Why does she get so many fanarts?

Why does she get so many fanarts?

Shit taste.

Because she's a best. A BEST!

Because there is literally one guy obsessed with her so much that not only does he spam Rin threads, he commissions fanart of her. And that's you.

Dump lewds pic of her pls

She's hot.

She's a slut.

For me

She is strong.

How much for an hour alone with her feet

Shiburin looks good in a collar.

Her feet aren't detachable.

Most screentime


>tfw Rin haters enjoy Facebook memes

I want to go on a date with Rin!

How much does she charge for her Escort service?

1 cheeseburger

Because she's a hot lesbian.

Miku should be higher.

I want to be Rin.

I can't settle for just looking exactly like her, I want to BE her.

Are you serious?

$100 for a blowjob, $200 for a blowjob + swallow, $300 for the full service until you cum, $400 for the whole night.

Her design is just good. That's all there is to it. Whoever designed Rin knew exactly what the fuck to do and they did it well.

She may be a bit of a boring character, but nobody can shit on her character design. Cute jewelry + stylish hair + collar and tie combo + teal eyes. It's too good.

That's impossible, if she's really a slut she would have no fanart at all

How old is too old to be an idol?

Rin would rather have you as her escort, would a soft drink do?

Why, gonna jack it?


Goddamn degenerates

You like Rin doesn't mean she's the best Idol Master girl


Idolmaster threads are legal and plentiful on Sup Forums.

I know.