White fellows!

We must learn Latin to keep our culture untarnished! Fuck English

English is for the uncultured. It has been murdered and raped ceaselessly by “urban” culture

Keep our mind European! We shall revive ROMA



God Wills!

Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/Bello-Gallico-Parallel-English-Latin/dp/1453848991/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1513662848&sr=8-1&keywords=de bello gallico

>Learn Latin
>Proceeds to fuck up spelling on Deus Vult


cringy as fuck

this okay what free resources to learn latin?

>Not knowing the roman alphabet.
te interfice!

I think "Ecce Romani" is free somewhere online. It's a three book (IIRC) series for learning Latin. When you're done with that look into Catullus or some Latin chants.

Use Anki cards + Wheelock's Latin. It only takes about 15-30 minutes a day to make significant progress. The same could be said for any other language.

Can't we just learn italian?


"Aliena nobis, nostra plus aliis placent"


"Ave nigra! Morituri te salutamus"

>Idolizing the language of a pagan culture

Amo me
Volo enim vos diligunt me
Dum Im 'Kyrie' sunt
Volo enim vos super me
Me quaerere te
Volo enim vos invenient me
Et ego obliviscar
Volo enim vos admonere mihi

Nolo aliorum hominum similis
Cum cogitant de vobis
Ego tetigero, ooh
Nolo aliorum hominum similis
Heu, heu, heu nemo, utinam non

lactis comedat glaciem puppis

Todellinen kieli valkoinen mies on suomalainen.

You should read De civitate Dei. It gives a good sense of our current circumstances.

Latin mass at church every week

i'd say its the closest to Latin
but with more hand gestures

Thats so fvcking bvsed, we need to help restore the Rvman Empirivm and gas nvggers

I took three semesters of Latin at college and plan to keep learning during the winter. Now how do I use it other than reading classical texts? If you want to keep a language, you need to use it.

Let me answer before the fags do.
> Italians aren't white blah blah.
> Fuck you, leaf. Blah blah.


I read the Vulgate and old Latin songs/chants. A lot of them are good for Christmas.

Latin is a fucking stupid language.

And it's hard to learn.

>t. Latin student

>Hard to learn

I guess everything is hard to learn if your first language is English except for Spanish, French and Dutch maybe

Latin is Gods language and we will learn it. Fuck all u negative pussies

white power OK sign means perfect /excellent
pol was right again

You will probably be pronouncing everything wrong with a quasi british accent you picked up from gladiator movies

Learn greek you tremendous arsenokoite

Semper ubi sub ubi


Just buy Wheelocks or Familia Romana. It's not that expensive. If you still don't want too I'm pretty sure you can find Wheelocks online somewhere.

Nah that is dumb You are arguing for form over function.

Find better things to say as opposed to just saying them in Latin thinking that will make you more convincing.. lol

I thought Estonian was the language of Sup Forums

Were doing this to get away from political correctness

>learning a dead language

have fun. while your at it try some other meme languages like Anglish and Ithkuil

Quiesce esse Gallicus.
(facio id recte?)

ceterum autem censeo Judeam delendam esse

Theres no such thing as a dead language.

Plus, the hebrews did the same thing

Sed post illo non erunt magna ubera Chazarica.

If you're trying to say "Be quiet, Gaul," say this:
Quiesce, Gallice

What you said translates like: "Quiet! to be a Gual."

I know that esse is a tricky word to conjugate. I was trying to say "Stop being Gaulish."

>Revive Roma
He is well and alive

someone said Lingua Latina Per Se Illustrata
in the other thread

pdf version here



Oh, okay!

I'd translate it as: "Non iam es Gallicus!"
'Don't be Gaulish anymore.'

I don't know if you can directly translate 'Stop being Gaulish'

ecclesiastical latin has a u, friendo.

Ah. Thanks. Inability to do direct translations is one of the tricky things about some languages, especially Latin.

Stop fag.

Thanks user.

Yea, but that's what makes Latin fun.
lingua latina optima lingua est, es non barbarus qui anglicam loquitur

56% Amerisharts can barely speak English to begin with


The Romans tried to kill my ancestors, the Gauls... No, I refuse. I hope their language dies.

Revive the knights of Malta desu

I have to agree. People complain about the syntax but that's what makes Latin so fun.

Nice vowels fag.

What use is there in learning Latin you nerd

Kekus maximus

Fuck the Meds. Fuck the Germans. Fuck the Slavs. Fuck the French.

English is superior. I don't care about your "cultural purity", English speaking culture is far superior. We English speakers have produced the best societies in the history of the world. America, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and England itself. These countries are all far superior to what these inferior, non-English speaking countries left behind.

Where would you rather live - America, or Brazil? Hong Kong, or mainland China? Nigeria, or the Congo? Israel, or Lebanon? Australia, or Indonesia? That's what I thought.

