"They must assimilate! They must integrate!"


Does it piss anyone else off when they hear people on the right (& not just civnats) advocating that the current or potential non-whites/Muslims/migrants need to "assimilate" or "integrate" to their Western country?

It's unbelievable how often I see this and it really pisses me off. First of all, why the hell would we want Muslims or non-whites "integrating" and "assimilating" to our societies & cultures? It basically relies on believing in magic dirt. Or that Muslims & Africans can just morph into Europeans, celebrate Christmas, European history, etc... I don't want to see a community of Sikhs, Africans and blacks mixed in with whites at Christmas markets/festivals, crossing paths hiking, fishing on the river, playing ice hockey in the winter, etc. That's not "integration" or "assimilation". That's a complete subversion and muddying of the very cultures we're supposed to be preserving. It takes someone delusional to think that's sustainable or even remotely possible to begin with. Such a person might as well be on board with the failed experiment of multiculturalism and the similar utopian bullshit picture it's been portrayed as.

Not only that, but "assimilation" and "integration" opens the floodgates to miscegenation.

In fact, if non-whites absolutely MUST be present in white/Western countries, it's far more preferable if they were completely segregated.

Now what the hell does "integrate" or "assimilate" really mean to these people? So you're telling me that as long as Muslims, Africans & other non-whites aren't committing terror attacks, rapes, acting violent, wearing burkas, etc.. then everything else is fine & they're totally welcome to muddy the country with their mere presence & high reproductive rates that threaten to replace the European people? What the fuck. Their mere presence is a problem no matter how they act. It's that simple.

Advocating for assimilation or integration is suicide.

This is some damn bullshit here
I mean us Yanks are having a hard time ourselves but come the fuck on, you were so close...

because if you don't force them to assimilate, you will have a country like sweden or germany or the UK where they are slowly ripping away your traditions, your infrastructure.

why wouldn't you want them to assimilate? you want them imposing their shit third-world values upon your society? wtf?

Assimilation is the worst thing that could possibly happen desu

What's wrong with assimilation?? It's better than having entire cities that don't speak English like in California

It would be much easier to keep the shitskins as an other if they remain unassimilated. If you have them just acting white, it will be the end off whites.

As a would be white rapist, I won't go to some places in Europe because of all the Muslim competition. Sweden? Forget it! They have destroyed the rape game.

Let me slow this down for you.
>be Australia
>have migrants
>country hates migrants
>migrants hate country
>migrants want host to become like home country
>Australia wants migrants to leave
>Migrants will not leave
>Australia has a choice
>kill/deport forcefully all migrants that lack value, or force them to assimilate, or submit to migrants' culture and demands
>murder is wrong
>deportation is unlikely
>assimilation is the most tenable, realistic solution
>those who won't assimilate are then given the choice to assimilate or leave, because setting up a caliphate/tribe won't work
>the smart and decent stay
>the stupid and indecent leave
Get it yet? I know you've never actually touched power, but it's a real bitch when it works against you. As above, so below, so don't start up a race war and a race war won't end up on your door.

>why wouldn't you want them to assimilate?
Did you not read any of what I posted in the OP? It amazes me how so many who claim to be redpilled (I assume plenty on here are) can unironically want assimilation from Muslims, Africans, etc.
>you want them imposing their shit third-world values upon your society? wtf?
No, obviously not. This is a false dilemma. Their mere presence is a problem and it stems from treasonous governments & influences that have allowed it to happen. They don't belong in the West to begin with.

The mere fact that you think "assimilation" is possible to begin with makes you no less delusional than those who still believe in the multicultural, diverse utopia. You're unironically submitting & subscribing to diversity.

No one actually expects them to integrate/assimilate.
We know they won't.
It's just a polite way of telling them to get the fuck out by giving them an illusion of choice.

Listen you literal Fascist, you're being intolerant. Give these guys showing up on boats a few years to integrate and some living money and I'm sure everything will be fine.

