Mandalay Bay Shooting Memory Hole

The motive behind the deadliest mass shooting in modern US history remained a mystery Monday as police sought to learn more about the apparent "lone wolf" gunman who opened fire on thousands of concertgoers from the 32nd floor of a Las Vegas hotel.
At least 59 people were killed and 527 injured in the shooting, which happened during a performance by country music star Jason Aldean Sunday night at the Route 91 Harvest Festival.
Authorities are discounting the possibility that international terror organisations were involved in the shooting, despite a claim of responsibility by the Islamic State group.
The suspected gunman, Stephen Craig Paddock, a 64-year-old retiree from Mesquite, Nevada, wasn't on the radar of law enforcement. They think he acted alone but want to talk with his 62-year-old roommate.
"I can't get into the mind of a psychopath at this point," Sheriff Joseph Lombardo said.
Two officials familiar with the investigation say authorities found at least 19 guns in Paddock's hotel room.
The sheriff's department is leading the investigation, and Attorney General Jeff Sessions ordered support from the FBI and other federal agencies.

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Still, no FBI press conference

The J-Left media wouldn't crush a story of a white mass shooter attempting the high score with a room full of scary black AR15s. They'd never let us hear the end of it. Yet this story was fucking vanished from the TV news within a week. Why?

There probably was some credibility to Paddock being a government asset.


Vegas happened. Yet everyone has forgotten. Why would the media "let us" forget a "an ebil wH*te boy killed lots of people with ebil machine rifles"?

why do you retarded shills actually believe this? who actually has forgotten that the shooting happened? theres no public leads, why would they still report on it?

Because the media is the one who rattles the cage on behalf of the public. At least that's what they're supposed to do. Too bad kikes run it

>I can't get into the mind of a psychopath at this point
You can't really at all, ever. That's why they're psychopaths.

Nor should there be. It actually isn't a federal matter.

You're, in no particular order, a faggot and a retard.

Here, since none of you are smart enough to figure anything out on your own without resorting to Jewish false flag Federal Reserve crisis actor, I'll just explain it to you simply: indiscriminate mass murder correlates very closely with basic metrics of popular immiseration, and I can easily demonstrate this to you be noting the characteristics of the shooter contrasted with the target, and—most importantly—how this has changed somewhat over time.

Notice how workplace shootings just fucking pop up out of nowhere in the late Seventies and Eighties? Yeah, workplaces used to be kind of pleasant places before free trade, union-busting, and mass immigration; well, at least the wages were decent (ask your grandparents). They targeted the institution that failed them.

Hey, why are people shooting up schools and colleges now in the Nineties and Aughts? Oh, those people who had those shitty jobs in the Seventies and Eighties and didn't shoot up their workplaces went and had kids who are just as fucking miserable and hopeless as they are, and they faced an even shittier job market for which high school and university cannot possibly prepare them. They targeted the institution that failed them.



Hey, why are people shooting up cinemas and Las Vegas and college bar strips from their BMWs now in the Teens, even when some of these shooters are very, very well-off financially? It's almost like social atomization turns even financially successful people into maniacs who hate being alone and hate not having families and seem to resent the new system that offers momentary indulgences and distractions at the expense of social stability, where the tallest and buffest get first crack at the best pussy during those critical childbearing years regardless of their ability to raise those children. They targeted the institution that failed them.
