AmRen just got suspended on Twitter. (((They're))) not even hiding it anymore. One of the most coherent, rational...

AmRen just got suspended on Twitter. (((They're))) not even hiding it anymore. One of the most coherent, rational, fact-based, credible voices in the the white nationalist movement. Gone.


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This should be considered a good thing.

The more twitter censors wrong think, the sooner the company will go broke.

>one of the most moderate race realists that didn't even touched the JQ or broke any rules was purged from both twitter AND youtube

Shows you what's the kind of guy (((((((they))))))) fear the most.


spencer is still up though

That's because his retarded antics that horrify normies are a gain for the far-left establishment. Jared Taylor is far more dangerous to ((((them)))) since he is smart and brings nothing but rational, blunt arguments to the table that make normies question the narrative while Dickless Dickie only reaffirms the fearmongering the kike media peddles.

Yep. AmRen has been online since like 1994. JT was a PC Magazine editor and ran one of the first nationalist websites. Never, not once, has he advocated violence. Yet AmRen is now "violent extremist" group.

Oh those Antifa accounts bragging about beating people up and breaking store windows? Yeah, they're still up


AmRen press release