Do Indians have the perfect lives?

Live in New Jersey. Seems like Indians have everything going for them: wealth, family values, tasty food, strong community, etc. On top of that, even though Indian guys are beta and have no game, unlike Asian girls Indian girls are loyal to their race. Pic related is a married couple. I mean, come on!!!

All people but spic and niggers are pretty much loyal to their race in terms of dating game.

But the girl in the pic could do way better than she did if she went for white guys. I'm way better than that turd.

don't they assimilate into ghetto culture though?

Hard for spics to be loyal to any race when they're mutts by definition

Indians are into math, not meth.

Ashkenazi Jews(in America not Israel) have the perfect lives.

Jews seem a little more degenerate tbqh, just look at Sarah Jessica Paker in Sex and the City.

I dont get the OP.. The girl is supposed to be hot or something?

I can confirm. Even ugly single indian women brush away from me when i try to small talk them.

Mate it's not just about looks. He is probably more deeply in tune with their shared culture (language, religion, cuisine) than you could ever be.

lots of indian people in america are in arranged marriages and one party to it invariably hates the other, she is probably out riding the cock carousel on the side and when vishal learns about this he will kill her in shame

>Live in New Jersey

This is how I know you're lying. I was in Jersey City recently and it's turned into a street shitting little Mumbai. It's overcrowded AND it fucking reeks.

Nobody can tell me a high quality of life exists amongst such prolific odors. Even if Indians have evolved with a suppressed sense of smell.

they aren't that loyal, I'm white and I have an indian wife

>The girl is supposed to be hot or something?
I didn't even say that explicitly so you must know that she's hot.


They just run the stores, they don't loot them.

Indians do well in small numbers living around white people. Once a certain point is reached they revert back to street-shitting.

>designated shitting streets

Jews are neurotic messes

That was the yt mans life not too long ago, thanks to globalist population replacement policies all your lives and wraith have been transferred and pillaged

Ignorant philistine

this. example: city of Brampton, Ontario, Canada. Street shitters everywhere, stinks of curry.

I generally feel sorry for them because despite all the things listed it's really fucking hard for them to land a white woman that genuinely wants to be with them.

could be her brother

Why is your bar for whether a minority is fortunate "whether they can land a white woman"

No, they're really married.

The Indians in the US belong to an elite sampling.

>it's really fucking hard for them to land a white woman

Arranged marriage obviously.

White woman are the easiest to land. Just either have money or a great body.

That seems way better than the hoops white men have to jump through:
-be 6 feet tall
-have 8 inch dick
-6 figure salary
-8/10 face
-list goes on and on, they will always find faults

Is that so

You never leave the house.

>virgin hand
lol they're not married.

Indian girls get whited regularly. The arranged marriage shit isn't really flying here in the land of the free either. I'm considering leaving my blue eyed white gf for a Paki chick.

They are, his hand is just proof that he doesn't deserve it.

This is the same with Africans. Happy, know about their community. No problems.

What are they doing in our country?

doesn't mean he can't still be her brother

>perfect life
Look at that guy's ugly shit eating grin and tell me again how you think anything based around a poo could be considered perfect. Not to mention just how much drama the indian communities live off of at least in the areas I've lived in. You start anything with another indian and the rest of their tribe will never let it go


Those are probably the most damaged indian women. Indian girls seem very frigid from personal experience.

not really

That's an interesting way of saying "I got BTFO"

I thought you retards hated race mixing? Lol the irony of white betas on Sup Forums complaining that white women go for black guys then turning around and asking why Asian and Indian women don't fuck them.

that man is absolutely adorable :3

That girl is way too hot for that filthy subhuman Pajeet. Indian girls need to get BLEACHED big time.

White women are fucking trashy whores. My fiance is a Middle Eastern Christian and shes way better than any white trash. White people in general are degenerate garbage in general. God is punishing them for their iniquities by replacing them with foreigners.

>steals your internet and your women

Same as the asians, mostly using all of the education up that shart-in-mart Americans are too stupid to enter.

I've asked some of them and they do say laying an American woman would be ideal, but a lot of them are just birds of passage who stink up the streets here for a few years.

>I mean, come on!!!
kill yourself

>White woman are the easiest to land.
>You never leave the house.

the ironing

fuck you

itt:jelly wite boy

>tfw central jersey paki alpha bully gf

I don't really care what they're doing here. They need to fuck off. Why doesn't India or China have the best universities? It's because they are subhuman retards.

>But muh Malcolm Gladwell said I could store more shit with my ching chong language

I agree. What the fuck do they want with the white people who are not strung out on heroin right now and are trying to complete college for a better life HERE?

Keep in mind, the reason for all of the recent anti-indian shills is LITERALLY because of what's going on in the FCC.


I guess. Their lives certainly seem better than they would be in India. I grew up in NJ and moved back for a job briefly as an adult this year. Decided to leave after 6 months. I had many Indian coworkers and have had many other at various jobs and many Indian classmates. I don't feel any personal animosity towards Indians in NJ but I wish they would go back. Central NJ in particular has a strange feel like you are living in a colony. The whole regions is very depressing. And working for a big corporation in Central NJ you see what a lie "immigrants do jobs Americans won't" is a lie. I was a scientist at a pharma company. Seems like a job Americans would do. But many, many of those jobs were done by Indians, surely putting downward pressure on the wages for the Americans they did employ.

I live in NJ too. I'm two years into a CS degree. Most of the indian guys I go to school with are really hard to talk to or hang out with. They don't drink, so going to a bar with them doesn't work. They don't eat meat, so going to lunch doesn't work. Most of them don't seem to care for music or going to concerts. I invited the most in shape one to go with me to a tough mudder in may, but he wasn't into it. The rest don't look like they'd make it. I just want to be their friend, but I don't know what to do with them other than something work related.

do milk both poo.


Yea... Very close to my experience. The people are nice enough to work with, but the Indians have their own self sufficient community. That is why having large numbers of them in a town debases the community without having a negative effect on school metrics etc

open bob

Indian here, can confirm that being depressed or having a mental disorder of ANY kind is fucking rare here.

Arranged marriage is the final Redpill

Me on the right unironically

Yeah nigga, we got the perfect lives. Hot big tiddy Indian gf riding my dick, dont have to worry about her cheating on me. Got a 6 figure salary plus benefits. The designated shitting streets are just a couple miles off from where I live so no more poopy floors.

>What are you doing with YOUR life

it sounds like you're a whiny faggot

hey cuck
post proof then faggot

It's a meme you faggot, but I'm a big boy

>Do Indians have the perfect lives?

probably only the dumb ones... statistically speaking.

This world hates smart people.

You're alright pajeet

They are stiill indians tho

Am I the only one that thinks this chick is the spitting image if Ivanka morphed into pajeet-mode?

Asian women miscegenate at a ridiculous rate if they're born here. I haven't known a single one to not be with a huwhite man. It's a complete shitshow.
I'm 28 and have worked with 4 of them in my adult life. 3 of them had white boyfriends and the 4th is unknown to me. One of the three actually hit on me relentlessly but I never went for it and she eventually found another white guy. This shit is so wrong. These people's parents/grandparents should have never come here.
If we're ever going to be military allies with some Asians, we will need to reign this shit in. Also create some sort of hapa containment zone in Hawaii or something so they can have their own identity and nation.

All Indian women have big tiddys, not impressed unless you post pics.



>don't seem to care for going to concerts
Isn't not being a degenerate, a good thing?

Besides the obvious fact that you're a basement dwelling racemix loving jewed beta cuck who thinks marriage is all about looks like in your porn
>I mean, come on!!!
kys, faggot