post here.

>everyone wearing a MAGA hat is a radical christian
>everyone wearing a MAGA hat wants to nuke the middle east

Nice strawman, desu

plain and sinple muslims shouldnt be here and anything they have done could have been prevented if our politicans werent traitors. Deal with one problem at a time muslims are by far te more pertinent issue.

Because as ethnically Christian Europeans, radical Christians are "us" and a problem for us to solve internally, whereas Muslims are an alien force that should not be here in the first place.

As far as solving the radical Christian "problem" goes (which really is not a big deal), simply reform our homogenous nation and institute a hierarchical state church.

As diversity increases, people seek out more radical forms of identity expression to cope with the death of healthy cohesive communities and self-identity.

A hierarchical state church (either a Catholic archdiocese or the formation of a Catholic-esque national church in the vein of high church Anglicanism) will keep people from the more idiotic expressions of Christianity. Free market Christianity is how you get boomers sucking Israel's dick, opening borders, and handling snakes,

Westboro doesn't hurt people, they yell at them until they're assault for being g faggots, then they sue them. Kkk is FBI honeypot, not a real organization anymore.