Think he will?
McCain says he's feeling well, will be back in January
Jesus man...why is he doing this to himself? Go home and die in the arms of the people who love you!
who knows?
I hope he will recover but it would be a miracle considering his diagnosis.
McCain is a hero and the most decent man in American politics.
Cheese pizza he ordered will be in D.C middle of next month?
I hope you get glioblastoma like you hero.
His teeth and eyelids look thin. Memory problems, lack of nutrients...
He dead.
No. he has the same kind of cancer of the brain my dad had. It won't go well and it won't take long.
He's not dying, unless he offs himself. He's just petty enough that he doesn't want to have to vote for the tax bill, and the votes are there without him, so they'll let him pass.
of course I dislike his politics, but anybody who says that theyre happy he has brain cancer is just a sad unfunny shell of a human.
John McCain I'm pretty sure is a biological experiment that is the clone of someone else and constantly malfunctions, forcing him to go to the "hospital" to get fixed.
Dec 27th
This evidence is 100% anecdotal, but my dad died of pancreatic cancer when I was in high school. It moved fast, about a month from diagnosis to bucket kicking. About a week before he was awake, coherent, it was like there was some miraculous recovery. I’ve heard that right before the end the body makes a last ditch effort, sort of a fight or flight grand finale. Like I said, just my experience but I wouldn’t be surprised if he goes into hospice very soon
wishing that the Trump curse would work a little faster.
>Except that AZ would just appoint another rino to take his place
The face of satanic stem cell therapy, how many souls needed to be sacrificed this time?
>they got the clone machines back up
Feeling well enough to fuck right off.
I'll keep him in my thoughts and prayers. Hopefully he can stay active in the senate until the end of his term.
Just like someone retiring from work. They go out fishing every day and their mind turns to mush.
They stopped using their brain and it begins to atrophy. Fast track to the nursing home.
He looks like the fetus juic is no longer sustaining him and Slaanesh is calling him home.
They will rebuild him. Slower, dumber, more treasonous than ever before
I don't celebrate it, but I am glad he is on the way out. He is a vicious, petty, spiteful, evil little man who has caused Americans countless harm. He sticks the knife in us constantly. I am done being told I have to be good to people who are trying to kill me.
Who will be the super villain after McCancer has died?
This has to be bait. This can't be genuine.
Mitch the bitch Mcconnell
This only goes in one direction, you don't recover from this kind of cancer. He went home to die.
Seriously this fuck needs to retire, and so does Pelosi.
/pol is so blinded.
The man told us he wanted to repeal Obamacare for almost a decade. He finally gets his chance and he puts his thumb down.
But wait!!
How can he to pretend to be a man of the people while continuing to tarnish the MAGA addenda? If he keeps putting his thumb down, surly the normies will wake up...
Answer: Fake cancer.
Proof: Tax Bill Vote.
I give it 3 months
He has already lived 2 long& is 2 functional to have the disease we've been told.
"Wetstart" McCain, the father of ISIS? Hope you get real brain cancer.
for keks, photochop an oxygen mask on him hooked up to a helium tank
His masters told him to STAY.
McCain, Hillary, Soros, Biden, Mueller, Khan, Merkel and Juncker, should all tragically die in a skiing accident over winter break.
Nobody loves that piece of shit. I'd bury my BR cock in his daughter and hope knowing that she's going to bear my seed is the last thing he hears from his hospital bed as he foams at the mouth and slips peacefully off to hell.
How can you people support him, he is anti-human
the only person i'd wish bad luck to is merkel,
however mccain is a national embarrassment to the irish people,
obviously an irish name, and he looks like any old man you could see in a village here,
but he gives the impression of being a traitor to th united states and a money-orientated war-monger
have to admit he's a red-pill in the sense i cannot believe an irishman is such a massive traitor
McConnel or Ginsberg. Take your pick.
He will die. Kek wills it.
Most dying people "feel well" a week before they die. This is their body beginning to shut down and psychologically accept death.
Screencap this.
He'll be back for a few weeks, then sent back to the hospital.
raise your hand if you want the cure for cancer
He's so old if it's not this it'll be something else
Since he sent his civilian buddy David J. Kramer, who works at Arizona State University’s Washington-based McCain Institute for International Leadership, to England to meet Steele & deliver the dirty dossier to McCain, I will say no, he will not be returning.
January?? What the fuck will happen to the tax vote now, which needs to be voted on before the end of the year. In January, Jones will be in the Senate and Collins will have changed her mind.
Nobody loves a traitor
So stubborn. Thinks he's serving his country but is too arrogant that he's not passing the torch to a generation that'll be here long long after he's gone. He should retire.
Jesus Christ he aged 10 years in 8 months.
Cares more about his legacy as a "Maverick" than his country. He probably wants his body to lie in state as if he is a former President or war general.
Nope in fact he's getting Sicker and weaker he can't even stand in front of a single congressional committee on Oversight without either dying of illness or going to jail on corruption charges.
Hes 81 but more like 120 in tumor years
Good man. I wish him a recovery although I'm not a supporter of his ideas.
>or going to jail on corruption charges.
McCain did not have any corruption. It has not been proven.
God I wish this piece of shit would just fucking die already.
what a shame
What are the chances he will be buried in a public/accessible graveyard where I can piss on his tombstone?
Must have gotten a fresh batch of fetus juice.
Smelly, dumb, _'Boomer_ scum!
What's wrong man? What's wrong with Mccain? Why do you hate him? You hate him because he has cancer or you hate him because he has conflicts with Trump? Stop idolatry, Trump is not the centre universe near which all the stars spin.
You worship Trump more than commiescum worship Lenin and Stalin.
Anti-whites like him have been pushing White Genocide for decades, user. He needs to paying reparations, and his family should pay them as well for what he did.
Holy shit, can you imagine being so bitter about the president that you’d spend your last remaining days, weeks, months in the fucking senate instead of spending time with your loved ones? Truly a broken man.
What kind of White genocide you're talking about?
No chance. Sup Forums guaranteed me he would die 12/15, 12/16, 12/17 and before the end of the year. I screencapped all of them, which means they're true.