Fire Punch chapter 41

In which Agni pushes his verbal communication skills to their limit.

Who will get the high ground in the end?

Jesus christ

The author truly gives no fucks

How long until Agni calls her onee-san?

Piece of literature art

a master piece of our time

This fucking manga is such a retarded masterpiece.

Also Agni a qt. I used not to like him when i thought he was just The Edge but boy he is adorable.

How long until the manga is fucked up by copyrights like High Score Girl?

>she says dumbass 7 times
>he says dumbass 7 times
>"that's one too few"
I don't understand.

Fuck yeah the manga is still developing but Fujimoto is already throwing in filler like the big boys do

>No there isn't you lying penis

Someone should combine these pages like this

He had to said it 8 times

At last I truly see


he's supposed to repeat "dumbass" one time more than her, dumbass


I swear for moments. when the sun if right. And if you squint. This series is actually really good and endearing.

this fucking manga...
is this going full parody?
Can't say it's not hilarious but is there even anything else anymore? It's like 4 chapters straight of just talking, and mostly nonsense.
I'm starting to think this probably peaked at the behemdorg fight

I can't believe that Fire Punch of all fucking things managed to pull off a scene like this. Jesus Christ.

IIRC, the mangaka said he wants each volume to have a tone that's completely different from the others. I have no idea why he'd be insistent on that, but I can't say I'm not enjoying the series so far.

>is this going full parody?
It was from chapter one

But most anons are too dumb to realize

Is Agni underage?

no he shall call her onii-chan


15 + 8 = legal adult

You can give him a legal flaming blowjob


>If i had an older sister, i think i'd like her oto be like you!
>Wait. Would you rather be the older brother?

My fucking sides. This shit is beautiful

Seeing as Agni is on fire, probably Togusa.

Togata is still my wai- husbando.

Eh, i think you're reading the wrong manga to prepare for your film, Ms Johansson

If it feels like a waifu, does it really matter what it wants to be?

>haha le ebin tranny shit introduced in order for viral marketing

trash manga



That's not going to get any people to pick it up, and probably made lots drop it.

>I used not to like him when i thought he was just The Edge but boy he is adorable.
Me too. Being on fire preserved his innocence.


Because some people saw Togata as their waifu instead of their husbando

If anybody dropped this fucking manga because of a retarded plot point, then why the fuck were they reading it in the first place?

Some anons who were in for a serious 'path to revenge of the lonesome suffeing hero' even refused to drop it until the beach chapter.

>be interested in reading the manga
>sees this crappy piece of dialogue
Totally killed my intentions of reading this shit. Art seemed kinda interesting.


By beach chapter I was already laughing and knew this was destined for greatness

just catching up

it just gets better

i honestly dont think he planned this shit. i don't believe it for a second.
he must've gotten to a certain point, hit a writer's block and just went "fuck it" and then this happened.
i mean, it's so ridiculous at this point agni doesn't even need a backstory. the edgy chapters at the beginning could have been removed and this manga is so fucked noone would even question it.


Eight words, fire masturbator


>Eight words

This entire manga is just set up to be one really sick burn about how the force awakens was lazy and terrible and anyone could have made it by just directly copying and pasting all the plot from a new hope.

this is a masterpiece

anyone who was thinking that is a dumbass

Is this the NGE of manga?

Just wait till the author breaks the fourth wall.

He already kinda did in the previous chapter. Some of what Togata says to Agni might as well be directed at the reader. Not quite breaking the fourth wall, but at the very least flipping you off from the other side of it.

What ever you say black anus

No, it's the Samurai Flamenco of manga.

honeslty, did anyone do it before star wars? I mean naruto kinda did it

>I believe you're gonna chance the world, minato
>im gonan try to change the ninja world one book at a time

Final chapter's probably going to be the perfect being winning, seeing the newest Star Wars, and being massively disappointed by how awful it turns out to be. Then they throw the world into another ice age, birth a new world, and recreate the old world in order to stop the newest Star Wars film from being finished.

Agni asking if Togata wanted to be his older brother was actually really sweet

>tranny pandering

Look user. I hate SJW pandering as much as the next guy but how the fuck does this series even ping your radar as pandering?

The sociopathic mass-murdering movie-obsessed immortal just wants to be a dude, how is that not pandering?

I think they're two different characters who are just both kino.

high school girl was sued becuase it lifted the art from the games. References doesn't get you sued, even if it's dropping names

Get a load of this dumbass

seemed like an extreme case of penis envy,
being hundreds of years old can do odd things to your mind.

Because the presence of a trans character is not automatically pandering? Plus the character has been established as being fucked in the head so this is far from a flattering portrayal of trans by SJW standards.

It's that simple.

Of fuck theres a tranny. Im still on like chapter 35 where they just fed agni to the villagers. If theres a tranny no need to read further.

Dumbass dumbass dumbass!


so what's togata's back story gonna be?

>a new hope

I dont think he planned it either but he was good at setting up the story in such a way that he can write whatever the fuck he wants and so far it sort of makes sense, even if it is ridiculous.

Sweet chapter.
Now let's see if Agni will kill Doma
