heebs and their lackey drumpft BTFO. tired of losing yet drumpfniggers?
Heebs and their lackey drumpft BTFO. tired of losing yet drumpfniggers?
>vetoes resolution
>haha but we wagged our fingers sternly, feeling scared yet trumpkins?
Kek. Like the un gets to decide where the US places it's embassy
>Trump decides to recognize Jerusalem as the capital and relocate the embassy accordingly
>UN: "Y-you better not, we're voting against it."
>US: veto
>UN: "O-okay."
Silly Eurofag, we do what we want.
>US has declared to stop funding the UN
Wouldn't that be a real kick in the ass?
That'd be great, it'd be like 1938 with (((LoN))) getting shut down.
Of course. Only US is retarded enough to support kikes. And Trump is surrounded by them.
Why do you think many Trump supporters here would be upset by this?
I was thinking the same thing. I am so fucking tired of the rest of the world, American Empire when??????? Fucking nigger loving U.N.