wrist cut edition
Parents hate thread
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I both completely agree and don't understand with whatever you are trying to do
>parents hate thread
I get that some of us have fucked up parents. But it's degeneracy to shit talk your mom and dad.
Fuck off Goldenstein
Is this a metaphor for you hating PRC
Or on second thought a metaphor for PRC hating you
exploited asian kid
>dad hates you for being 14 and still being in high school, your little brother is 13 and is already applying for college
have this as comfort
Nigger, grow up. No one cares. your underage is showing you stupid shitskin. Saged and reported not that it does any fucking good because the mods fucking suck Jew cock.
you're as faggot as my parents
feel it user
You have to be eighteen to post here.
what a loser.