It's particularly useful directly if you're interested in botany, zoology, law, or medicine, but even if you're not it's very useful for expanded vocabulary.

mumma mia :DD

Did professor Schlomo drop this out of the canon? Lawyers and many others non-STEMs have to learn it I imagine.

I was surprised to know some average high schools in Russia teach kids Ancient Greek. That's an overkill prolly, since they should start with proper English.

>We must learn Latin to keep our culture untarnished!
so let me get this straight learn a basically foreign language to preserve what culture again?

Why do you think w is "double u" you fucking autist. The original u is v.

we takin over the world


That was me that recommended Lingua Latina. It isn't perfect but it's a good start. Get to memorizing cases asap and get some exercise sheets or online practice to get yourself acclimated to seeing the difference between masculine accusative and neuter accusative(Pro tip, the only way is to know the word's gender, so memorize the fucking words too and know them). AGNVS DEI, QVI TOLLIS PECATTA MUNDI, AGNVS DEI PACHEM. Valete amici.

English has been completely raped in america... this is why latin is important.

There wont be any niggers speaking Lingua Nostrum so latin will remain indefiled

Grow up

>Best societies in the world

Ahahahahaha get a load of this nigger

To get away from the hoardes of zombies that infest america and now europe too

They wont be able to speak our language so theyll bug out but what can they do except cry

How? The U is printed as a V traditionally.


Gas yourself.

Here is what spawned this thread:

I like this idea, but Sanskrit is our *root*. Latin is a half-step, Sanskrit is pure magic, and the closest thing to our original tongue of any existing/recorded language.

im pretty sure there was no U in latin therefore DEVS and not DEUS

Also get yourself De Bello Gallico- keeps shit interesting while learning.
amazon.com/Bello-Gallico-Parallel-English-Latin/dp/1453848991/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1513662848&sr=8-1&keywords=de bello gallico

English might be our language, but its been infiltrated.

Completely bastardized and used up, useless to us now.

Its time to move on. Either we speak latin, old norse, old english, gaelge, or we act like turtles and stay scared to say anything “racist” above a whisper in our homes

>56 percenter talking about culture

"Desine esse gallicus!"
would be better in my opinion
Literally "Stop being Gaulish"

Name ONE Sanskrit work/author worth reading

With the European closest equivalent being Lithuanian. Discussed in the other thread. Less difficult, significantly better writing, and the oldest dictionaries used PIE-Sanskrit sourcing.


To preserve the TRIBE you idiot.

We will be a separate and independent ethnic group with our own language.

From that point, we can polarize ourselves to the very end of the spectrum and militarize to take over this world once and for all

It's not about this, it goes far deeper. . . every linguist and great mind I respect speaks in almost hushed tones, with awe, about sanskrit. The structure of the language itself seems to be logical, healthy, creative, productive. . . difficult to explain, but quintessentially Aryan.

I think we've lost quite a bit, devolving from the Sanskrit root over time. . our language has degenerated along with our genetics, our culture, our discipline, our worldview, our strength and energy. .

Language is essentially a construct that dictates how we see, interpret, and communicate our world. Its everything, in a sense.

>To preserve the TRIBE you idiot.
show flag also you arent part of the tribe jackass

I'm not learning that alphabet, to begin with.

You want the world to look perfect, you have to face reality OP that it's probably never going to happen. Just chill out and learn Latin as an interest and not go all autist over it.

What the fuck is this defeatism? What's your argument here? Wallow? ffs have some dignity

The world is autistic.

Havent u seen this insanity?

Were learning latin. The true language of the white race

Just remember that the jews did the same thing with hebrew

Norse is the true language, but we're picking a public intermediary.

Get Deidrich's Latin Vocabularly. It's a little over a thousand words and covers about 87% of the Latin language, ancient and middle ages. Latin Vulgate, Clementineversion is the easiest thing to read as a beginner in Latin

English has great literature but is a pretty bad language

oderint dum metuant

German, Czech and many other languages have the *random* masculine and feminine roots belonging to each word. It is a gift from our ancestors to protect us against genderfluids as the only third gender we can conceive of would translate into "it" and surprisingly trannies don't like that.

We can learn norse as a more philosophical higherminded language.

Latin will be a ruse for what were really talking about

If we are to know norse, we should make a point that no one even knows we speak it.. we should try not to speak it out loud, unlike latin which is more common


>learning a whole new language just to add some words to your vocabulary

Consilium Latinorum

Stop LARPing as an european.Make your country better,don't give up on it.


Italian is a made up language created to enslave the italian peoples to the italian state
Go for latin

lol that’s not your culture at all Hans/Rupert/Pierre, that’s Italic (Med) and Phoenician (Semitic) culture. you all just learned it because you got conquered