Heartbreaking pictures show six-year-old girl left blinded and in agony with protruding and bleeding eyes as she...

>Heartbreaking pictures show six-year-old girl left blinded and in agony with protruding and bleeding eyes as she battles cancer
>Dhanika Tripura, from India, is suffering with acute lymphocytic leukemia
>She was healthy until she deteriorated after suffering itchy eyes just 6 weeks ago
>Her family too poor to afford help, she was sent away with only painkillers
>Now a charity has stepped in to help, but her parents still need further funds
>She has started chemotherapy but her chance of survival is only about 10%


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Just put the fucking thing out of its misery. Put that money towards other kids with better odds.

That sucks.

This, even if she gets them fixed she is going to be in a world with crazy medical debts.

What even is the point of living?

Put it out of its misery.
Unless you can learn something from its suffering.


Prayers with the poor girl, however also sage in all fields because this isn't politics.

Yea. Sometimes people die. Luckily for this girl her parents have kept her alive in agony begging for gibs.

Not even a hundred years or so, we would have let the child die. It simply wasn't meant to be. Take it as it is and try for another. she was healthy until this happened, just wasn't the right time

Who cares?

is this buzzfeed or what