Watching FMA for the first time and holy fuck

Watching FMA for the first time and holy fuck

That's a cute dog you posted.
Euthenize it.

You're like, a decade behind.

I see you're watching 2003. Good.

Watch brotherhood after, though

Brotherhood makes more sense, but its dry and boring. Not worth wasting 64 episodes on if youve already seem fma.

You're right. You should just read the manga.

I loved FMA when I watched it like 10 years ago. Then I tred watching brotherhood about 5 years later, but I dropped after like or so eps. The pacing completely threw me off I felt that they skipped a lot of stuff and rushed through the beginning.

Maybe it was wrong for me to expect the same story, and watching brotherhood instead rewatching FMA. Should I give it another try?

There's really no point in watching the first 11 episodes of Brotherhood if you've already seen FMA. It's just telling the same story, but not as well.

The pace slows down after they get to the point where the original anime diverged. It's definitely worth watching, but don't expect it to be same as the FMA you already know. They tone is much lighter, and the story becomes less focused on the brothers as more side characters are introduced. It's good, just different.

Brotherhood is equally as good

It makes sense. I'll try to get pass the first 11 eps and enjoy the ride.

Aww, what a cute doggy. I wanna pet her.

Roy commited a genocide and this is still what people get stuck over

Good doggie.

>equally good

The story and characterization is leaps and bounds above 2003.

Brotherhood is for self inserting losers who want to see the protag always being right and getting a cheesy happy ending
2003 is for those who can accept grim reality

You're brain damaged if you need to oversimplify it to that degree. The mechanics of the world, the existence of the homunculi, the nature of human transmutation, the overwhelmingly tragic nature of Hohenheim, the way that new ideas are constantly introduced while maintaining complete internal consistency, the extremely satisfying answer to how Ed and Al get their bodies back -- do I need to go on? It's one of the most impressively well-written stories and fleshed out worlds I've ever seen in fiction. 2003 pales in comparison.

Yeah but those were fantasy Jews.

I've only read the manga years ago, and I don't get people's fuss over this. To be honest, this scene was pretty mediocre.

Why is 2003 Scar such a stud?

Manga>either anime

This, actually

>the grim reality of suddenly ending up in nazi germany
the grim-est.

2003 Scar was a bishified travesty. Hated how they turned him into fujo bait.

So what is exactly is the difference between both anime and the manga? I've only seen Brotherhood.

It's better than the Incredible Hulk from Brotherhood

If the guy didn't kill that thing it would've been allright. It was a happy kid and a happy dog who liked each other, now it would be a happy thing that enjoys life a lot.

War is hell. So it's ok.

Didn't it asked to be killed?

what? I don't think so, a previous one did for sure though.

He's not even on the same level as Sloth let alone Alex. Are you retarded?

I meant how they made him look. Muscles upon muscles upon muscles. He looked like Broly.


Oh yeah, the girl's mom did. It said "Where's daddy" or something, it's been a while since I watched.

Oh fuck, it was the mom, that's right.
The guy was fucking retarded, are there no hobos to bribe into a circle with booze? Was the empire that well run that all the hobos went to forced labor camps?

You are seeing the best version of FMA.

Read the manga after that, still good but not as mature as FMA 2003.

Scar was based on FMA 2003.

He's retarded on Brotherhood

2003 was before the manga was completed
Brotherhood is an adaptation of the manga.

So why exactly was Lust so underused? Gluttony was revived, why not her?

Shock value

>Give up his alchemy and an arm

Wow, what a great exchange.

Resell value. You sell your arm, then buy it back but with markup.

>reviving blade nails
>over Father's portable vacuum of space

The Homucunlus were a lot better in FMA 2003, in Brotherhood, they're just pawns of a shitty antagonist ( dante was shitty though but not as much as Father ).

Only greed was good in both version.

One more soldier at his side though. She can slice through hoards of soldiers.

Are you seriously implying economics on a show with fucking magic user?

>its dry and boring
imagine having this much shit taste

feels bad Lyra died. She was such an optimist with her studies.

Also they made good use of the other minor characters like that librarian girl.

Well it is an anime that one of the main themes is bartering one for another. I mean look at this motherfucker. He got 1 and a half shotas for a portion of their supposed mother.

I don't get why people thought this was a big deal.Girl gets turned into dog, so what?

Also, FMA 2003 was written with the author, which after reaction from happy ending fags, changed his manga to be more nekketsu.

It made me cry

2003 had a bit of buildup with the relationship between the boys and Nina, so it all came as a shock, same with the death of Hugh

He didn't lose much because in the end, everyone is happy. I don't really hate happy ending but here it feels too cheesy after all that.

Not really sure of that but then again it took a long time for her manga to finish.

In FMA 2003, they made us more attached to Nina, better interaction.

In brotherhood, it is just rushed for more SHONEN.

I thought a woman wrote it

Well that's true, but I prefer that ending over Shamballa. They shipped Rose and Ed hard in the old one.

Yes, I just say "his" by mistake.

In my defense, she has hidden her gender before because she was afraid of poor selling because sexism.

It was too much seinen in the anime.

Damn rose was raped, FMA in anime is close to berserk.

I admit it, I prefer brotherhood because it's less dark.

>She will never marry her king

I liked 2003 because it had consistency in the post-manga darkness and its use of its characters. Besides I wouldn't say it was that close to Berserk. Rose was raped offscreen. There wasn't even one of those flashing flashback images.

no one can be this new

>FMA ver 1 was 14 years ago

It was more about her father being a psycho and her being killed.
It's actually genius, people like children and dogs, want to set up a villain and make him hated? He killed both in one.

