Dragon Ball Super

Fuck Toyotarou. How could he do that to Teaman and his elephant friend? Not /myguy/ anymore.

Other urls found in this thread:





Concerning the movies

Assuming we are not counting the TV specials HoT/Bardock as movies

and needless to say BoG and RoF are far and above the quality of the first 13 movies

1 Coolers Revenge
2 Tree of Might
3 Dead Zone
4 Broly LSS
5 Wrath of the Dragon
6 Fusion Reborn
7 Wojack
8 Broly 2
9 Return of Cooler
10 Android 13
11 Lord Slug
12 Worlds Strongest
13 Bio Broly



>some anons kept insisting kid trunks' hair was indigo in this poster
>it is actually blue

I love bergamo!

why user

I'm sure Shin is over it.

>new thread
>everyone post lewds and furries

what happened to this threads?

>not posting shin x beerus

Zamasu is not for lewd!


>only like 10 posts and it's already worst db thread in history of Sup Forums
Mods delete this please

What is this picture for ?
Why would someone draw this?

Is it to show him carb loading before the tournament??

shin x buu makes less sense and thus, will be canon

That's adorable.

Post the one with Zamasu, Chichi and Goten.



put me in the screencap

when will these two have lewds?

>the cancer's still going
lovin' this.


> far and above the quality of the first 13 movies
Just because it's actually canon don't mean it's automagically good


Warning: lewd


green looks good on her

This fucking thread

Zamasu sure was used to Black penetrating him all the time.

Why do they need guns when they can fire ki blasts and shit

God fucking damn it I hate gays.

Because it looks cool.

Because guns are kewl

>and needless to say BoG and RoF are far and above the quality of the first 13 movies
Not really, Fusion reborn and Wrath of the dragon have far better animation.

All according to the Zero Decency keikaku


Animation does not make it a good movie

WotD is ok, Tapions story is interesting at least

FR is a just retarded though, a couple good fights is all it has going for it


>FR is a just retarded though, a couple good fights is all it has going for it
Sounds like RoF

>above anything but the shittiest of movies

>a couple of good fights
Do we count those ruined by the shit cgi?

RoF has best soundtrack at least

Oh you meant story wise, nah, I don't think they're better or worse than all the previous movies, I was just glad because it was something new.

In hindsight, Old Kai never wished to be separated from that witch. He used to be opposed to using the Dragon Balls but it seems letting Kibito Kai separate is okay but not himself?

>Dragon Ball fusions won't get on this.

just catched up to this, is Zen-o a metaphore for the audience because he's a kid that only wants to have fun and if he's not having fun he has the power to eliminate the entire universe(The Dragon Ball franchise in this case)?


It gave him magic powers like the ability to unlock someone's potential while simultaneously reading a comic book.

Stop being a cock teasing slut, Zamasu.

You think we might see Fantastic Mr. Fox in Xenoverse 3?

>he didn't wish himself separate, use another wish to make the witch sexy & fuck said witch into submission with his kai charms
For all we know, Old Kai is a hermaphrodite given how he fused with a woman.

As far I remember, #17 is a gunfag.
I bet he has a /k/ room in his house.

He has great moveset potential and his transformation was great, I wouldn't mind having him in the game.

>Broly being that high
>FUCKING tree of might that high
>Worlds strongest being that low
Who the hell thinks like this?

more like toriyama, he only wants to write fun but his world is too elaborate and fans too autistic to let him

I hope we get a Dragonball Fusions update 2 with all the new universe fighters

Worlds Strongest is boring as hell and there isnt even really a fight with the final boss

What will happen to elephantbro and U10 in the manga?

I miss Android 16 so much someone make him a real boy pls

Fuck off Gohan

He was my favorite.

elephantbro will die, U10 will be godforsaken and go down the path of sin.

>mangafags will defend this
Why is manga Gowasu so fucking retarded?

Fuck you he didn't give a shit about Gohan he just knew Gohan was the only hope in saving the animals so he sacrificed himself to get the memo across

Don't call me gohan


I guess no one warned him about already having been killed by Black before.

No one likes Gowasu

How would he know a genocidal maniac who killed him twice would actually try to kill him a third time? Gowasu did nothing wrong.

>It was my mistake by creating the monster Zamasu
>Let me fix this mistake by forgiving Zamasu


goku and vegeta will get there on time and setzu beam him

Rate my Arak
Best god by far

>t. Zamasu

Stop this madness, dad.

It's funny to think that Da Black Goku is now canon.

when did that happen?


bring budokai tenkaishi back!

looks cool

Goku gave Cell a senzu before he fought Gohan so instead of fighting a fatigued opponent Gohan got his ass kicked

did zamasu ever raped the lifeless bodies of angels?

>Gohan will job again to make it 1-1

Why does he hate him Sup Forums?

user I'm sorry to break it too ya but zamasu's gay

>That entire panel
>Black = Kylo Ren, Gowasu=Han solo

oh that's right


Have a OPM x DB doujin that actually avoids the cancerous Goku v. Saitama topic.

He never killed angels.

Ladies and gentlemen your multiversal tournament MVP


Could he still beat cell?

I wish I could see Goku vs saitama without people fanboying
I feel like the fight would be either Saitama gets rekt or Goku gets one punched
It wouldn't be a close fight

But he didnt want to taste Bulmas milf body.

Anime Gowasu:
>senile old dude who shows Zamasu a race of ningen that just confirms his prejudices and shows no redeeming characteristics that would motivate Zamasu to see ningen differently
>says that justice is balancing good and evil and tells Zamasu to accept evil in the world and brew him more tea

Manga Gowasu:
>is more willing to take notice of the fact that in a thousand years from the present, the babari develop writing and music. Zamasu just ignores these developments.
>Gowasu tries to point out to Zamasu how the Babari stopped fighting when their religious shaman showed up, confirming that Gowasu was right about the Babari actually progressing from a degenerate state of being to a higher and more spiritual one. Again, Zamasu doesn't see this or just ignores it.
>Gowasu tells Zamasu that he understands his desire for justice, but points out that a desire for justice in the world can easily become fastidiousness
>Rather than trying to convince Zamasu to tolerate evil in the universe because of something about balance, he tries to convince Zamasu that the path to peace is best achieved by developing a sense of tolerance and knowing how to rule with a gentle and forgiving hand
>He also tells Zamasu that he must learn his place in the divine order. Even if a race like the Babari prove to be a problem, it is the Gods of Destruction's job to pass the judgement on them, not the Kais.
>When Zamasu asks then why he's been given this great power if he's not allowed to use it to punish unworthy ningen, Gowasu states that he should see it as a test designed to help him to better himself morally.

tl;dr Manga Gowasu actually behaves more like a Supreme Kai who has the experience of millenia of doing his job and following the rules to positive results

Unfortunately, any interaction between the two facilitates cancer. It's best to avoid that noise altogether.

Freeza's first form kicked his bitch ass in one punch, hell no

I want to see Saitama vs Arale

I need to catch back up, who has the best subs these days?