Posting translations for this.
Kantai Collection / kanColle
>[Pleased to meet you everyone, I'm Kurogane Gin.]
>[I couldn't quite make these stories only about the Mogami class wwwww. Though outside of the main story there isn't much to do with the Mogami class, wwwwww....]
>[Well, in the end it's basically just some of the usual. (^^)]
>[Since I made two KanColle doujins for Winter Comiket, I hope everyone can enjoy both of these doujins.]
>[Well then, I'm out!]
>TTK: Saying stuff like "I'm the type that does better when you praise me" | And I was stupid enough to believe it....
>To think that I would let it happen to Suzuya...
>TTK: It's all my fault......I did it....I screwed up....
>Kumano: Please don't blame yourself so hard.... | no matter how much you regret it, Suzuya isn't coming back.
>Suzuya: Hehh? Okinoshima Island patrols? Not doin' it, too boring.
>Suzuya: Can't you just leave that crap to the little ones?
>TTK: I can't believe praising her too much would make her nose grow that long....
>[TTK: Doesn't looks like it's going to shrink.]
>[Suzuya: Admiral, Teaaaa----!]
>Kumano: It's just like how plants will wither if you water them too much.
[Die News]
>Aoba: Breaking news, breaking news!
>Aoba: Big, breaking news!
>Kumano: My my, what's with the huge fuss?
>Kumano: What is it, Aoba?
>Mogami: What big breaking news are you talking about?
>Aoba: The rest of us heavy cruisers have nothing but curry and yet you guys are eating steak?!
>Aoba: Fuck the news (Literally: Forget the news).....
>Mogami Class: So what's the breaking news?!
Oh whoops, I posted the wartermarked cover on the OP.
>Aoba: Well, the news is that after much difficulty,
>Aoba: We have discovered Mikuma's whereabouts!
>Aoba: Ehhh?! >Aoba: No reaction?
>Suzuya: You're a little too late, Aoba....
>Aoba: Eh?! You've already heard?
>Suzuya: We already have three Kumas ready for the "too bad, it's just three kumas (mi kuma)" punchline!
>Aoba: Why the hell would you prepare that?
[The Secrets of the Basement]
>Mogami: Admiral, I heard MOgami was found, is that true?!
>Mogami: Why didn't you tell me earlier?!
>Mogami: You've even locked her in the basement! What are you planning?!
>TTK: This a classified subject, just hold on.
>Suzuya: So you were planning on doing some ecchi sketchi stuff to her while she's locked down there, huh?
>TTK: Don't be silly!
>TTK: I was just planning on breaking her in a little (literally: training her a little).
>Suzuya: Isn't that the metaphorical ecchi sketchi in question?
[Wild Beast]
>TTK: Really...this is a big misunderstanding.
>Kumano?: Don't just call other people "beasts...."
>TTK: IT's been a year since I gave the order to search for Mikuma.
>TTK: She must have fought tooth and claw to survive out there in 4-3.
>Mikuma: Uga?!
>TTK: It seems as if she has gone feral.
>Mogami/Kumano: A beast!!!
[The Unstoppable Wildfire (literally: the growing fire that can't be stopped. May be better to just say "Catching Fire" or "Going Viral")]
>Mogami: The Ojou-sama-like Mikuma's become.....
>Kumano: This is depressing.
>Aoba: Scoop, scoop~
>Mikuma: Uga?! x 2
>Mogami: Oy, you there!!
>Mogami: If you make Mikuma's current appearance public, I won't forgive you!
>Aoba: Eh, but
>Aoba: Your sister's already making it go viral.
>Mikuma: Uga?! x2
>Suzuya: Cheese~~~ | Make sure to follow~~~~
So did this admiral ever end up marrying Hiyou or not?
[Right There (literally: Eyes wide open. In context it seems that it's referring to the fact that useless ships are right there.)]
>TTK: Although I've tried to revert her to normal,
>TTK: her aggression hasn't let up, and I'm out of answers.
>TTK: If we can't bring her back to normal, I'm afraid we'll have to just dismantle her....
>Mogami: What?!
>Mogami: We've only just finally met each other after so long!
>TTK: We're at war right now.
>TTK: We don't have room for useless ships.
>Mogami: That's going too far, Admiral!
>Mogami: We have tons of useless ships here, don't we?
>Aoba: Ara ara,
>Aoba: What the hell are you implying, miss Heavy Cruiser? (literally: What the fuck are you saying now, Miss Heavy Cruiser? "鬼" is usually used as a slightly profane word for emphasis, i.e. "fucking")
[As the Admiral.]
>Mogami: I'm really sorry, Admiral, that we took you for a pervert.
>Kumano: You just did this to protect us from the shock, right?
>Mogami: Even her rigging is clean.... | But how did you get her to take a bath?
>TTK: Hahaha, wild beasts don't take baths.
>TTK: I wash her. First I drug her food
>TTK: And then when she can't move anymore I just clean her from head to toe!
>Mogami: We'll take the rest from here, thanks.
>TTK: Is it wrong for me to protect my health....?
>Mogami: Well then, what should we do?
>Kumano: Ah, that's right,
>Kumano: I have a suggestion regarding this situation.
>Kumano: It's too cruel to keep her tied up like that. Could we take them off?
>Mogami: Ehh....isn't that a little too dangerous?
>Kumano: After all, she's not wearing her rigging...
>Kumano: I imagine it can't be too dangerous.
>Kumano: Iyaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!
>Suzuya/Mogami: Kumanooooooooo!!!
>Mogami: T-this is bad! Hold on, we're coming.....
>Kumano: No, don't come!
>Kumano: She's just scared....
>Kumano: All I need to do is to show her I'm not hostile, and she'll open her heart to me!
>Kumano: That's right, just like how Nausicaa and Teto first met!
>Kumano: I'm going to be the protagonist! (literally: the female lead)
>[Mogami and Suzuya: Rather than Nausicaa, isn't this more like Princess Mononoke]
>[Eboshi: Even though I've killed it, the head can still move....]
>[Mogami and Suzuya: with Eboshi and Moro?]
Hiyou doesn't show up in this doujin at all, so who knows.
[Kumano's Elegy]
>Kumano: Calm down a little, Kumano-san.......
>Minor Damage
>Kumano: THere's nobody here that will hurt you...
>Kumano: Hey, you don't have to be scared anymore
>Medium Damage
>Kumano: Don't be scared....
---- >Kumano: It's okay.... | don't be sc a r.....
>Heavy Damage
>[Kumano: I'm sorry, everyone....]
>Mogami and Suzuya: Kumanoooooooo!!
[Just One is Fine.]
>Kumano: Really, it was almost over....
>Kumano: Thank god I carry around a Damage control team.
>Kumano: But thanks to all this, I have an idea.
>Mogami: Oh, you have a new plan already?
>Kumano: Let's just scrap her.
>Mogami: Aren't you giving up a little too quickly?!
>Kumano: Well, the lady/ojou-sama role is already played by'd be a little more convenient if she weren't around....
>[Kumano: We even share the Kuma in our names....]
>Mogami: Isn't your train of thought not ladylike at all?!
>I heard MOgami was found
You mean Kumarinko here?