Are National Bolsheviks left or right wing?

I've yet to read Dugin's works and I was wondering if anyone could provide some insight. From what I've seen a lot of them seem to dislike homosexuality and Jews. Death in June, a musician that identifies as NazBol gets protested by Antifa for his lyrics, but he is also openly gay.

So what the fuck?

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>believing in the traditional left-right dichotomy.

I consider myself similar to a nazbol, I am a socialist and an ethnic nationalist. Left and right are irrelevant. The goal is to uphold the interests of my class (working class) and the interests of my race (the caucasian race). Everything else is secondary.

None, nazbols are supposed to be the lowest tier of memetic trolling aligned with center politics. Commies see them as nazis, and national socialists see them as commies. Its an intentional joke ideology. Dugin was too much of a post-modern sarcastic junkie.

This seems most likely with the case of modern NazBols (Dugin followers). I can't remember where I read it but there was an article detailing the quirks that seemed to be placed by Dugin in the ideology intentionally as though it's an inside-joke.

However National Bolshevism predates Dugin by a lot. At one point it was a sincere movement that existed alongside the NSDAP. My guess is those NazBols became the Strasserists.

Fascism itself is neither left or right. I guess what I mean is "do NazBols consider themselves left or right wing?"

I consider myself a left-winger and have my whole life. The problem is that the modern left wing is so drunk on this egalitarian delusion that they can't be allowed power. the modern right doesn't care for the advancement of working class interest and never has. What's the point.

>I feel bad for poor people
>Only if they're white tho
I would criticize it more but you know , I'm kinda of in the same boat , except I also feel bad for old people without people to take care of them regardless of collor so maybe I'm just a conservative ?
Who knows

it's not in your interest to care for other races, especially when they only look out for their own.

>and never has

Fascism, at least in its rhetoric and propaganda has been pro-working class. If I lived in fascist Germany or Italy I would tell how how it actually was for the working class, but I didn't so it's a mystery. Mussolini was a socialist before he was a fascist, so was Sir Oswald Mosley.

Check this out

This seems a perfect moment to let you know about Strasser, and third position politics as a new redefinition for the term "fascism" and "social nationalism" . Did you know the new world order is designed to prevent any radical third position party to take power?

What exactly is he difference between National Socialism and Nazbol?