I was last in Italy in 2012. I want to go again in 2018. I need the truth. Is Italy ruined by migrants...

I was last in Italy in 2012. I want to go again in 2018. I need the truth. Is Italy ruined by migrants? Was 2012 the last time I'll see true Italy?

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Depends on what part of Italy you want to go.

South Central Italy, Matera, Trani, naples, pompeii, also rome again

My parents just went to Rome earlier this year. They said the migrants were hardly noticeable, even though they were looking out for them and any trouble because it was right after that incident with those refugees refusing to be relocated to permanent housing.

some parts were okay. a fucking refugee stole my phone in Milan though.

Does OP want to see Milan, Genova or Bologna?

OP here, when I went in 2012 I was in Florence, Bologna, Venice, Luca, Pisa, Siena, as well as various southern cities (Trani, Matera, Albero Bella, Paestum, Pompei


Ayy what

>true Italy


Get a load of this terrone.

I just wanna know if theres any places i should avoid

You really need to get off the internet man, Italy has ALWAYS had migrant. also you talking about 2012 being distant is hilarious.
All those places are still majority Italian and who cares if it wasn't? you going to italy for what exactly? the language? still there. The food? still there. The buildings? still there. 2012 was not even a decade ago....

What about Puglia, is puglia overflood with shitskins? I want some primitivo.

But the rapefugee crisis was in 2015.
Europe has changed drastically ever since

I don't believe you for a second. I don't like refugees either but this makes no sense.
If it was stolen out of your hand, you're weak and unattentive. But this is unlikely.
If it was left somewhere and stolen, how could you possibly know it was a refugee?
You're just as bad as lefties going on about "muh white supremacy"

Yea, If I were you I would avoid north italy and the campania, those lombard bastards ruined italy, and dont get me started on this Normans, fucking normies get of montecassino ava marrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeiiaaaa

Bologna is approaching must-nuke-to-revive status.

T. Bolognese studying abroad

>any places i should avoid
Napoli is a good starting point to avoid

thats a shame, glad i got to see the unfinished church and tilted medieval towers when i had the chance

go everywhere but Napoli, they will rob/kill you.

Currently traveling trough Italy. All things considered everything is still shipshape. You’ll see a lot of young African guys individually begging outside of grocery stores and whatnot but other than that the migrants are scarcely noticeable.

I was in Milan during the year. It was full of blacks and trying to sell shitty merchandise. Definitely all off the banana boats

Not sure why you're acting so aggressive, friend. If you really wanna know, I was drunk at a bus stop late at night when this guy started talking us up and told us about how he's a refugee from Tunisia. I tried being friendly, made conversation, etc, but I didn't realize he had pickpocketed me until I I had already gotten on the bus. It was stupid, but that's how I knew.

>Pickpocketed in current year
So you did deserve it then

Salento is beautiful and if you go in turistic areas you should be fine pretty much everywhere in Puglia since they live on tourism, the same happens in Sicilia.

If you think drunk people who are too friendly deserve to get pickpocketed by shitskin refugees, then sure, I deserved it

I'm from Milan and even when refugees weren't a thing the city center had niggers trying to sell you books and bracelets, 13 years ago.

We always had niggers here even in the 90s but they were that kind of pacific niggers that were tolerable and friendly, unlike the refugees of today and North Africans.

I'm saying that being unattentive in a foreign country is about the dumbest thing you can do. It's rule 1 in the travelers handbook, man.
And yes, drinking enough in public to the point where you can't feel yourself getting robbed is definitely your own fault.
He's a piece of shit for doing it, but it could have been easily prevented on your end.
L2Travel m8.

You literally have to walk over them and forget about siting down in public places, there are also streets full of them all lined up selling purses and shit.

>pineapple Netherlands

Who hurt you here?

most of it is africa now, if you go to rome you will feel like you are back in paris

>implying locals are better than refugees

We're still talking of the wrong part of Italy.

italy does not have many gibs to shitskins, so i assume situation shouldn't be so bad

what pocket was your phone in? your front pants pockets? you wouldnt feel a guy touching your dick while taking it out? or was it in a jacket or something?

post tits

Thanks for the tip, Rick Steves. OP asked about migrants in Italy, I answered with a personal experience. Getting pickpocketed is obviously partially my fault but it also wouldn't have happened if Italy didn't decide to import a bunch of niggers

Or you could stop being a faggot and blame the subhuman refugee who act like niggers and steal from people whom they should be subjugating themselves to.

The more north and closer to Slavs, the better

but to confirm from actual Italians... how's Trieste doing?

i personally liked genoa the best

>partially my fault

No it's not what the fuck? It's not your fault some subhuman sand nigger from Tunisia took advantage of your kindness. I'm pretty sure he's the only one at fault for living up to stereotypes and being a nigger.

I while i was siting in an nice restaurant out side on a terrace i was forced to look at niggers waddle about aimlessly while eating, i instantly lost my appetite and decided to get drunk.

Rome is beautiful, but it's full of niggers selling fake Gucci handbags and other cheap junk. They're super aggressive too. They'll literally follow you down the road and keep harassing you to buy. I don't know why the Italian authorities don't do something about them.