Not all Assyrians are warlords.
Not all Arabs run a slave trade.
Not all Vikings are butchers.
Not all Bantu are out to sell our men to the Arab slave traders.
Not all Chinese are out to seize our resources.
Not all Spanish are after our gold.
Not all Portuguese enslave us.
Not all Puritans carry disease.
Not all British are out to seize our resources.
Not all Japanese are out to seize our women.
Not all Americans are out to "liberate" us.
Not all Muslims are out to build a Caliphate.

Just give them some time and money. Everything will be fine.

yeah, best choice would be for them to not be there. however, if they are going to refuse to leave, would you rather have them pick up your values and traditions? or are they really better off continuing their third world shit?

maybe i'm thinking of assimilation the wrong way, but i see it as them adopting your shit. not them blending seamlessly into your society (they can't). assimilation is not acceptance of all foreigners, it is acceptance by the foreigners to adopt and respect the prevailing culture and law.

We got a small old islamic minority that dates back couple of centuries to tatars coming from Russia, and I got really nothing bad to say about them. They've assimilated well, never demanded anything from the society and created their religious shit themselves with their own money. They also don't really like to associate with muslims of middle eastern descent, and don't accept them to their mosque (that's the only "real" mosque in Finland) for example.

But then again, they are white.

>no assimilation
Two distinct groups at odds with each other with a non country
56% with Muh constitution

Which one do you think an ethno nationalist would go with?

The world elite are working together. We are expendable peasants in their minds.

>however, if they are going to refuse to leave, would you rather have them pick up your values and traditions?

You can't "force" someone to assimilate. Might as well just "force" them out of the country since their mere presence is illegitimate and is a result of treasonous government officials to begin with.

Neither can you just hope to encourage assimilation or something. How on Earth does that even happen? The government makes them attend mandatory classes? Makes them read some books? Read an oath? Are these people going to be monitored on how well they're "assimilating"? Then what if they don't? After all that, you finally just deport them, which you could've done at the beginning? This is just ridiculous.

Thank you. Someone who gets it.

Portuguese didn't enslaved anyone. Literally brought and shipped those slaves who enslaved first by someone - Arab trader, Subsaharan African, Japanese, etc. There is a difference. Stop being xenophobic.

What really pains me is how cucked europeans are. The path to nationalism is SO EASY for you guys. All you have to say Austria is for Austrians. Thats it. Its not even controversial. Its just a basic concept that is probably widely accepted and if not, its easy to make people accept it. You have the biggest mental hurdle done by default and yet there is still the cuckery afoot.

Meanwhie here in 56% land, if we as whites say America is for Americans. That doesn't mean anything to the normie. Who is american goy? What about this based black guys? We have to deconstruct civic nationalism before we can even begin, while you all have ethnonationalism built in. But BEWARE, the longer you guys ignore the problem, the more and more foreigners come and stay. The longer they stay, the greater their claim becomes in the mind of the normie. Then once they have children on your land, those children suddenly have a greater claim (again, in the mind of the cuck normie). Then they start mixing, and producing halfbreed and it all goes to hell in a handbasket.

KICK THEM OUT NOW while you still have the chance. No assimiliation, or whatever

what could have been

>>those who won't assimilate are then given the choice to assimilate or leave, because setting up a caliphate/tribe won't work
Huh? The government (or anyone for that matter) can’t be regulating whether someone has assimilated enough. That would be a total mess & waste of time & resources. And if they don’t assimilate, well you’re back to… deporting them? You already said that was unlikely. I really dislike how people get so hesitant over deportations. Immigration can’t be this one-way street where the West is flooded with unwanted non-whites and once things change, we suddenly can’t deport them and we just have to lay in this bed of dog-shit that treasonous prior politicians made for us.

Now, on the topic of decorations. It can be done in a ton of non-violent ways, including one of the main ones: monetary incentives to emigrate back to country of origin or similar country culturally that’s willing to accept them. Example: $10k per individual to leave.

On top of that, you can do it through legislation. Credit to Mark Collett who I heard mention some of these things, but you can legislatively pave a way to lessen the quality of their lives: like banning Halal foods, removal of Mosques, or majorly obvious one like stripping all their welfare, healthcare & other benefits.


