Can we all agree that asian / white is the actual master race? Aesthetic genes and intellect in one. There is no flaw

Can we all agree that asian / white is the actual master race? Aesthetic genes and intellect in one. There is no flaw

I could show you some better ones, Indonesian/white. Those chink/white mixes can be cute, but they're usually kinda plain.

Why do you race-mixing advocates always post photos of women? How about you post some mixed males. Or would that destroy your argument?

Not gonna lie, would rape if I came upon her on a dark evening and we were alone.

t. Maghrebi

>would that destroy your argument?



That is Mina Hisatsune, and is full japanese.
If you get fooled by makeup, dyed hair and contact lenses, you gonna have a bad time.

He was a supreme gentlemen

No. One branch of my ancient bloodline was tainted with Korean blood. No more white people over there.