>niggers selling fake Gucci handbags

ha when I was there in 2012, there was a whole row of them with fake purses and as soon as cop started coming down the road they all took off running

m8 the ilalian authorities literally have their entire navy on refugee importation patrol. they drive over to africa and bring them all back, because its the "humane" thing to do instead of letting the rapefugees risk drowning in their stupid homemade boats. imagine if your countrys navy was so cucked its job was literally to bring in BBC to rape your women

>He doesn't know that all you have to do is buy a fair amount of stuff from one of them and word will spread through the streets of your purchases and they won't bother you again.

Can you stab or beat the fuck out of somebody doing this with no legal consequences?

>reee it's never my fault
People are shitty. We've known this entire lives. Even within our own race we have to be precautious, unfortunate as that is.
If you're not be prepared for this shit, then yes, it is your fault.
The world will never be free from "bad guys", learn to deal with it and stop playing the victim.


Unless you stumble upon a refugee center you are very unlikely to meet one, there aren't really that many, they prefer northern europe for their gibs

He's not at fault for the other man's actions, he's at fault for not being able to defend himself / not preparing for it.
Jesus what happened to this board. Bunch of victimized faggots.


>Not blaming the person that's committing the crime but blame the person affected by said crime

Go be retarded somewhere else you stupid nigger lover.

It's sad that it happened but it's still 1 episode in a year in a country of 60 millions

fuck you americano chazzo
insulting my countruy ma che chazo bastadrdo
sto furi com euna balcone

Italy is ruined by italians

>just pay $50 for a fake item and they'll leave you alone!

I bet you also argue that it's liberals own fault for choosing not to own firearm's.
As I said, the root cause is the criminal, but the defender IS AT FAULT for not taking the very basic steps in preventing this.
>Not getting wasted in public in a foreign country
>Not having the smallest amount of self awareness
>Not having any sort of backup plan whatsoever
Continue being victimized faggots

Ah yes, haven't seen this in awhile.

Hey stupid nigger lover, is the women in that video at fault for not knowing refugees are violent savages or is it the refugees fault for getting violent for no reason?

It's their fault for being savages
It's her fault for not carrying mace or a taser at the bare minimum.
As I've said, if you don't go into the world expecting things like this to happen, you are at fault, because we have more than enough evidence at this point to show that we need to be prepared when we go out.

Yes and yes.

not guy you were talking to originally but i would also argue its not the defenders fault, but the cuck italians who voted for this faggotry. they should be legally liable and user who got pickpocketed should be able to sue every single citizen of italy for being such a piece of shit massive faggot for sitting back and not storming their city hall with torches and hanging their politicians who are letting north africans run wild to the point where people are getting raped and killed

>He doesn't know you can haggle them down to 4 euro

I was in Milan last week, saw more niggers in 2 days than I had ever seen before. There were even shitloads of niggers in Cuomo, a small little village.
Also, saw more kebab than pizza places.

We can play the blame game for years. I know because I've been watching it go full circle 20 years.
At the end of the day, no matter who we vote for and what legislation is passed, there are still going to be awful people out there and there is literally no excuse to not be prepared for them.
Tell me one legitimate excuse for not being able to defend yourself aside from laziness/convenience

You're still trying to blame the person being affected by the crime and not the perpetrator and that isn't how things work in the slightest. You're trying to pin the crime on the guy who stopped short at the light as opposed to the faggot who was tailgating and actually slams into the back of the other persons car.

Literal kike logic blaming the victim opposed to the perpetrator.

defense starts with rule of law and sane policy. i dont think you want to be forced to defend yourself every day from hordes of barbarians. that would get tiresome. or maybe you prefer the challenge and im just being lazy?



>“We’re getting those family units again. They’re getting bus rides just like before at taxpayer expense to their destination of choice,” a U.S. Border Patrol agent told WND.

>These illegal crossers are given a notice to show up at a later date to an immigration court hearing, but the vast majority are no-shows. They disappear into Chicago, Atlanta, San Francisco, L.A., or some other city.

rapists and strongarm thugs coming to a city near you! i agree that user was a little bitch for letting a tunisian faggot take a phone from him but lets be objective here, the blame lies with the politicians and government officials who are not only allowing subversion of the rule of law, but actively undermining it for more votes and time in office to enrich themselves

>it also wouldn't have happened if Italy didn't decide to import a bunch of niggers
There were already gypsies there before they got blacked by Merkel so it could have happened with a non-refugee pickpocket as well.

Catholic bro! Fuck Yankees!

Because at least part of the blame is on him. He's in a foreign country and didn't even think "hey I might need to protect myself".
It's not his fault he got attacked, it's his fault for not being able to defend himself when rule #1 of traveling is be prepared to defend yourself.
What happened to this boards balls? I leave for 1 year and come back to a bunch of whiny faggots.
Did the election actually effect the board this badly?

Still too many, mate.
But yeah, it's not that "bad", you will see many more non-whites in the rest of Europe than in Italy.

it'shit and in a full state of decadence