It always bothered me how their prosthetics worked.
Ok, they have magic that depends on drawings and shit.
But how do the robot limbs fucking move?

connecting the nerves I think.

You think nerves are copper wires distributing 120v for you smartphone and assorted limbs?

I don't get the love for brotherhood, the villain sucked because you can't sympathize with an inhuman "piece" of god.

Dante on the other hand, made sense.

it's automail """technology""" it ain't gonna explain shit

2003 was absolute garbage. It started off great, but holy fuck did it go full retard with trying so hard to be "gritty".

Brotherhood blows it out of the water. Especially with characters and the ending.

Brotherhood is for people who can't handle seinen

I can handle seinen just fine. Too bad 2003 is a shitty try hard seinen.

Homunculi is are different. In 2003 they're more like the fantasy trope homunculi where they are artificial humans made from alchemy. Because they're all made from failed human transmutations of people who were once human, they have great character development.

In Brotherhood and the manga they're more or less parasitic, living philosopher stones that hold fragments of their creators "flaws" which by the end of the series means nothing. The difference is they need host bodies to walk around in, otherwise they're just rocks (with the exception of Envy, who's "host" seems to be artificial)

They have no human background besides being embodiments of different personality traits pertaining to their namesake sin. The issue is their creator is An inhuman fragment of god bound to life by Van Hohenhiem's blood using a philosopher stone composite as a body which means that this concept is spoiled because their creator is not only inhuman but also seemingly omniscient.

In brotherhood every homonculus except Greed sucks ass. They try to give you a tear jerk with Envy but it comes off as retarded because they're trying to get an entity who is made from a single personality trait to admit that he is envious of humanity, it doesn't nearly have the weight of the "Daddy loves his bastard kids more than me!" stuff 2003 envy had.

King Bradley is ok, though there is inconsistency in the sense where he is seemingly still in control and the introduction of the homonculus into his body only empowered him.

It wasn't the best, but for an anime only ending, it wasn't bad

>literally the same character


It really baffles me that I see this question asked so frequently. Lust was burned to death by Mustang and had her stone visibly turn into dust. Gluttony was beaten badly, but still fully whole. Father absorbed his stone back into his body and was able to remake him as result.

He can't remake Lust if her core was fully destroyed.

Opinions regarding both anime seem divided. But we can all agree that rewrite is the best OP, right?

It's probably because in 2003 Scar's brother sacrificed his penis to bring his big-tittied waifu back and Kimblee was Kimblee.

I forget exactly what happened in brotherhood but his brother doesn't go off the deep end it was all some misunderstanding or some shit.

Essentially 2003 Scar's backstory is already better because he's lost more. Brotherhood dampens it so much just so Scar can have a change of character and kick Bradley's ass with his creation tattoo because he can finally accept alchemy isn't evil.

That fight was hype as shit but it just doesn't feel like the same alchemy hating Scar.

Let it all out was the best ED

So will she ever get that Mustang?

Ew no that back is fucked.

According to the author, the only reason why they aren't married is because of professionalism. Other than that they are already pretty much an unofficial couple.

That back is perfect



I tried watching 03 and Brotherhood simultaneously and this is pretty much my reasoning for dropping 03 while sticking with Brotherhood.
Also outside of a handful of scenes (like ) Brotherhood looks a lot better

Based Riza, her and Mustang are my favourite characters both on their own and together. Do you get to see different sides of them in 2003 or is the manga the place to go?

>FMA 2003 was written with the author
I think the Arakawa just said "Yeah, I'm not gonna be done this shit for another 6~ years, you guys just go ahead and make shit up once you run out of source material." I don't think she had any actual input on the anime's storyline other than making sure it wasn't totally bastardizing her work.

Isn't it literally do or die for her? There practically official in every way except for government at this point

Something about this looks weird, like either the faces or the bodies seem a little off

the mouths are a little too curly I agree

In 03 I dont Riza was ever in Ishval but most of its the same.
They get a better ending in 03 but Brotherhood fleshes them out

I like FMA, but most of its "woah shit" moments are just shock value.

>girl gets merged with dog by father
>glasses guy gets killed out of nowhere
>it's raining :(
>we turned our mom's soul into a fleshy blob oh no
>the fuhrer was a bad guy oh no!
>wtf we WWII now

There's more I'm sure, but it's been 3 years since I last saw FMA or FMA:B


Cheers, it's a shame I can't get into Ed and Al that much though

Mustang becomes Fuhrer
Hawkeye leaves military
There. They can get married.

This, completely. Glad to see people with reason.
I watched ’03 first, and Brotherhood was still much better, even with the nostalgia glasses.

Darker and more flawed characters does not make a series automatically better.

Same reason Game of Thrones isn’t as good as Lord of the Rings.

Good on you for watching the patrician version of FMA.

Now this is shitposting

Manga was still being written while FMA ’03 was airing. It caught up to the manga at one point and just developed its own canon after that point.
It’s basically glorified fan-fiction past that point.

For example, FMA ’03 ends with Ed and Hohenheim going to pre-Nazi Germany to stop Hitler.


weak b8

>FMA in anime is close to berserk.
I... don't think you've read Berserk. The Eclipse alone is beyond anything FMA does.

Villains don't have to be sympathetic to be good, man. Take Sauron, for instance.
FMA is not a subversion of the genre. It's a classic example of everything done well, and straightforward.

>infighting about different adaptations
Side mentality is shit, look at the sad state of Sup Forums and even studio cancer in this board. Stop this shit. 2003 was alright, but shunning the superior adaptation, Brotherhood, is a travesty. They're both fine.

On another note, did you like where the series ended? I wanted to see some Ed and Al adventures after the ending.