Little Witch Academia

I'm in the mood for something.

Sucy, also best girl.

Other urls found in this thread:

>you will never be Diana
>you will never do your best magic to try to impress Akko
>you will never secretly leave her love letters and be disappointed when you find out that she's too dumb to find them
>you will never masturbate every night in frustration
>you will never sum up the courage to pin her to a wall and confess your feelings

Why even live?

praise be to our lord and savior, Amanda.


The Shiny Rod is a weapon of mass destruction and should be seized immediately before the retarded girl blows up the magic world with it



Sushi morning

Was Shiny Chariot clumsy backstage?

I'm going to try making some of those drinks on my own. They don't have the parts of each thing listed, but I seriously doubt it will be too difficult to figure out. I might even splash some booze into a couple of them
I'm not dunking a fucking donut into strawberry milk, though

What was Amanda's childhood dream?
What does she hope to be graduating from Luna Nova?
Is she just a potato with no aspirations?

Has someone made the nude pinup of Miss Nelsons tight body yet?

Bishop, if you read this, I´d very much like to see you give that idea a shot.

These two just keep getting gayer

rolling for amanda or ursula

Tony Blair isn't still in power in the show as far as I know.

Although I guess it's more likely that he would end up using the witches to police the world

Something Yummy

What the hell is shiso syrup?

>I'm not dunking a fucking donut into strawberry milk, though
Why not?

Doujins of them secretly fucking while Diana is away when?

>I'm not dunking a fucking donut into strawberry milk, though

If you decide to mix it with alcohol post the recipe so I can get drunk and watch cute witches this sunday.

Because I might be out of shape, but I'm at least trying not to get any worse

Jesus Jasminka's looks delicious.

Couldn't agree more

I want Hannah's Hot Muffin if you know what I mean.

Go to bed Barbara

Images are back?

Well a lot of the alcohol choices are pretty much common sense. Throw some Bailey's into the Lotte drink, vodka into the Amanda drink, and some cream liquor into the Jasminka drink. I have no idea what satsuma mandarin soda tastes like so I'm not willing to say anything about that. Sucy's is weird because it's just seltzer water with syrup in it. Maybe gin?
Just splash a little bit in making sure that it doesn't overpower the rest of the drink and hey presto, drunk witches

You want to stick alcohol into these and you think a soggy donut is going to kill you?

F u c k
H i r o m o o t

Nice fucking website you have, Gook Moot

Images are fucked again


>What Diana wishes she's getting.

Jumping in to say that adding lemoncello to the jasmine tea in lieu of a lemon slice is also a good mix


>The "Knotte" drawing uploaded on Sankaku is currently the most popular LWA image there right now

Also, what the fuck is going on right now?



what site are you using user?

Constanze, stop shitposting.


Just wanted to say, thanks to that user that uploaded the high quality EDs yesterday. I'm not especially fond of the second one, but the other two are really nice to listen to.

shy miso soup

Can gook moot stop being such a fucking fag already

>no liquor
what's the fucking point


>Been pronouncing the title as "little witch ah-cau-deh-mee-ah" in my head (like a more phonetic saying of "academia")
>Suddenly realize it's actually "ack-eh-dee-mee-ah"
And English is my best subject, fuck I'm stupid. For some reason "academia" was clicking in my head as a totally different word. Worst part is that I can't stop pronouncing it phonetically now.


Can i a little witch beer?

I wonder why they don´t just use the word "Academy" instead of "Academia".
What kind of english speaking person would use the english "academia" if they could just say "Academy" instead?



It's ac-ad-em-ia



RIP Sup Forums.



I missed Sucy

Cancer never die.


>Akatsuki Departure

So it's confirmed for the show to do a KLK and have shit go down half way through right?

It's actually Akko-demia

I hope Nelson gets excited when Akko finally learns to fly properly.

Are we back?



I love the OP holy shit

Makes me wanna pickup my broom and fly away

Fishy glass.

Would you take Amanda with you to the club user?

Ursula kill soon.


Shut up

I bet it will be Akkos fault.

Child show, user

So was the lion king.


>People don't die in stuff aimed at kids.
I could go on and on.

>people never die in japanese child shows

Fly away now
Fly away now

Well Akko doesn't have a (shown) mother so the there's no "main character's mother" to kill off.
Guess the next best thing is the closest motherly figure.

Right now there is no reason for anyone to die. And witches are not easy to kill.

Ursula has anime mom cursed hair.


I've started this anime... What the fuck is wrong with you guys? Pretty sure it's aimed at little girls.

>Pretty sure it's aimed at little girls
Who do you think is posting here?

What do you think we are?

Grown ass man for sure.

Last time I checked I didn't have a dick.

Go out on a date with me then.

Your a manchild Barry

>Pretty sure it's aimed at little girls.
Then you're a little girl too, now.

Will ever see Akko's seatmate in Magic Philosophy class? Do we even know her name?She was very thoughtful.

Fun things are fun.

>it's aimed at little girls.
You can't stop me from enjoying my little girl Chinese mandarin carving drawings.

I don't care.



>listening to the ED and OP singles that got released
>get to this song

Oh fuck, this is it.
This is the song that will play when Akko loses her yay.

I can already visualize Akko standing alone in the rain, crying her eyes out