I think you may misunderstand, if you put muslims in the position of having to choose between their heritage/faith or being part of a Western country, they will ultimately begin self deporting.

This can be achieved by soft repression in stages
>start repressing islam
>no headscarfs in public
>prohibiting construction of mosques
>start cutting welfare gradually
>preserve child benefits for middle class (mostly white)
>no more social housing handouts
>allow discrimination
>be very tough on illegals
>put taxes on shitskins tansferring money to family in their country of origin
>promote christian values and identity
>etc etc

Forcefully deporting mudslimes is not possible in our current political climate, so we have to make them feel extremely unwanted and non-benificial so they will self deport.

>It's unbelievable how often I see this and it really pisses me off.
And rightly so. It's an unbelievably dumb lack of foresight that nationalists don't see the ramifications of this. The left has manipulated the language in a way that we're satisfied with integration when exactly the opposite has to be in our interest: segregation and not letting them come here in the first place.
"Deportation not Integration" has to be our creed.

>Not only that, but "assimilation" and "integration" opens the floodgates to miscegenation.
>In fact, if non-whites absolutely MUST be present in white/Western countries, it's far more preferable if they were completely segregated.
On the point.

You know, graduated measures are a good habit to have in problem solving. Just agitate at the point of engage in any intersecting network. Self-deportation is far preferable to expensive buy-outs, state deportations and *gasp* genocide. Muzzies don't assimilate. Requiring them to is the politest way of saying "fuck off somewheres else, nigger."

>The path to nationalism is SO EASY for you guys.
Jepp. We don't even know how good we (still) have it over here.
You are fighting a whole different battle in the US because you were told for over a hundred years that America is an immigration country and that it's up for grab by the whole world is de facto law of the land since 1965.
We are still nation states with a natural order of succession: our children will inherit our land as we inherited from our parents.

>you all have ethnonationalism built in
And in most European countries ius sanguinis is still the way citizenship is granted. It has been eroded away over the last 20 years but not abolished.

>Then once they have children on your land, those children suddenly have a greater claim (again, in the mind of the cuck normie). Then they start mixing, and producing halfbreed and it all goes to hell in a handbasket.
I don't understand how people can't see that.

There's nothing wrong with "expensive buy-outs" at all. You'd be saving money in the long term, 10-20 years after the fact, now that you wouldn't have to pay for all their welfare, their children, & all the other negative elements they bring to Western countries (no more major policing, security at every turn, etc.) Forget money, you wouldn't only be saving some precious shekels, but an entire people and culture from an ethnocide and complete erasure from their homelands and countries they built with rich histories.

An increase in taxes in order to repair the damage that's been done should be tolerated without hesitation. It's simply a matter of cutting your losses. There's major tax increases during war. And while this is perhaps a war as well (figuratively), these tax increases come with a lot less damage and violence than a traditional war. It's a no-brainer.


You have to study the whole government programme to understand the measures working in tandem. It's a multi-pronged, yet legal assault on unwanted migration, with defined criteria of "integration" just being one instrument.

So they expect integration from people who live here legally and *permanently*. As opposed to asylees who will be granted asylum only *for a time*, until it's safe enough to go home. ASSUMING refugees can even get through to Austria, because the number of illegal migrants (which refuggees usually are) will be brought down to zero: illegal migration is to be completely stopped; and legal migration will only be in line with Austria's demands for educated people with skills (which will work to exclude 99.9% of 3rd worlders).

So no citizenship for people who are already here and who are not willing to integrate, share the values, speak the language, cannot care for themeselves etc. Those demands are an instrument to get rid of unwanted elements (by deporting them) - AND not to attract them in the first place - as with reduced gibs the country will be unattractive.

The sections about refugees in the programme are actually part of the chapter "inner security"! Migration is paired with factors which are considered a threat: it's terrorism + foreign agitation + migration. I'm amazed lefties haven't noticed yet.