Seriously, how do they think there great when they lost to a bunch of fucking emus.
Australia is a pathetic country
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Ever met an emu, cunt? Vicious bastards. But we're going the way of Europe. So you're right we are stupid cunts
No we’re not. Melbourne is but the rest is sweet.
SA is where it’s at
We eventually defeated them by inventing new technology, the fence.
This. I was raised near an emu farm in the midwest. There are few things more terrifying than seeing a regiment of emus heading your way with bayonets fixed. I havnt a clue where they find the bayonets or rifles(I suspect Soros) but God help us if they ever find ammunition
Better than your shithole of a "country"
Emus never bothered anyone
Same can't be said for the Africans being sent here by the ton by our good friends in kikeland
>Coming from a seppo
KYS mutt
Regardless, during the "Great Emu War" you still had guns to use against them.
You know how thick and clad the feathers are? How fast they move and how slippery the cunts are?
wanna get king hit cunt?
Maybe you guys had shit marksman back in the day.
Shit this could be a serious crisis, since the emu crisis for you guys.
>you've obviously never been face to face with an Emu
>No we’re not. Melbourne is but the rest is sweet.
U r delusional
You lost to a bunch of inbred desert roaches.
I should make one of those between a Kodiak Bear and a Koala Bear.
American education, folks.
>not a dingo-fondler
pick one
Nigs in SA too.
We're getting chinked and blacked.
We truly are faggots.
>how do they think there great when they lost to a bunch of fucking emus
How do American's feel about loosing to Vietnamese paddy farmers?
>I'm losing against an animal...
I've seen enough hentai to know where this is going
Tread very fucking carefully you cunt.
My uncle died in the emu war.
We didn't have many opportunities like you did to shoot up a school.
We never thought we were great you stupid cunt.
We must pray the Emus never ally with the Cassowaries.
Why was he going off and calling them weak cunts anyway? Did they stand on the beach watching their mate drown or something? It sounds more than some racism.
Africans on that beach is rare as hens teeth, probably their first time there hence why one drowned in calm water right under the jetty he'd been jumping off. Indian girl drowned there the other week as well. Apparently foreigners can't swim for shit.
Yeah I had some surf life saver guy knock on my door the other day asking for money.
Fukin wanted my credit card, not that I have one, anyway he said something like x amount of drownings per year and I wanted to say yeah der they are mostly fucking shitskins I couldn't give a fuck.
Literally how? I swim nearby all the time and it's not dangerous, there's the occasional stormy day where I'd stay out but usually it's like a mirror.
I think he jumped off the jetty and knocked himself out and the other dogs watched him drown
>Apparently foreigners can't swim for shit.
They really can't. Used to watch bondi beach and all that shit, and all the poos constantly needed help.
Another thing is that show Border security show. Always fucking asians bringing in prohibited food and organic material.
>be australian
>get eaten by crocodiles
Lol fucked if I know.
It's easy enough to wear yourself out. Swimming takes a lot of energy.
Hey that was Western Australia who lost to Emus not the entire country blame WA cunt.
wat yu meen cant bring pickled dog?
>be American
>suck black cock
>get shot
>Be Australian
>have this picture saved
>be American
>actually look at it
>implying they lost
You meant to say, “they think they’re”
but that’s okay now get back to your erudite opining septic mutt
Average Aussie in my city:
Not sure what you cunts are on about but Queensland is bloody great.
99% of people I know are conservative, pretty common sense based and see right through the left.
Melbourne is truly fucked, however.
I crown ye the king of banter. You literally had a meme war hahahahahahahahaha. Btw I used to think meme was pronounced 'me me'
I don't mind being a bogan.
Radio controlled Emus
>Say we lost to emus which is just a meme
>Meanwhile the US military lost to rice farmers in Vietnam
>Has been in a stalemate with cave monkeys for over 14 years and hasn't accomplished anything in that time
>Takes credit for the Soviet Unions work in WWII, meanwhile the US only did a couple of beach invasions
>Knew they were inferior to the Japanese so they had to nuke them in order to win the war as they knew an invasion would fail
The US military has the most funding, the most manpower and is somehow still this shittiest military in the world.